Opposition view: Hull City

Maybe this lot should stick to egg chasing.

Was their in 88 when they beat us first game 1 - 0 and didnt have any issue with them and we took thousands as we normaly did/do and doubled their takings.

bit of a no mans land where their derby is Scunthorpe which really tells you all you need to know.
Maybe this lot should stick to egg chasing.

Was their in 88 when they beat us first game 1 - 0 and didnt have any issue with them and we took thousands as we normaly did/do and doubled their takings.

bit of a no mans land where their derby is scnuthorpe which really tells you all you need to know.
hullfan said:
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
Interestingly enough Hull Tigers haven't yet even managed to sell out their reduced allocation for tomorrow.
Proper club? Don't make me laugh.

As for those of you who said you hope we become Hull Tigers on the grounds that a few fans said some not very nice things about your club, grow up you petty bastards. If Allam gets his way it will set a precedent. If you have any integrity or care for the history of the English game then you'd oppose a name change of any historical English football team.

Move with the times or die.

Allam said that he thought "City" was a generic and pretty shit name. He was right. For every club in the world bar us it's meaningless.

Whether we like it or not Manchester United are known globally as "Manchester".

We are known globally as "City".

You are known as "Hull".

Allam was trying to build your brand: what's wrong with that?

I really don't see how that is a question of integrity or history. You know who you are but nobody in the Far East has a clue.
You are the ones being petty and acting like luddites.

I've regularly been attending matches at "City" since the 1960s before you call me a "new fan" or worse.
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
hullfan said:
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
Interestingly enough Hull Tigers haven't yet even managed to sell out their reduced allocation for tomorrow.
Proper club? Don't make me laugh.

As for those of you who said you hope we become Hull Tigers on the grounds that a few fans said some not very nice things about your club, grow up you petty bastards. If Allam gets his way it will set a precedent. If you have any integrity or care for the history of the English game then you'd oppose a name change of any historical English football team.

Move with the times or die.

Allam said that he thought "City" was a generic and pretty shit name. He was right. For every club in the world bar us it's meaningless.

Whether we like it or not Manchester United are known globally as "Manchester".

We are known globally as "City".

You are known as "Hull".

Allam was trying to build your brand: what's wrong with that?

I really don't see how that is a question of integrity or history. You know who you are but nobody in the Far East has a clue.
You are the ones being petty and acting like luddites.

I've regularly been attending matches at "City" since the 1960s before you call me a "new fan" or worse.

I am dead againsttheir name being changed, however, when you read snide comments like 'hullfan' and the arsewipes on that forum have put, I will laugh my bollocks off if they get relegated and slide back into obscurity.

By the way Hull fans, your owner will be LONG gone before ours.

To think, I wanted you morons to win that FA Cup final last season too.

hullfan said:
Remember where you came from, one day your Arabs might get bored of their play-thing.
Hull owner: Aseem Allam. born 1939 in Egypt

Well it looks like your Arab has lost interest in you already. Our owner will still be building fantastic developments around our stadium when you're back in League 1 where you've always belonged until a rich owner pulled you into the PL. At least we were in the PL when Sheikh Mansour took us over.
You know what gets me with thes redtopfucknuts? they say we "have distorted the market" and "we're ruining football" but if anyone anyone knows anything about football its that

We have only beat the BTR once(since 08) and only by a small amount.
There are players in the league who are on far more than our top earners
Our highest transfer fee is less than half of the world record.
We have spent far less than other clubs in thee last few windows.

Yet they still peddle this agenda shite like clampetts.
hullfan said:
citykev28 said:
Ric said:
Normally I get a blogger to do it, but there are a lack of Hull bloggers out there so a forum owner gave me permission to post the questions on their board.

Was surprised by the level of vitriol aimed at us to be honest. Never thought there was any particular bad blood between the clubs. One of them took particular exception to me calling us City, rather than them.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.hullcityindependent.net/?page=forum&forum_id=8&thread_id=20536&selpage=0&&limit=15&obf=post_number&obad=ASC" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.hullcityindependent.net/?pag ... r&obad=ASC</a>

I signed up to that forum a while ago due to living here and bluemoon being disrupted during a change of server or something.

They really are an odd bunch on that forum and racism seems to be actively encouraged never mind tolerated. I work with and know loads of their supporters who are decent and genuine top blokes but there's a strange small team mentality about them. For years, they were knocking around the bottom divisions and had a shit time of it. This seems to convince quite a lot of them that it's alright to "support" a second team. These are blokes that are decent members of society and have good careers. They occasionally seem to get football but it's taken me a couple of years to even break the surface of what FFP is all about and why it's a bad thing for their team.

Like most supporters around the country, they see City as the big bad wolf but are oblivious to the fact that Spurs, Liverpool, Everton, Arsenal and United cut them adrift for many years and without major investment, would have seen them languishing down with c**t, Grimsby or even Scarborough.

Since they moved into the new stadium and got to the Premier League, their attendances have grown by about 500% but you can bet your life that they'll sing "Where were you when you were shit?" tomorrow. If you get talking to any in the pubs tomorrow and they start on about our fanbase, ask them about the time back in 99/2000 when they ran a front page of the Hull Daily Mail asking people just to join the membership scheme to give them money as they knew full well that they wouldn't get more than 5,000 through the turnstiles unless United or Liverpool were in town.

I hope they stay up though. It's the only time I'm ever able to get a taxi home from an away game.

We had an average attendance of around 17,000 in Division Three (now League 2) so it's not strictly true to say our attendances have grown 500% in the Premier League.

And I didn't say since the Premier League did I? I said since the KC was built. I don't remember you getting 17,000 average attendance at Boothferry Park in the bottom league. There certainly wasn't 17,000 at the Macclesfield game that I went to when I sold a ticket outside to a dj from Flares for £1.45 and the promise of free drinks that night.

The only times I remember a full house there was against City, Liverpool in the cup, Chelsea in the cup and Bradford when they filled half your ground for you.

Give up the ghost pal. You're getting mauled by the City.
pml79 said:
hullfan said:
Like I said, I don't care. I'm neutral. As for us being irrelevant, to whom exactly? Certainly not to me. Were you irrelevant before you were bankrolled? Remember where you came from, one day your Arabs might get bored of their play-thing.
Why do you keep refering them as Arabs our fantastic owner has a name use it
Err.. Isn't Allem an Arab too (Egypt)? Anyway hope he sells the club, it's looking like a lot of their fans are giant miserable c**ts...
The more I read this shit from opposing fans the more I'm starting to think fuck em maybe FFP should stand.

Pull up the draw bridge and let's have the same 5 or 6 clubs winning the league for the next 100 years.
We are very much part of "the club" whether the others like it or not.

As a fan base we've supported free competition with no restriction on new owners buying other clubs and trying to replicate
what we have achieved because that is morally right. All we get is abuse.

Ultimately we support City and only City. Fans like Hull's deserve no sympathy from us.

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