Official Bin Dippers v CITY Thread

bluejue said:
Gray said:
We appeared to be playing for a draw until Liverpool scored, from then on it was a much better game that we should have won except for yet another defensive cock-up.

Hughes knows what is wrong and I feel he will get it right if we all just stop over reacting.

Good point if we had beaten Fulham & Burnley but slightly disappointing in the end.

Totally agree with this.

We were certainly biding our time til Liverpool scored but definitely played some great football for a good period after that. Hughes needs to keep this formation cos its the best we've played with Tevez in the team (and he certainly helped change things). We certainly have to keep Stevie in the team week in, week out.

Yep, happy with a point away at Anfield, but it's another draw, like Fulham and Burnley, that feels like a defeat. Still, we've played 3 of the Top Four and only lost once, overall thought we did well today and there were some real positives such as Lescott, Ireland and Tevez.
After they scored we were brialliant, after we scored the second we were back to square 1... dross.
Its quite obvious that the team that finished the game for us, should be starting every week. Barry has gone completely off the boil.
The result was mixed, as we went 1-0 down at Anfield and got a draw, seems like a good result... but the fact of the matter is we went on to lead which makes it a bad result... we are close to being a very good team. Lescott had improved today, shame about Onuoha being at fault for not clearing the ball for their second, though hes been out for a while so we should cut him some slack.
The main problem is the full backs, both are too slow and extremely one footed, and both keep giving away needless free kicks in dangerous areas, especially Zabaleta, he does it every week and it was evident today when he did it for their first goal.
Good to see Adebayor back scoring and I though SWP was great in the second half today, i think its fair to say things looking slightly brighter, not the worst result and Hull at home next... If we dont win that then Goodbye Hughes!
At least Villa are 1-0 down!
cupsforcockups said:
bluebob said:
people say ade and swp were terrible yet 1 of them scored and the other provided an assisst so not a bad contirbution imo.... also yes villa and tottenham who are above us haven't played again this weekend but we still have a game in hand.
Love the guy but untill Tevez came on he was poor that said we need 2 QUALITY fullbacks in Jan FACT


And a RW
Given: As good as any keeper in the league, happy we've got him & it shows how we were selling ourselves short with Hart in goal.
Lescott: Despite paying twice what he's worth he's a good player and will show it over a season.
Ireland: Needs to be used right and high up the pitch but he's a real player.
Johnson: Despite the fact he's a knob and a fatty he is currently a very rare breed, a midfielder that can do everything and create the movement off the ball Ireland especially needs as a foil.
Tevez: Despite his poor form he remains a tidy little player with good vision and terrific work rate.
Bellamy: If he has 2 years left lets enjoy the fact it's at City, he's quality.
De Jong: Never be on par with Essien, Yaya or Mascherano etc. because of his poor passing game and static nature.
Barry: Can't see where he fits in if we play De Jong, using two men to do the job of one because neither is complete makes City look awfull.
Bridge: What ever happened to this man must have been traumatic!.........spent force.
Zabba: Tries hard and very likeable but a squad player at best.
Toure: The man is a big lumbering wreck, clutchs his back like my grandad every time he does something and wanders forward into trouble making the most ridiculous of hospital passes.
Adebayor: Wenger had obviously had enough trying to get this guy to play as a striker, nowhere near good enough in the long run.
Agree with most comments but De Jong was immense! He won virtually every tackle and continually broke up play. The one minus is his distribution, not very good but for me mom.
De Jong was fantasic.

Him and Ireland should start center mid in our next game.

Tevez was immense when he came on, Adebayor is shocking useless as a lone man.

Wright Phillips and Bridge weren't great.

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