The originals are somewhere in my giant amount of storage at my mums, and I've got a bit too much going on now to sort all this out, but thanks for the offer. Been battling a hacking cough for 4 weeks that leaves me unable to breathe at times, had a biopsy in some lumps in my neck that I should hear the results of this week and been worried it's lymphoma, had to cancel my long waited neurologist appt this week for my numbing foot as too full of a cough to go to the hosp, plus my mum not well - she can't walk, has varicose ulcers on her legs, and dementia has worsened since Dec where she thinks she's in someone else's house at times when in fact she's lived there 48 years. Plus my 6 year old has been playing up at school since Xmas and the oh so helpful teachers had the support worker ring me to offer me a (get this) "parenting course", now I wanted to ram that phone down their throats how dare they, but of course had to politely explain between the coughs that my son has had his much needed routine altered these last 4 weeks due to me being unwell and his dad doing everything. That shut them up for now. I was so upset that they instantly thought it it must be the mum not having enough mum skills. I may be old, but I'm a damn good mum. His teacher the year before used to tell me how great I was doing, she praised me and my son almost daily. Whereas his year 1 teacher....
Speech over!!I
Glad you liked my pic, there's another of mine earlier in the thread, taken from Gary James book.