Open arms for new fans !

I want every person in the world to support City. In the end, it helps the team I love. Everyone is welcome. There's no test. I know my own loyalty and love for the team. I know the mates I want to watch the game with. I don't judge anyone else's supposed loyalty or motives for anything. The club will reward the loyalty of long term, die hard fans. The extra revenue will keep good players coming and allow costs to stay reasonable. I welcome it.
Well get used to it. I was in a neighbourhood (not central) bar in New Orleans and it was packed with locals watching the game on a Monday afternoon. Since I left new york in 2002 the profile of English football has increased massively. One of the bartenders in Finn McCools was wearing a city shirt having been introduced by some students 5 years ago. Hes read up on the history and was as happy as I was when we scored but also as nervous. I'd count him as a fan. There were more red shirts in the bar than blue but plenty celebrating at the end.

Ps stayed in the blue moon hotel in
Lafayette last night. Perfect.
Shaelumstash said:
schfc6 said:
Interesting topic. I too would be gutted if we ended up with girls screaming how much they love City just because we have a 'fit' player or we end up with fans whom have previously followed another club yet will tell anyone who will listen how they've been there for years, before we even won the EPL2011/2012. Finger crossed.

However I have no problem with new fans. Last night on the bus from the ground back to town we sat next to a lad from Abu Dhabi, he had flown in for the game especially and loved every minute of it. He spoke with such admiration for City, the occasion, his admiration for the Sheikh and what he is doing.

He had taken 100's of photo's and lots of film of the game, his day out and seemed a thoroughly decent kid.
I would guess he was in his late 20's and obviously has enough passion for the club to want to spend his money to come and watch us.

After all is his trip not the reason behind the takeover, are we not all supposed to be pulling towards the same goal? A world class football team?
I don't know how others feel, but I was lumbered with being a City fan from the early 80's purely and simply because my Dad was a blue. Yet for years I have hoped, invested my time and money in hoping we could one day be the best.

Now one day we could actually be the best and people want to slag new fans..
Well if the kid I met on the bus from the UAE is anything to go by, I would much prefer to spend the next ten years sat next to him than the miserable bastard I sit next to now, who I can only presume is Didsbury Dave.

To see a guy in England for the first time, watching City live for the first time talking with such passion for the club, the fans and the City made me proud.
I say fuck off to the girls who want to wear 10 'hottie' shirts but welcome with open arms anyone who wants to share my club with so much passion.

Best post ever on Bluemoon!

I disagree with the hottie girls part. I will welcome them with open arms and not ask them about whether they were at York away. If any are on here now, please PM me so I can show you a proper welcome.
AustinBlue said:
I want every person in the world to support City.

This is where we differ... Me being local and living in Gtr Manchester all my life, one of the biggest parts of following this club for me has been the fact there are many other clubs and I come across people regularly who support other teams.

if you look at the Glasgow Rangers fiasco at the moment, this just proves how football for the fan works... with no Rangers there would be little or no interest in supporting Celtic.

Same applies with The Rags... I hate them, but one of the main ingredients for my interest in supporting city is that we are not United... and the local rivalry we've had over the years.

I'd hate to wake up tomorrow morning and everyone supported City, no fans of Oldham/Stockport/Macc/Rochdale/Bolton/Wigan... all gone, we went on away trips to watch City and the whole stadium was empty except the away end.....

This is why I'd always support a team close to me, if I moved to the states tomorrow I'd have to follow/support a local team, no matter how shit they were.
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...
Just seen a few Man City tops in Bradford and for some reason it brought a smile to my face lets face it would rather see Sky Blue shirts than Rag tops :)
Exactly this. Normally hate going town shopping but loved it today, wearing my 'Uwe' top loud and proud. In 41yrs of being a'Sky Blue' I aint NEVER seen another shirt. Today I saw 4, 3 young uns together then some guy around my age. Gave each of em a big cheesy grin.
And I bloody loved it!
We have to accept that we truly are becoming a GLOBAL brand, we just got to go with the flow and ENJOY it.
paphos-mcfc said:
Not keen on the Idea of 'Glory hunters' as we call the rag fan base. I've said it before, we'll up with fans all over the world wearing 'fake' City shirts like the scum, barca, real and bayern. It will happen.

You either want success and are prepared to take everything that comes with it or you dont want it......impossible to have success without all the shit - accept it.
unlikelyfan19 said:
MCFC 4 EVER said:
I couldn't care less if some twats in America wear our shirts and support us just as long as they don't get anywhere near COMS/Etihad

American here, been a fan since around '02. This is extremely offensive. You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine, but wow. I am going to COMS (the etihad), as an american. I have had to sit alone for years, by myself, cheer by myself, drink by myself, be sad by myself. Watch the 8-1 by myself, watch almost every game over the last 10 years BY MYSELF. I am not looking for a pity party though. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when this club chose me and I will be damned to let you ruin my first experience. I know not everyone is like you, I have met some amazing people from Manchester on here and in person, that I shared great banter with, and they came out knowing I have been a fan for years. So when it comes time and I have the thousands of dollars saved to travel and pay to see the team I love, and I get my first experience in Manchester, do us both a favor and ignore me. Now if you want to get to know me, let's meet, and I'll buy you a pint or two, just don't be so quick to judge the new fans, some of them might now be so new...

Well said that fella and fair play to him. To support a team when you're surrounded by fellow supporters and living in the city of your club is natural, and easy. Not so easy when you know all fellow City supporters from your town by name coz there are so few of you, but loads of f**king Rag twats every time you gather to watch a game. Welcome all true fans, one and all. we can't all live in Gods own city.
I had in front of me in 117 yesterday what were either a Chinese or Thai couple, or maybe the lady was Thai and the lad was Chinese, but they loved it. You could tell they had a bit of money, smart clothes and the latest hi-tech cameras but they were always clapping and cheering and we even shared some hugs after Lord Vinny's goal. Leaving on about 88 minutes however, that was a fucking crime, ;)

It's like many have said, if these fans jump on board and respect the club's identity and aren't like the scum that that lot have attracted then I'm all for welcoming them aboard, I just hope we get the right newbies.

BTW, Did anyone else see the clan of Sampdoria fans who were on a march around the ground about 45 mins before kick-off? Me and a few other Blues gave them a clap and they loved it.

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