Ok Balo haters answer me this

I'd allow it for 3 reasons. 1: 30 million=profit.
2: To have a laugh at the media doing a complete turn around from him being worlds biggest wanker to worlds best striker.
3: His antics might be the death of the govan tramp.
I want him to stay, I hope city extend his contract, then get all the man u ferguson arse licking press in the briefing room and sign the contract in front of them all, you NEVER EVER give your enemies what they want in any walk of life. Every paper every channel every forum every radio is giving large about the lad, even to the extent that he should be deported, what fkn country this is, I have never seen such venom about one person in all my life even from city fans.
I'm sure I read reports before he signed for City that United were interested in him. Would they buy him given the chance yes. He wouldn't be given anywhere near the amount of crap he gets from refs right now if he were playing for united. Thats what City and Mancini and Balo are up against.
mancunial said:
I want him to stay, I hope city extend his contract, then get all the man u ferguson arse licking press in the briefing room and sign the contract in front of them all, you NEVER EVER give your enemies what they want in any walk of life. Every paper every channel every forum every radio is giving large about the lad, even to the extent that he should be deported, what fkn country this is, I have never seen such venom about one person in all my life even from city fans.

Most United fans the ones I know at least all want Mancini to stay as our manager. They think he's wank and are worried that the rumours about Mourino are true. But like you say you shouldn't do what your enemies want.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I would. Definitely. Although, as others have said, there is about as much chance of that happening as City buying Bebe for £30m.

I know the OP is a City fan so he doesn't fall into he category of the people on here who have fuck all feeling for City but have followed their favourite players to this board and only wish to talk them up whilst slagging other City players and fans who don't share their hero worship.

However, he is beginning to sound an awful lot like them.

He needs to ask himself what it is about Balotelli that makes him so attached to him and desperate to discuss him in a manner not reserved for other players. No doubt the old "I don't like the way other people treat/talk about him" line will be used. But for me, reading this constant rhetoric about him, it is hard to conclude that the obsession with him isn't fuelled by some sort of admiration for Mario The Character/The Top Man/The Role Model rather than just, as it should be, Balotelli The Footballer.

Im not a fan of his antics I see them as just that childish antics what is my attraction to Mario? I understand him there are many brothers out there who behave like Mario only difference is he has money, super talent and is tabloid fodder. He can mature I know to many people this is out of question but at his age I had mates who did all sorts of fuckery and are now a few years later mature, focused people. Also add to the fact that everything he does is highly amplified so for example he has had 4 red cards since arriving here. 4 red cards in two years is that so bad? Everyone talks of him like he does nothing then you have Jamie Rednapp who calls him useless and says he will never score for City at the start of the season. Then in the next sentence says Adebayor is world class because he has scored 13 goals for Spurs and Suarez is too as he makes Liverpool tick.

Does Mario need to focus and cut out the silly antics off field? Yes but half of what he does on field is because HE TRIES SO HARD. He is so passionate about being better he just needs to engage his brain more. There is a vendetta against this boy which borders on worrying talking of "Kick him out the country", "Deport him and his family" sounds borderline biased too. So he got two yellow cards. He is still a major factor on why we are second. 15 goals in the Premiership alone is no small feat considering how few games he played.

Dont just discard the lad give him one more year even if it means he features less as more pressure was heaped on his young shoulders in the absense of Tevez. Too many people are also deflecting their disappointment at the title loss to him when he had nothing to do with that. We simple combusted and Mario is used as a distraction to the obvious robbery that took place at the swap. I wish some of our posters would just think a bit more before allowing themselves to be swayed.

-- Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:15 pm --

mancunial said:
I want him to stay, I hope city extend his contract, then get all the man u ferguson arse licking press in the briefing room and sign the contract in front of them all, you NEVER EVER give your enemies what they want in any walk of life. Every paper every channel every forum every radio is giving large about the lad, even to the extent that he should be deported, what fkn country this is, I have never seen such venom about one person in all my life even from city fans.

Well said someone seeing the agenda for what it is.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:16 pm --<br /><br />
gelly said:
I'm sure I read reports before he signed for City that United were interested in him. Would they buy him given the chance yes. He wouldn't be given anywhere near the amount of crap he gets from refs right now if he were playing for united. Thats what City and Mancini and Balo are up against.

Agreed he gets kicked pulled and when he reacts he is carded. Its like refs are just waiting to card him even before he does anything.
didactic said:
Because he scores more than Welbeck, Chicarito and all their "young" stars.
he may score goals but he is still a fool who can not be trusted,he is hot headed and the type of fella that can win or loose you the league and it seems its the latter for us,although i still have some faith man u will drop points because there not playing well enough to win all of there remaining games

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