Omar Berrada to the rags | TLDR: They want to be us

Jokes aside, but if charges are proven he would be culpable like others and possibly get a ban from football. So actually the fact United are taking him may mean they don’t think there will be any issues?
Hopefully, but they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, they probably look no further than they have contributed to another empty seat at our stadium
Jokes aside, but if charges are proven he would be culpable like others and possibly get a ban from football. So actually the fact United are taking him may mean they don’t think there will be any issues?
I wouldn’t read too much into it - especially when it relies on assuming that shower would make sensible decisions ;)
Sam Lee saying it was presumed he would replace txiki.
Wasn't he in a more senior role than txiki so that should have been a step down.
He was never going to replace Tkiki he’s not a football man he’s an administrator possibly Ferran but I doubt he’s going anywhere which is more than likely why Omar as defected
This is hugely concerning and potentially has huge ramifications.

Omar was viewed within the club as a natural successor to Ferran Soriano as CFG’s CEO and played a huge part (In everything) that went on at the club and the wider City football group.

Omar has knowledge and information on absolutely every detail of City’s and CFG’s operation. Something really, really fishy about this.

I have no doubt Khaldoon will have tried to intervene to retain him.
Fishy how? He didn’t have the top job with us, because we have somebody better. Man moves to get top job elsewhere, we probably tried to talk him out of it, but we’ll replace him and move on as normal.
Of course other teams want our people because our people are pretty much the best. Nothing complicated about it.

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