OSC have took the p*ss again

i'm a member and as far as i know only people with the required points claimed their tickets through the branch,there's always the odd instance where someone gets a ticket they don't deserve but i don't think its wide scale abuse. And before anyone go's on about vested interest i went down Saturday and queued for the 7 hours cos i wanted to stand with the lads i travel with who a'int members.
If the people on here slagging off the official supporters Club cast their minds back a few moths, they MIGHT recall some members of the supporters clubs spending their own, yes that is right THEIR OWN money travelling to Sierra Leonne along with Paul Lake to bring a minibus filled with supplies to one of the worlds most impoverished countries.
There was a stickie on here for quite a while and not once did i see anyone slag off the Suporters Clubs that made that possible.
That came about by a chance meeting by a member of a club returning to his club and spreading the word, and gave us a feel good factor (that shamefully was never potrayed as it should have been in the media), but that was not the reason why (& I am not going to name the three club men or their leader on this issue here), but without the association of supporters, this would never have happened.
SouthStand211 said:
People tar them all with the same brush but you'd be surprised how much the club would struggle without them.
I'm sure we'd survive somehow.

We have the internet with the official MCFC website, forums, blogs, Facebook, Twitter etc. We can order tickets over the web or phone and many of us have cars we can drive to the ticket office at the ground if we live near enough.

Nothing to stop you getting together with your mates for a few drinks and a chat about City. Or organising a coach/tickets. Plenty of groups based at certain pubs do this without needing a committee and subs. Down in London, tueartsboots has done a fantastic job in organising a City pub, where blues meet up to socialise and watch games.

So if you're in a branch, a player, ex-player or official will come round and there will be a queue to get all sorts of tat signed before the guest (a multi-millionaire who spends the rest of the time trying like crazy to avoid the likes of people who go to supporters clubs) will give the official PR spin, answer a few questions they've been asked time and time again and the masses will depart happy, like they've seen an animal in a zoo do something vaguely amusing.

Let's face it supporters clubs are anachronisms from the 1950's.
law74 said:
If the people on here slagging off the official supporters Club cast their minds back a few moths, they MIGHT recall some members of the supporters clubs spending their own, yes that is right THEIR OWN money travelling to Sierra Leonne along with Paul Lake to bring a minibus filled with supplies to one of the worlds most impoverished countries.
There was a stickie on here for quite a while and not once did i see anyone slag off the Suporters Clubs that made that possible.
That came about by a chance meeting by a member of a club returning to his club and spreading the word, and gave us a feel good factor (that shamefully was never potrayed as it should have been in the media), but that was not the reason why (& I am not going to name the three club men or their leader on this issue here), but without the association of supporters, this would never have happened.

That is extremely laudable and massive credit should go to the people involved. They are a credit to themselves.

However, just as I was staggered when someone brought that up the other night on here, I am still staggered now that you feel that that is in anyway related to the distribution of cup final tickets.

How do you make the link between the two issues?
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Some clown was on here the other night defending some bloke at one of the supporters club who someone claimed was dishing them out to people who have barely attended. I don't know which branch, I can't really be bothered taking note as I have no interest in them.

Anyway, this excuse maker said something along the lines of

"XXXXX is a top bloke who does a lot of charity work and if he decides that someone deserves a ticket then I am sure they will be deserving of it"

After some other bloke had quoted some girl who has virtually nil point getting one from that club.

I couldn't give a fuck whether Mother Theresa had risen from the dead and decreed herself official distributor of tickets.

Why should some joker get to 'decide' who is deserving of a ticket.

Are these supporters clubs run by modern day King Soloman's or something?

I'm writing to this bloke early in order to express how blue I am in the hope that in his mercy he looks kindly on me and "decides", for surely only people like this are worthy of decided, that I am blue enough to take a Champions League final ticket for next season that should really go to a blue with more loyalty points than me.

The only people that defend this shite are those with vested interests.

Absolute bullshit, no matter who is deciding it.

"Whoever he decides to be worthy of a ticket will be....."


And I say that as someone who firmly qualified for and easily got tickets for both Wembly games.

