Oldest poster on Bluemoon - stories from the past

Ticket For Schalke said:
dollyblue seen the 55 final.

I came very close to not going to the 1955 Cup Final, City vs Newcastle United due to the Illness of my uncle, just two weeks before the game, but he insisted that I should go, I asked him what about your Ticket? shall I sell it for you? You will not sell it he said!! but give it to someone at the ground, the conditions were, that he or she must be City and about my age, and they must be standing close to the Stadium, that means they would have been there the longest, and when you give them the ticket, look them in the eye and say it's FREE!! Well I did find this young man,I give him the ticket, his eyes filled with tears, so did mine, I asked him where he lived? he said Audenshaw, and my uncle lived in Audenshaw, How Spooky is that? and my Uncle passed away just a couple of weeks after the Final.
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Here you go, Newcastle v City Championship decider, May 1968, first half:-

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqLMZfh45vc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqLMZfh45vc</a>

Second half:-

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZsMfrZt4Ec" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZsMfrZt4Ec</a>

Another good Kippax chant of the period was:-

Pardoe, Pardoe, he's off to Mexico,
With Bell and Lee and Summerbee,
Pardoe, Pardoe, Pardoe, Pardoe............

Thanks mate - I will watch that tonight!

class - love the song
MadchesterCity said:
thanks Blue smarties

Did anyone here go to the cup winners cup Final?

Or remember us winning the league 1967–68
That isn't old!
squirtyflower said:
MadchesterCity said:
How times have changed!

i always thought you were mid 30's from your posts
Thanks squirty - are you out their in Germany?

wow you are a very lucky lad to have experienced all that
- how many beers did he have? Did ya tell ter ma?

was football better then or now?

I think we all need to appreciate our history and embrace how lucky we are with our new owners!

Also remember that our dreams can be snatched from us at the blink of an eyelid; so never expect too much!

Enjoy the ride
i just look like i'm in my mid thirties lol
my location is germany because i can honestly say that last season in schalke was the best trip i've ever been on following city, the thrill of meeting up with all those blues who had trekked there by so many different routes, and have kept in touch with some still. so dreams come around again for us to live them with another generation and in my dreams i'm still in the bar!

i was lucky, i remember that my dad couldn't afford it so my gran lent him the money. i was counting the beers until he sent me back to the hotel so he could party, i'll ask him what he got up to when i see him

football better or worse? who can say?
we have had some horrendous times but even throughout it all there have been some memorable moments. the only time i thought enough was enough, was when i didn't see us score a goal from december 06 to september 07 (i missed everton in new year and then the derby/Derby due to holiday) which meant nine months without a goal!
although i'm still waiting for someone as good as colin bell to come along

hat off to you - very different days now
Gosford Blue said:
I remember when. I know I sound like an old fart to begin with. Anyway, I remember when refs had a great sense of humour, not like the sourfaced robots we have now.
It was the time when the miners were out on strike and some first divisions games were played during the day in midweek because of power cuts.

It was against West Brom at Maine Road in a league game and Kirkpatrick was the referee. If anyone can remember him he was the rotund one, lets put it that way.
Anyway, what with power cuts and IRA threats it was a great time to be alive!

During the game there was an announcement that said could those in the seats look under them for any suspicious packages. There had been a bomb threat.

Anyway, Kirkpatrick had heard the announcment and when the ball went out of play he asked for the ball.

He picked up the ball, put it to his ear and shook it.

The whole of the ground erupted in laughter.

Just thought I'd share a lighter moment while following City.

Awesome story
denislawsbackheel said:
Anyone else go to Trautmann's testimonial? One of my first games that was.

<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_Trautmann#Testimonial" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_Trautmann#Testimonial</a>

what was the score?


He appeared in 545 matches for City during the 15-year period between 1949 and 1964.

In 1964 he finished his career with a testimonial in front of an official crowd of 47,000,[43] though the actual figure was estimated to be closer to 60,000.[44] Trautmann captained a special joint Manchester City & Manchester United XI that included Bobby Charlton and Denis Law, against an England team that included Tom Finney, Stanley Matthews and Jimmy Armfield.
denislawsbackheel said:
Anyone else go to Trautmann's testimonial? One of my first games that was.

Yes, 1964..I was in the corner in between the (uncovered) Scoreboard end and the Kippax.

Bert came over the tannoy at the end, and thanked the City fans for the kindness shown towards him.

A mint programme was sold on Ebay about a month ago for around a fiver......

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