OSC have took the p*ss again

mancitymick said:
Yes I have a ticket before you say
1. Fans queue for tickets
2. Queue in the ealry hours for tickets
3. Pay premium prices on a 0870 number
Wait a minute join an OSC and get priority.

Use OSC for meetings and Trasport etc, But use the ticket system the same as us

Change the record you boring individual.

Not that you will listen to the responses, because you obviously didn't listen to them on the last OSC-bashing thread you started a couple of weeks ago, but I'll correct your misinformation for the benefit of anyone who might fall for it.

I'm collecting and paying for my Wembley ticket from my OSC branch tonight. I have over 5000 points and am also in the cup scheme, so no-one has been deprived of a ticket because the OSC sorted my ticket out for me.

You are of course correct that I have not had to queue for hours or pay for premium rate phone calls. Instead I can stroll along tonight to collect my tickets, free of any booking charges or postage costs. I also don't need to worry about travel to Wembley or where to get a pint on the way because that's all sorted at reasonable cost for me too by a hard-working committee.

At Wembley I'll be sat alongside the same group of friends who I travel with up and down the country week in week out.. and we all have enough loyalty points so why shouldn't I be? Because you say so? Sorry mate. Join an OSC or don't, the choice is yours, but stop talking rubbish about something you clearly know nothing about.
tueartsboots said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
That is extremely laudable and massive credit should go to the people involved. They are a credit to themselves.

However, just as I was staggered when someone brought that up the other night on here, I am still staggered now that you feel that that is in anyway related to the distribution of cup final tickets.

How do you make the link between the two issues?
It was the poster (begins with H) that you are slagging off that organised most of the Sierra Leone trip.

If a ticket becomes available within an OSC it suggest a seasoncard holder is not able to make it. As the club give a set allocation to an OSC, it's really upto the branch/or the original ticket holder how that is distributed.

I'm not even part of an OSC but if I cannot make the final for whatever reason, the likelihood is I'd give it to a mate. OSC's are the same in essence, seasoncard holders with points claim their own, anything left over goes to other members. It is fair.
tueartsboots said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
That is extremely laudable and massive credit should go to the people involved. They are a credit to themselves.

However, just as I was staggered when someone brought that up the other night on here, I am still staggered now that you feel that that is in anyway related to the distribution of cup final tickets.

How do you make the link between the two issues?
It was the poster (begins with H) that you are slagging off that organised most of the Sierra Leone trip.

I am not slagging off any individual (although I gladly will do if I saw definitive proof that the story about this branch - or any other - 'deciding' who can have tickets is true).

I am slagging off the ridiculous justification offered by this excuse maker on here the other night when he sought to justify the people running the branch someone else named 'deciding' who was worthy of a ticket.

And I'll slag off anyone's view if that view sticks up for someone 'deciding' who is blue enough to get a ticket on an individual's whim.

As for bringing into the conversation the character and charitable deeds of branches alleged to be involved (not be me remember, by the defender of such practices on the removed thread on Saturday) in such activities, it is totally irrelevant to the matter and i have no idea whatsoever why anyone would deem it to be so.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
tueartsboots said:
It was the poster (begins with H) that you are slagging off that organised most of the Sierra Leone trip.

I am not slagging off any individual (although I gladly will do if I saw definitive proof that the story about this branch - or any other - 'deciding' who can have tickets is true).

I am slagging off the ridiculous justification offered by this excuse maker on here the other night when he sought to justify the people running the branch someone else named 'deciding' who was worthy of a ticket.

And I'll slag off anyone's view if that view sticks up for someone 'deciding' who is blue enough to get a ticket on an individual's whim.

As for bringing into the conversation the character and charitable deeds of branches alleged to be involved (not be me remember, by the defender of such practices on the removed thread on Saturday) in such activities, it is totally irrelevant to the matter and i have no idea whatsoever why anyone would deem it to be so.
I apologise for casting aspersions on you.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Some clown was on here the other night defending some bloke at one of the supporters club who someone claimed was dishing them out to people who have barely attended. I don't know which branch, I can't really be bothered taking note as I have no interest in them.

Anyway, this excuse maker said something along the lines of

"XXXXX is a top bloke who does a lot of charity work and if he decides that someone deserves a ticket then I am sure they will be deserving of it"

After some other bloke had quoted some girl who has virtually nil point getting one from that club.

I couldn't give a fuck whether Mother Theresa had risen from the dead and decreed herself official distributor of tickets.

Why should some joker get to 'decide' who is deserving of a ticket.

Are these supporters clubs run by modern day King Soloman's or something?

I'm writing to this bloke early in order to express how blue I am in the hope that in his mercy he looks kindly on me and "decides", for surely only people like this are worthy of decided, that I am blue enough to take a Champions League final ticket for next season that should really go to a blue with more loyalty points than me.

The only people that defend this shite are those with vested interests.

