Oops, Didnt quite work out trying to be a Wag for her


Well-Known Member
20 Feb 2008
(this persons claim to fame was she had £5000 of boob jobs done on the NHS which hit the news)

Josie Cunningham: 'I was tricked into believing I was having sex with a Premier League footballer'


Josie Cunningham has sensationally claimed she was TRICKED into believing she was sleeping with a premiership footballer.
The pregnant 24-year-old has spoken of her "heartbreak" after she was 'manipulated' for 18 months during which she was made to believe she was dating Hull City captain Curtis Davies. But the man turned out to be an imposter.

Josie opened up about being conned in a series of messages on Twitter last night telling followers she met the man last April, who claimed to be Curtis, and the pair started sleeping together before she discovered more than a year later he wasn't who he said he was.
She wrote: "Almost 4am and I'm wide awake Feel so dirty, ashamed and devastated.

"Before I explain why I have no doubt that people will think I'm lying, but I'll upload some proof that I have been completely manipulated by a man for the past 18 months pretending to be a premiership footballer - I feel physically sick having to admit I was fooled by him and had sex with someone who simply looked like and claimed to be someone he wasn't.
"Back in April last year I received a message from a guy who I believed was Curtis Davies the captain of Hull football club. Over the past 18 months, I've believed this to be true.

I've had sex with him, I've stayed in hotels with him and I've poured by heart out to him. Back in May last year, my manager told me that he thought the guy could be lying - but I refused to believe it and foolishly have got angry every time since he has tried to suggest it.

"I was told to ask him to tweet me from his Twitter account, which he agreed to do - when I received the tweet it was from a new account and with no followers which concerned me, when I asked why it was not from the verified account I was told it was because I had a bad rep and could damage his career.
"I believed him (I will tweet a pic from May 2013 showing that tweet)."

She then went on to insist that she hadn't planned the story and said words can't describe how "dirty" she feels after was fooled into believing she was dating Curtis, 29.
She continued: "I let a con man put his hands on me, kiss me with his lips and fill my head with lies - I'm heartbroken.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a kick from thinking a premiership footballer was interested in me, I've been called a liar for months and I've had my head held high thinking the whole country was wrong - when it was really me."

Josie, who is eight and a half months pregnant, admits she's "hated by the country", has no friends and has now been left "completely heartbroken" for the first time in her life.

She added: "I'm so lucky to have such an amazing and supportive family. I'm sorry I didn't believe you all when you said a footballer wouldn't go near me.

"I'm sorry Rob for not listening to you and I'm sorry to everyone who has pointed out I couldn't bag a footballer. 4am and I'm sat in bed looking at all the messages and thinking "you stupid girl, you was ticked into sex" :( (sic)"

Just how stupid can people be at times. Sounds like the only went with him believing he was a footballer.
Why has she got a manager ? Does she think she is a celebrity ?

Silly girl, if it takes that long for her to realise she is being conned she deserves it, oh and we have had the Pill since the mid 60's.
Slow news day. The media and papers should be fined for publishing shit like this. Who cares abut fucking Reality people other 5 minutes of fame is more than enough. Stupid cow for falling for it.
She mentions a few times how dirty she felt, yeah definitely a dirty bird...

Anyone got her phone number...
I feel sorry for someone whom people tell is 'not good enough for a Prem footballer'. What the fook is that all about? Fair enough she conned herself more than being conned and that whole surgery thing is pretty fooked up, but she must have felt sh*tty to do all that to herself, in the first place!

What must your self esteem be like if people constantly tell you 'you're not good enough'?

I can't imagine what it would be like to be as weak minded as that, so I actually feel a little sorry for her.
So she put out for this bloke because she thought he was a footballer.

Had he told her that he was a bricky i expect she would have kept her legs shut...

That just tells you so much about her!
Just a suggestion here but, when people told her he wasn't Curtis Davies, and he said he definitely was, couldn't she have, you know, Googled what he fucking looked like?!!! Granted this bloke might have resembled him a bit but unless we're talking some fucked up shapeshifting shite then he'd have looked different enough to knock this on the head sharpish!

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