Official - City end interest in Eto'o [merged]

Rammy Blue said:
to me it is quite obvious why we have pulled out.

see if Barca panic and come chasing us when they realise we were offering the most cash they will get for him, and then more importantly for City is that we did not want to miss out on bidding for other strikers while we held out for Eto'o - not many strikers have moved clubs yet so bids for people like Fabiano, Villa, Zlatan, Forlan, Aguero, Huntelaar etc can be made now - i am not saying i rate all the players listed and would expect City to be in for them but it was just a rapid selection of first half dozen names that jumped to mind.....

i know some of the names listed may not fancy a move to us but we could not chase them properly until we pulled out on Eto'o.

as has been said above IF Barca are going to come running after us then they wil do it very quickly when they realise ours was by far the best offer they were going to get.

Bang on Rammy.

We will now have options in terms of targets as we are no longer bending over the barrel inviting a good and proper rogering. If there ever was any genuine interest from Eto'o then he'd be wise to pull his finger out and conclude a deal with Barca on the loyalty payment issue before we sign an alternative - maybe not be an Eto'o level superstar but if we cannot get the very best yet then we can certainly attract those that will improve us.

Time to get real and move on. Same tactic with Terry please.
Ricster said:
Listen to you all. Speculation, speculation, speculation.

City pulled out of the deal - FACT!
Nobody knows the real reason - FACT!
Alot of blues are turning into moany bastards - FACT!

Fuck sake, get over it. Its over. Next target please!

Add that many of the comments seem to be from people with little or no life experience.
Ricster said:
Listen to you all. Speculation, speculation, speculation.

City pulled out of the deal - FACT!
Nobody knows the real reason - FACT!
Alot of blues are turning into moany bastards - FACT!

Fuck sake, get over it. Its over. Next target please!

Brilliant, accurate and spot on.
Ajay said:
Ricster said:
Listen to you all. Speculation, speculation, speculation.

City pulled out of the deal - FACT!
Nobody knows the real reason - FACT!
Alot of blues are turning into moany bastards - FACT!

Fuck sake, get over it. Its over. Next target please!

Brilliant, accurate and spot on.

tommcfc said:
Ajay said:
Ricster said:
Listen to you all. Speculation, speculation, speculation.

City pulled out of the deal - FACT!
Nobody knows the real reason - FACT!
Alot of blues are turning into moany bastards - FACT!

Fuck sake, get over it. Its over. Next target please!

Brilliant, accurate and spot on.

whats the latest coming out of spain has anyone picked up any paper qoutes seems to be a little quiet.
To me it's clear that we ran out of patience with Barca and Eto'o's politicking over the loyalty payment.

We made an acceptable offer to Barca for the player that wasn't rejected.
Barca made it public and blerted the stratospheric offer comments.
The loyalty issue raised it's head.
His agent and Barca began to drive a wedge between themselves.
Neither side showed any signs of compromising and the deal stalled.

After 4 weeks with no progress I believe that we tried to get some recent signs of progress from Barca but received none, just flannel, such as we can't get hold of him etc.
His loyalty payment will still be an issue wherever he ends up. Barca will have to take a hit one way or the other as I can't see any club offering more than 25m for a player in his last contract year regardless of his standing/ability.

Fair play to City for pulling the plug.
i think it really is time now to let the club get on with signing whoever they're signing, without all the ITK bollocks and speculation. whether you are a gullable person or not you cant help but get suckered in, (to a certain extent) when you've got people constantly telling you 'the deals on', etc etc.
its become crystal clear that nobody on here has got a clue whats going on at the club, unless of course the rumours of garry cook coming on are to be believed!
personally i've decided to chill the fuck out and wait and see what happens, we know we'll have a better side than last year now so a few more good signings and we should be flying.
On reflection my view on events is this.

We set Barca and Eto'o a deadline for yesterday to solve any squabble the have between them on this loyalty bonus. This deadline was not kept. Barca and Eto'o assumed as we were the poor realtion that we were just lip servicing the threat to pull out. Low and behold it was no idle threat and we've done it (good on us).

I think this is a win win situation for City. We have publicly withdrawn from signing one of the best players in the world because we were being messed around. It is a warning to all clubs wanting to pull our pants down in future.

On the other hand, I think there is still a chance of us getting Eto'o. This might be the rocket Barca needed. They have a player who's situation is now untenable. Too may cross words and accusations thrown between them for him to stay. Therefore he has to move on. Eto'o will not want to spend a year playing in the reserves at 28.

So it's a win if we don't get him coz we've shown the balls to drop the deal, and it's a win if we do get him because we get Samuel Eto'o and bully Barca into making a decision, thus showing we've arrived.

There is more to come from this story yet. We may still get him.
wrongun73 said:
i think it really is time now to let the club get on with signing whoever they're signing, without all the ITK bollocks and speculation. whether you are a gullable person or not you cant help but get suckered in, (to a certain extent) when you've got people constantly telling you 'the deals on', etc etc.
its become crystal clear that nobody on here has got a clue whats going on at the club, unless of course the rumours of garry cook coming on are to be believed!
personally i've decided to chill the fuck out and wait and see what happens, we know we'll have a better side than last year now so a few more good signings and we should be flying.

Spoil sport, and there was I with my pitch fork and flaming torch, waiting for Spursmad to show up so I could take my frustration out on him! I wonder if he'll get the same shit that Ajay got for the Kaka debacle? Truth is most ITKs post their info in good faith. Read it, believe it or don't believe it, it's your choice at the end of the day. Just don't get your hopes up or get any tattoo's done, 'til you've seen the player stood with MH wearing City blue.

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