older fans returning now we've won a cup

crizack said:
i will say again, i love all blues, just not those who supported us, then slagged us off, now support us again. i suppose that's what you get though when people just post without reading the whole thread.
But I don't think fans like that actually exist crizack. My great uncle, for example, went to nearly every match from the 1940's to the day he died in the late 1990's and, as a bachelor, he came to ours every week for Sunday dinner for years. I can still hear him now slagging us from the match the day before. so much so that as an angry teenager I used to have my tea in my bedroom just to avoid his negativity

I'm using this example as a way of saying that going to as many matches as possible doesn't necessarily make a fan less likely to be someone who slags us off.
I think latest stats have us in the top 6 most supported clubs world wide. Are you upset at these new fans too that is what growth and progress is. I welcome old and new alike and though I respect the blues who were there on rainy days in League 2 I also understand the returning fans. People are drawn to success its part of human nature as long as these "fans" didnt jump ship along the way and go all the way outside Manchester to Trafford then they are welcome.
How do you work out that all the fans who may have now returned because we win more than we lose have been slagging us off in their absence?

I've seen the team, manager, board and fans slagged off on here by regular match-goers. The level of anyone's attendance doesn't make any difference in that respect.

I gave up my season ticket/card after the Pearce borefest. Plus I couldn't stand the way that we as fans are treated in football grounds across the country (Sit down! Don't drink in that blue box painted on the floor or we'll chuck you out! Don't even think about walking across the blue box with that plastic pint-pot, you'll kill someone, you know).

I loved going to matches, even when we were shit. Great days out with a load of mates. Now I get to about 5-10 games a season due to work and money. A girl I work with who is my age goes because her dad pays for her tickets and travel. I don't have that luxury. I'd go to every game if I could afford it, but at the moment I'm walking 6 miles to work and back until payday coz I can't afford any fuel for the car and sadly that's my priority at the moment. I'll be back for the Villa game though if you'll let me.
I go to every away game these days
my best friend has a city season ticket and goes home games only as thats all he can afford - he infact cashes out the vast majority of his holidays to be able to finance his season ticket every year

That to me makes him a bigger blue than me, even though I do the aways, thats cause I can afford it and it doesnt make too much of a dent on my bank balance (well until the euro aways start haha) - because he sacrifices a hell of a lot more to be able to see his team

Point I'm making is, everyones circumstances are different; we're all blues, embrace the good times.
I don't think the OP set out to judge anyone, I think he just wanted to open up something to discussion.

Having read through it again it's left me a bit sad to be honest; thinking of the older fans that have been dead years ( the ones that only knew Maine Rd) and also the ones that were taken before their time (at least two well loved posters off here) who deserved as much as anyone to have been at that FAC final this year. And also that lad who lost his life last week at 21.
We are all blues.
mackenzie said:
thinking of the older fans that have been dead years ( the ones that only knew Maine Rd) and also the ones that were taken before their time (at least two well loved posters off here) who deserved as much as anyone to have been at that FAC final this year. And also that lad who lost his life last week at 21.

Well said Mackenzie. I was thinking the same all the way through the semi-final and the final itself. We all know someone who missed out on what we have today.
i did my time during the late 70s and all off the 80s,i even went 2 everyone round home and away of fmc,and went everywere with my beloved blues,then discoverd ravin,then various otha probs,and hardly ever go now,have fell out off love with football alltogether,but still am a blue thru and thru.
O.K. so I have been a blue since 1960, a long time, and I have had a season ticket, and proud to be a blue, and brought up my children and grandchildren to be blues, so I have to say I cannot understand people whinging at all about us older supporters. We have been with City through all their ups and downs, probably more downs, but that is football, I could never change my allegiance to another club, but I don't think I "bang on about it", if I do then I hope I havn't offended anyone, just that I am proud to be a blue, anything wrong with that?
Re: older fans returning.

crizack said:
reddishblue said:
Some of these young supporters may well have reasons not to able to go to every match in the future week in week out. You never know they might grow up one day and have families and not be able to for whatever reason - such as not being able to afford it/working away etc.

The main point was just how the new flux off supporters forgets that we have a big flux also of those who abandoned us in the bad years and coincidentally support us again when we win a cup.
Abandoned what the fu*k you on about.very few fans have seen the majority of home & away games since they started going .some people lose there jobs .suffer bad health have families. move from the area ect they have not abandend the blues but there visits might not be as fgrequent as they would like .it does not make them any less of a fan .

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