Open arms for new fans !

unlikelyfan19 said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...

Some people are not worth knowing in my opinion mate.....your welcome in Manchester any time and on any day as far as I am concerned. Blue moon rising blues so lets leave the negative shit out.
unlikelyfan19 said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...
I only have a problem with these new fans that we attract that didn't even know that we existed before the takeover, I have no problem whatsoever with fans who live abroad and don't attend games just as long as they are true fans and would still support us even if we lost all of our money.
And I sincerely apologise if I have caused you any offence
2 points

yesterday afternoon was enjoying a couple of pints around town and bumped into two italiens wearing home and away tops. started chatting, they were really knowledgeable,been following us post mancini. they were singing city songs galore-top lads most welcome. they get over for 3 games a year but reckons they will double that next year ( they were from near venice)

when i took my seat on the third tier i thought we had been invaded by rags...saw loads of new faces..all mancunian accents- they were all city and the noisiest bastards the boring blues that sold them their tickets..well done! they made a big difference up there
salfordpaul said:
2 points

yesterday afternoon was enjoying a couple of pints around town and bumped into two italiens wearing home and away tops. started chatting, they were really knowledgeable,been following us post mancini. they were singing city songs galore-top lads most welcome. they get over for 3 games a year but reckons they will double that next year ( they were from near venice)

when i took my seat on the third tier i thought we had been invaded by rags...saw loads of new faces..all mancunian accents- they were all city and the noisiest bastards the boring blues that sold them their tickets..well done! they made a big difference up there

That might have been me if I d have got hold of a ticket as I always make noise at the game - one of the main reasons I have always loved going to matches.
unlikelyfan19 said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...

This and I live in England. Everywhere I go is full of Rags. I've had torment, but I care less as I'm the one laughing now. Be it on my own :( Thing is the rag twats have always been arrogant, which breeds arrogance in new fans. We aren't, so theoretically we should breed a class set of fans that respect the club.
CTID1 said:
unlikelyfan19 said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...

This and I live in England. Everywhere I go is full of Rags. I've had torment, but I care less as I'm the one laughing now. Be it on my own :( Thing is the rag twats have always been arrogant, which breeds arrogance in new fans. We aren't, so theoretically we should breed a class set of fans that respect the club.
Hopefully you are right mate
MCFC 4 EVER said:
unlikelyfan19 said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...
I only have a problem with these new fans that we attract that didn't even know that we existed before the takeover, I have no problem whatsoever with fans who live abroad and don't attend games just as long as they are true fans and would still support us even if we lost all of our money.
And I sincerely apologise if I have caused you any offence

Decent of you to apologise, but regards the content of your post, you are still wrong.

You have to face facts that to be one of the world's very top teams you need to have income comparable to that of the world's other very top teams. This means attracting as many fans globally as you can.

In your dream head, these are all genuine would-be Mancunians who happen to live in Vietnam but nevertheless fell in love with City years ago when they saw us lose at Brighton.

In the real world, these people had never heard of us, and couldn't have given a shit if they did. Hell, half of them haven't heard of Manchester, or England even.

But we need them as new fans, simple as.

You might want it different mate, but you aint making the rules and the new order is the way it's going to be. ADUG haven't bought us for the indulgence of a few hard core mancunians. Suck it up and deal with it.
MCFC 4 EVER said:
CTID1 said:
unlikelyfan19 said:
American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...

This and I live in England. Everywhere I go is full of Rags. I've had torment, but I care less as I'm the one laughing now. Be it on my own :( Thing is the rag twats have always been arrogant, which breeds arrogance in new fans. We aren't, so theoretically we should breed a class set of fans that respect the club.
Hopefully you are right mate

A little off-topic, but here is what being a city fan has taught me. I see people wearing Arsenal,Chelsea,United, or Liverpool shirts weekly here in the states. About 3 times a year I see someone wearing something different though. Like just this past weekend, my wife was running in a marathon in Nashville TN, and I see a man walk by wearing a Sunderland shirt. Seeing these things are like, massive breaths of fresh air, because I know engaging them in conversation will be productive. We were able to talk about MO and there recent turn of form, and just the league on the whole this season. But 9/10 (not all the time, but by far the majority) seeing someone wearing a "big 4" jersey, is a telling sign that they know nothing about football. You might as well wear a big sign that says, "Hey, I studied abroad in college and had no other way to advertise it other than to buy this jersey that I see everyone else wearing."

How do you know an american is a football fan? You don't.
How do you know an american has traveled abroad? They are wearing a soccer jersey. (I am calling it "soccer" for the sake of the joke.)
United have been the schoolboys default team for years, my lad is a City supporter but by far the most supported team in his class is United, these kids now nothing of Uniteds past and success so are supporting them because they were winners in recent seasons, i have no objection to young kids looking to support a team picking us because we are successful.
"New" fan here....
I don't live locally and I suppose its quite ironic that people would consider following team that has won 1 FA Cup in 30 odd years as "Glory Hunting".
I have always had an empathy with City supporters( a triumph of hope over expectation?) Last year due to family/financial (mainly financial) reasons I was able to follow City on a regular basis.
City, to me, are unique in the attitude of their fanbase. The club just seems to attract the "right" kind of fan. I have always felt welcome at The Etihad ( pretty much like the Sampdoria fans sat behind me yesterday must have felt who added alot to the atmosphere). I have always been interested in the apparent pain that is an accepted part and parcel of following City. It just seems real, proper kick in the nuts real!
All season I have thought about getting a City shirt but couldn't make my mind up about who's name etc. to have on the back but last night came to the conclusion that, taking into account he approaches the game in a true and proper "City" fashion, there could be only one choice.... Zabaleta!
I hope I learn to cope with the pain that is City before it kills me? I doubt it though.
It might seem strange that it took 50 years before I came to my senses but you live and learn!
CTID? No doubt!

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