Oh Dear. Ricky Hatton

Stillsy said:
anyone actually suprised?

-- Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:51 pm --

oh and another thing. the newsoftheworld are little fuckers these days arent they!

they dont miss a trick

Lets face it ..... they've got fuck all else to do but spy on people ..... at any cost!

if they had proper jobs they wouldn't have the time!
Ricky just needs help. He isnt the only person to dabble in drugs. Being in the media that he is in he cant get away with doing it people will be always willing to sell a story about you.
I dont think he is finished as a fight promotor far from it there is too much on the line for that to go tits up. They have some sort of deal with Golden Boy who co promotes Hattons and Hayemaker promotions so to say he is finished is far from the truth. So I would expect now that it has come to the attention of public and his family it will now get sorted. I dont think he would like his son seeing that in the papers or hearing about in the schoolyard. I also doubt his family knew what he was up to more so his Ma and Da.
I should have seen the signs that he was on something when at the last game at maine road he signed my programme to NOLE
End of the day he needs to undrstand that although he has stuck to his roots and gang of mates from his youth who if seen snorting no one would give a shit about Ricky is however a national hero and cant really get away with doing stuff his mates do
Now boxing is over for him he really needs to get his teeth into something else and fast whether it be training promoting or being a pundit.
There will be more on this.Dont hink the NOTW have finished yet.When they dig deeper they willm find more if what I have been told is true.
I seen the interview with his dad and mam on bbc website they are fucking gutted with all this shit in the papers and wanted to sort it out within the family but that was never going to happen.
Adam Donnelly said:
Is it true he got banged out in his local the other week?

Few people have told me this story now
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/153547/Ricky-Hatton-beaten-up-by-drug-dealer/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/15 ... ug-dealer/</a>

There was another version on here the other day that said it was over who's turn it was on the fruit machine?? F*** knows

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