Oliver Holt - Why Manchester City has lost its soul...

m27 said:
shlooney said:
Totally agree with the article.

Hughes treated disgracefully. Hughes was here for the long haul - investing in youth players etc. Potential for a new dynasty. Gone now.

Mancini has zero connections with Manchester. Do you think that even if we have success (and its a big if) he will be here for the long haul? No chance - City will be a stepping stone to a more 'glamourous club' like Real or someone.

Who are these faceless dictators like the Sheik, Gary Cook et all? I would chuck the lot of 'em into the ship canal.

Embarrassing. I am totally fed up with City/football/society You can keep modern football and the 'new' MCFC. I am looking for a time machine to take me back to 1983. I'm off. Good luck.

What part of 1983? At the moment we are relegated and David Pleat is dancing across Maine Road whilst irate supporters are trying to twat Luton players and a couple of their own? Aaaaaah, 'Old' City, we were so much better off in those days weren't we?

All of 1983. It was a laugh. Proper Manchester club then. Now we are run by a Sheik and a Nike careerist. The press release yesterday was embarrassing. Sounded more like a mid term set of accounts for Coke than the proper football club we used to be
shlooney said:
m27 said:
What part of 1983? At the moment we are relegated and David Pleat is dancing across Maine Road whilst irate supporters are trying to twat Luton players and a couple of their own? Aaaaaah, 'Old' City, we were so much better off in those days weren't we?

All of 1983. It was a laugh. Proper Manchester club then. Now we are run by a Sheik and a Nike careerist. The press release yesterday was embarrassing. Sounded more like a mid term set of accounts for Coke than the proper football club we used to be

Are you actually harking back to the Swales era? Seriously?
m27 said:
shlooney said:
All of 1983. It was a laugh. Proper Manchester club then. Now we are run by a Sheik and a Nike careerist. The press release yesterday was embarrassing. Sounded more like a mid term set of accounts for Coke than the proper football club we used to be

Are you actually harking back to the Swales era? Seriously?

Yes i seriously am.

Do you lot (you seem to be the majority on here) seriously prefer paying fortunes to get to a match (£47 for Spurs ta v much) and being owned by people with NOTHING to do with Manchester. I don't. I find it embarrassing. We 'were' a proper football club. Junior Blues, alex williams running the youth community stuff, always great youth teams, socail club etc, the lot. Give it 5 more seasons and we will be as faceless as the MK dons or, dare i say it, that lot from Stretford. We had a chance, i believe, with Hughes to put down lasting roots. The Sheik and GC have made their choice - and it points to short term, superficial 'success' at whatever the cost. RUBBISH
shlooney said:
m27 said:
Are you actually harking back to the Swales era? Seriously?

Yes i seriously am.

Do you lot (you seem to be the majority on here) seriously prefer paying fortunes to get to a match (£47 for Spurs ta v much) and being owned by people with NOTHING to do with Manchester. I don't. I find it embarrassing. We 'were' a proper football club. Junior Blues, alex williams running the youth community stuff, always great youth teams, socail club etc, the lot. Give it 5 more seasons and we will be as faceless as the MK dons or, dare i say it, that lot from Stretford. We had a chance, i believe, with Hughes to put down lasting roots. The Sheik and GC have made their choice - and it points to short term, superficial 'success' at whatever the cost. RUBBISH

Our fans are looked after better than most in the PL.We have one of the lowest priced season tickets.We still have the junior Blues.Our owner just put on a barbecue in his backyard for the fans...I could go on but I suspect you're a rag wum aynway so I'm wasting my time.

Bread was cheaper in those days aswell.Only Fools and Horses was still funny.The rags still told everyone they were the biggest club in the world-even though they were utter shit.

I guess some things don't change.
shlooney said:
m27 said:
Are you actually harking back to the Swales era? Seriously?

Yes i seriously am.

Do you lot (you seem to be the majority on here) seriously prefer paying fortunes to get to a match (£47 for Spurs ta v much) and being owned by people with NOTHING to do with Manchester. I don't. I find it embarrassing. We 'were' a proper football club. Junior Blues, alex williams running the youth community stuff, always great youth teams, socail club etc, the lot. Give it 5 more seasons and we will be as faceless as the MK dons or, dare i say it, that lot from Stretford. We had a chance, i believe, with Hughes to put down lasting roots. The Sheik and GC have made their choice - and it points to short term, superficial 'success' at whatever the cost. RUBBISH

It's easy to hark back now to those "good old days" because we have been taken over. While we were in the shit it was horrible, really really horrible. I've experienced more relegations than I care to remember and I didn't take solace in my membership of the Junior Blues in the 80s much in the same way I didn't take any pleasure from the fact that David Bernstein was a City fan whilst hauling my sorry arse up and down the country watching 2nd Division football.

What set us apart from other clubs and gave us 'character' was our sheer incompetence. We were always loved by outsiders because we weren't a threat. You may feel that the actions on Saturday were incompetent but I'd say it was the actions of a board wanting success. I don't have a problem with that.

I also think you're conveniently forgetting all the good that the owners have done since they've been here with re-establishing links with the supporters which had been lost over the years. I also don't think you can use Spurs' ticketing pricing as a stick to beat them with.

Come on mate. Cheer up. This country is quite a depressing place to be at the moment but just imagine if we beat United over two legs and Mancini gets us in the Top 4. Come on now, let's have a smile from you.
BobKowalski said:
Well I suggest that Oliver has a chat to Moyes about Hughes 'quiet dignified style' when it came to 'vulgar' transfer dealings :)

I will say it again. Sheikh Mansour has spent half a billion pounds in 16 months in purchasing the club and funding transfers. This I think entitles hm to finally put a man of his choosing in charge of the football team. I stress again that this is his first managerial decision in his ownership of the club in 16 months. Not his second or tenth but first. I am continually astonished that people are incensed that after spending half a billion pounds they begrudge Shiek Mansour wanting to put his man in charge of the football team.

They found Hughes wanting after observing him in charge for 16 months and made a decision. I can accept that people disagree with the Sheikh's decision or even the ruthless manner in which it was done but all this angst and emotional stress amongst the fans and the media is borderline insanity.
I have not heard a better comment all day well done that man
john blue said:
That's a bit harsh (on Emily!). You've heard the old saying, haven't you? "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family". By the way;
Dave S said:
One thing Holt conveniently forgets to mention is that City, under Mark Hughes, were woeful! The defence was leaking goals like a culendar, whilst the team overall were bobbins to watch,
This is MANCHESTER City not York City. There were no shortage of excitement if not always for the right reasons. When we were going forward we were often magnificent.

Give me a mistake-strewn 4-3 anyday over a sterile defensive 1-0.
john blue said:
Oh no. Not another one like my mother who believes these are "real" people!

His mother is Eileen Derbyshire, who is an actress. She makes a nice living pretending, for want of a better word, to play a made-up person called Emily Bishop.

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