Offical Election thread

kippaxwarrior said:
Looks like its going to be a con-lib goverment

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 669409.stm</a>

Well they are talking , but it's only because the Conservatives get 'first shot' at trying to sway the Liberals into a coalition ......... if they fail , and they might , as both parties don't appear to have much commom ground , then Gordon Brown gets a go at 'swaying' them ..........

it could go either way yet .......... although you can be sure that Cameron will definetely give it his best shot now that he's within 'touching distance' of becoming PM.
bluesoup said:
I nearly spat my tea out when I read this on the BBC web site. Out of all the stories today. This is just so wrong on many levels.

If you think David Cameron is frustrated at finding himself without a majority, spare a thought for poor Great Yarmouth council candidate Bob Peck. Tied on 1,034 votes with Labour opponent Charlie Marsden, he was offered a pack of cards by the returning officer and told the candidate who drew the highest number would win. Mr Peck picked a three while his rival drew a lucky seven to claim the seat. Barmy? Maybe, but it's all within the rules

For the Scottish Parliament, if there is a tie, the candidate with most Ms in his surname is given a choce of timed hopscotch, guess the Motorhead lyric or how many plums can you get in your mouth to decide the contest. If the latter is chosen, death by choking counts as a lost deposit.
squirtyflower said:
Daviesmcfc said:
Well we will see. A Tory government has never worked.
You just have to look at their mps to get a glimpse of how bad their party actually is.
the deluded insights of an AS level politics student hanging on to every word spoken from his recently graduated teacher
wait until you are paying enough tax to keep three families in comfort as well as your own

sounds to me he'll never do a days work in his life.
A Tory government has never worked.

You need to read up a bit on what the result of a labour goverment has always been, borrowing up to the hilt and then spending it on u`man rights and left wing lesbians agianst the bomb ect ect.

They have desimated manufacturing, destroyed the pension system, and filled the country with imigrants in the hope of future votes,

Passed over 4500 new laws that take away what your forfathers fought and died for............Trial by jury?, the right to remain silent, the right to legal representation?, free speach? can`t light a fag up in a pub, your kids can not play conkers in the playground, the law will now treat you differently depending on your on an on.

Its no good me telling you this, read it yourself and find out the truth
blueonblue said:
They have desimated manufacturing

Thatcher did that. Mass privatisation which means the people owning the industries are in it for profit with shareholders to answer to and it's cheaper to operate abroad. It's therefore inevitable that industry will head elsewhere.

Labour did nothing to halt the privatisation and they should be criticised for that but ultimately Thatcher started it off.
The simple fact is that the huge swing towards the Conservatives indicates that a great deal of the population are fed up to the back teeth of a Labour government that clearly isn't working .......

we need change , that's clear .......

somebody else deserves a chance ....... Brown is clueless and doesn't inspire confidence , and bringing that smiling clown , Tony Blair , back into the equasion merely smacks of Labour desperation ........

Cameron may not ulitmately prove to be the answer but he deserves the chance to put things right , he cannot be held accountable for something which his Conservative predecessors have allegedly done before him ...... he's his own man , and he'll stand of fail by his policies should he get in.

I've always voted Labour in the past , but this New Labour movement is certainly NOT the Labour party that i knew ...... i don't even think it recognises itself anymore !

So my vote certainly didn't go in their direction this time!
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
Stay where you are Gordon. that posh c^nt thinks he's the prime minister, he's not, you are.
Offer him out, twat him, he's soft as shit.

he's more right to being prime minister than Gordon's ever had.

No he hasn't. Posh Dave didn't win enough seats, so he can get to fuck.
Stay put Gordon, handcuff yourself to a radiator and swallow the key.

That'll learn 'em!!!

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