Official site videos

yeah mine has problems as well and constantly flicks back and forth between HD and standard quality<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:22 pm --<br /><br />yeah mine has problems as well and constantly flicks back and forth between HD and standard quality
Paul powers moustache said:
What is going on with the video playback on the City website ?

The best football website ever and I cant watch the clips , its like watching sky tv in a thunderstorm .

I will check it out on a different pc later just to see if it is my desk top at fault.

Anyone got a clue ?

Thank god someone experiencing the same with me. since the pre season began, the video on the os just unwatchable, it's just lags so many times, the audio out of sync. so other than the match highlights its the mcfc youtube channel for me
Re: Official site video's

roach3 said:
just tried extended highlights from southampton game and it plays fine for me

using ie9 win7 64

edit: tried the vid from qpr game still ok

Yeah, I don't think it's the browser. Get the same issue with IE9, Firefox and Google Chrome on my laptop. It's either Flash or the video player being an incompatible arse belcher.

I think an e-mail needs to be sent their way.
Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I thought my PC was messing up. The videos used to play just fine up until about a month ago. Then they started going all jerky on me to the point I can barely watch. Same PC, no changes on my end and everything else still works fine for me. Just the OS videos.
+1 on this. Tried video tests suggested by Adobe and they all worked fine. Not sure what else to try. I can stream matches with no trouble.
Re: Official site video's

Wolfy said:
So glad this has come up. I've uninstalled and re-installed the latest Flash player but it's still the same. I really hope someone from City reads this and is aware of the problems. It started a few weeks ago for me. The picture just freezes then jerks. It's unwatchable and it's been doing my head in! Please sort it out kind Mr MCFC website man. :)

Sounds like the video player then. I bet it's mayhem in the player's script.

Anyone with this issue at their computer right now? Try playing a video from last season and see if you get the same problem. If it's fine, then it's the encode.

Hi mate, the video's from last year still run fine on my computer, but the recent ones from the last 3 or 4 weeks are jerky and out of sync as other posters have mentioned. I've upgraded the NVIDIA driver to the latest version and I'm having no problems with Youtube etc. Is there anything you can recommend? Cheers
I'm in the same boat as you matey!

I'll have a play with my laptop when I get home from work to just see if there are any workarounds, but for now I suggest someone sends an e-mail to city saying "Hey! WTF, dude?!". Like that.
Right. I need everybody with this issue to try playing one of last season's videos and see if they're okay. If they are, then post here. Shaelumstash is kinda confirming that it could quite possibly be a dodgy encode (IE, whoever's saving and uploading the videos is doing it wrong!) so I need others to test this to say, yes it's not our computermachines.
Just tried a couple from last season and a million times better so looks like your on the right track

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