As for the "well, why don't you join them" clowns. Feck me, that's a view to be admired. Glad to see that you have such a moral backbone. But we all know that that line usually only comes from the vested interest mob anyway.

OSC Masonic herberts.
Prestwich_Blue said:
SouthStand211 said:
People tar them all with the same brush but you'd be surprised how much the club would struggle without them.
I'm sure we'd survive somehow.

We have the internet with the official MCFC website, forums, blogs, Facebook, Twitter etc. We can order tickets over the web or phone and many of us have cars we can drive to the ticket office at the ground if we live near enough.

Nothing to stop you getting together with your mates for a few drinks and a chat about City. Or organising a coach/tickets. Plenty of groups based at certain pubs do this without needing a committee and subs. Down in London, tueartsboots has done a fantastic job in organising a City pub, where blues meet up to socialise and watch games.

So if you're in a branch, a player, ex-player or official will come round and there will be a queue to get all sorts of tat signed before the guest (a multi-millionaire who spends the rest of the time trying like crazy to avoid the likes of people who go to supporters clubs) will give the official PR spin, answer a few questions they've been asked time and time again and the masses will depart happy, like they've seen an animal in a zoo do something vaguely amusing.

Let's face it supporters clubs are anachronisms from the 1950's.
Much to the annoyance of the Branch Secretary of London Supporters Club ! (Even though she does live in Stockport !)
This whole issue confuses me. If you don't like OScs etc don't join one. If you think they are an uncool vestige of the 1950s etc , don't join one. Simple really. I think perhaps one person passes on a ticket and all hell breaks loose. I belong to a branch and i got a ticket when the criteria applied to me. not before and not by doing special handshakes or owt. I was able to get a ticket through my branch when i met the criteria on Sat i have 4815 points sooooo i just don't get this special treatment shite?? Its no different to anyone else..
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
law74 said:
If the people on here slagging off the official supporters Club cast their minds back a few moths, they MIGHT recall some members of the supporters clubs spending their own, yes that is right THEIR OWN money travelling to Sierra Leonne along with Paul Lake to bring a minibus filled with supplies to one of the worlds most impoverished countries.
There was a stickie on here for quite a while and not once did i see anyone slag off the Suporters Clubs that made that possible.
That came about by a chance meeting by a member of a club returning to his club and spreading the word, and gave us a feel good factor (that shamefully was never potrayed as it should have been in the media), but that was not the reason why (& I am not going to name the three club men or their leader on this issue here), but without the association of supporters, this would never have happened.

That is extremely laudable and massive credit should go to the people involved. They are a credit to themselves.

However, just as I was staggered when someone brought that up the other night on here, I am still staggered now that you feel that that is in anyway related to the distribution of cup final tickets.

How do you make the link between the two issues?
It was the poster (begins with H) that you are slagging off that organised most of the Sierra Leone trip.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
law74 said:
If the people on here slagging off the official supporters Club cast their minds back a few moths, they MIGHT recall some members of the supporters clubs spending their own, yes that is right THEIR OWN money travelling to Sierra Leonne along with Paul Lake to bring a minibus filled with supplies to one of the worlds most impoverished countries.
There was a stickie on here for quite a while and not once did i see anyone slag off the Suporters Clubs that made that possible.
That came about by a chance meeting by a member of a club returning to his club and spreading the word, and gave us a feel good factor (that shamefully was never potrayed as it should have been in the media), but that was not the reason why (& I am not going to name the three club men or their leader on this issue here), but without the association of supporters, this would never have happened.

That is extremely laudable and massive credit should go to the people involved. They are a credit to themselves.

However, just as I was staggered when someone brought that up the other night on here, I am still staggered now that you feel that that is in anyway related to the distribution of cup final tickets.

How do you make the link between the two issues?

If the Blue that made the initial meeting in freetown had not been a member of a supporters club branch, but had merely went into his local pub and said what he had done, do you really believe that Blues from Phuket - portadown would have given him money, organised a bucket collection or got a hero like paul Lake to undertake that journey?
Knowing the person I am talking about, he probably would have, but it would have taken him an aweful lot longer than it took an "organised organisation".

& some good PR for OUR club when we needed it.

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