[Official] Guardiola to manage City next season

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Pep is so over rated its untrue, to be quite honest disgraceful and disrespectful treatment of bacon face is beyond the pale and really smacks of classless behaviour.

Pep is not the messiah
Neither is he a very naughty boy!

Interesting comment from a goon(er). I wonder if he knows anything about his own club's history?

Finishing 5th in Division 2 and getting promoted thanks to an alleged deal with the FA?
Buying the manager of Huddersfield Town, who had won the league 3 years running, AND most of that team.
The Chairman then being banned for life for fiddling.
Danny Fiszman(sp) putting £50m+ into the club in the 1990s to buy players and make them competitive, and then criticise other clubs for doing just the same.
The fans booing almost every ex-player who leaves to better themselves, AND EVEN their own players.
Disrespect the manager of their closest rivals? Never happens in Nowf Landan, does it? And yet you call him "bacon face"?

And he accuses City of classless behaviour?
Does football ever get any better.

I'm 32 so all I've ever known is shit football, us getting relegated to the old third division, all my mates abusing me when we've been beaten by Oldham at home, being only one of two City fans I school.

It just makes this journey feel even more special.
The only thing I'm dreading is his 1st interview. Not pep but the bloke who interviews all new signings and asks really shit questions. I hope one the girls does it.

So ermm pep, can I call you pep? Do you know about the rain in Manchester. have you got a decent coat! You'll need it hehe. Also Errrmm what's you're favourite flavour of monster munch crisps. Kun likes the pickled onion ones.
Pep is so over rated its untrue, to be quite honest disgraceful and disrespectful treatment of bacon face is beyond the pale and really smacks of classless behaviour.

Pep is not the messiah
try putting more milk in the latte next time round.
His known to get rid of fan favourites and in the paper Zaba and David are mentioned to be replaced by an unknown rb and Thiago...

I think we should all brace ourselves for sweeping change, no matter how hard it is to take. Personally I see both those players doing well in a Pep system so not too bothered about the rampant speculation we are going to see for the next 6 months.
Strange feeling this. Was sure it was going to happen and was just waiting for confirmation, still I'm sat here with a big grin.
It's started. United didn't speak to Pep or his advisors, and never once made a move for him. LVG is toast, and it's the Failed One or Bryan Riggs.

We'll have another day of this until LVG's next loss, and it will go back.to normal again. LVG out!
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