Absolute bullshit, no matter who is deciding it.

"Whoever he decides to be worthy of a ticket will be....."


And I say that as someone who firmly qualified for and easily got tickets for both Wembly games.

As for the "well, why don't you join them" clowns. Feck me, that's a view to be admired. Glad to see that you have such a moral backbone. But we all know that that line usually only comes from the vested interest mob anyway.

However, if you were to be offered a ticket, that would be ok and you would jog on, and say nothing. Selfish. You are clearly more worthy than others
Who deserves a ticket more, a regular attender of games and member of an OSC, or some director of Torquay United?

The latter will definately get one, the former may well not.

Lots of people will be disappointed, me included, but there won't be many OSC members who get a cup final ticket without the correct amount of points. Certainly not enough to make any kind of fuss on here without the hangers on who have nothing to do with City (or Stoke) getting them.
law74 said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
That is extremely laudable and massive credit should go to the people involved. They are a credit to themselves.

However, just as I was staggered when someone brought that up the other night on here, I am still staggered now that you feel that that is in anyway related to the distribution of cup final tickets.

How do you make the link between the two issues?

If the Blue that made the initial meeting in freetown had not been a member of a supporters club branch, but had merely went into his local pub and said what he had done, do you really believe that Blues from Phuket - portadown would have given him money, organised a bucket collection or got a hero like paul Lake to undertake that journey?
Knowing the person I am talking about, he probably would have, but it would have taken him an aweful lot longer than it took an "organised organisation".

& some good PR for OUR club when we needed it.

Again, what has that got to do with the distribution of cup final tickets.

I'm trying my best to avoid this thread becoming personalised here. I only mentioned that story/justification that was posted on here as it was ridiculous, recent and fresh in my mind.

You seem to be doing your best to turn this thread into a referendum on the character of an individual.

I'm not really interested in determining the character of anyone and this thread is about the distribution of tickets to those who don't qualify by organisations that, as they are linked to the club, should be whiter than white rather than taking dubious and systematic advantage of how tickets are allocated to give them to who they want.

I reckon you should drop the references to charity as it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue and only personalises the thread and makes it about one person.<br /><br />-- Wed May 04, 2011 7:31 pm --<br /><br />
gmrpinfold said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Some clown was on here the other night defending some bloke at one of the supporters club who someone claimed was dishing them out to people who have barely attended. I don't know which branch, I can't really be bothered taking note as I have no interest in them.

Anyway, this excuse maker said something along the lines of

"XXXXX is a top bloke who does a lot of charity work and if he decides that someone deserves a ticket then I am sure they will be deserving of it"

After some other bloke had quoted some girl who has virtually nil point getting one from that club.

I couldn't give a fuck whether Mother Theresa had risen from the dead and decreed herself official distributor of tickets.

Why should some joker get to 'decide' who is deserving of a ticket.

Are these supporters clubs run by modern day King Soloman's or something?

I'm writing to this bloke early in order to express how blue I am in the hope that in his mercy he looks kindly on me and "decides", for surely only people like this are worthy of decided, that I am blue enough to take a Champions League final ticket for next season that should really go to a blue with more loyalty points than me.

The only people that defend this shite are those with vested interests.

Absolute bullshit, no matter who is deciding it.

"Whoever he decides to be worthy of a ticket will be....."


And I say that as someone who firmly qualified for and easily got tickets for both Wembly games.

As for the "well, why don't you join them" clowns. Feck me, that's a view to be admired. Glad to see that you have such a moral backbone. But we all know that that line usually only comes from the vested interest mob anyway.

However, if you were to be offered a ticket, that would be ok and you would jog on, and say nothing. Selfish. You are clearly more worthy than others

Oh well that makes it ok then, o psychic one.

I'm off. This clown's offering has done for me.
I have no problem with OSC getting tickets, some of them have worked there balls off to promote the club.
Re: OSC have took the piss again

SouthStand211 said:
People need to realise the OSC's fill allocations throughout a season, and members provide their seasoncard numbers to the branch as well. The OSC is not set up to snide tickets off the club. It takes a fund of at least 5-8k to support one of the larger OSCs. Time, money, and effort is put in by them and they plan for matches a long time before the average fan.

I wont mention the charity and social work that they do. OSC's in the main deserve an allocation. If your unhappy how they are shared out between a particular OSC, complain to the club.

A good riposte to some of the rumour fuelled exaggeration on here. I'm in a fairly large branch of the OSC (I shan't say which, lest I get myself into trouble), and we got 60 odd tickets for the final of which 50 went to season card holders, and as you say we have to provide our seasoncard no's for all ticket purchases. Our branch runs trips to all home and away games, and we travel long, long distances just to get to Eastlands, week in, week out. And as you also say, we pay our subs to join, and raise money for good causes via numerous social events. The people who run the branches put in a great deal of time and effort all season, and if their reward is no more than a dozen tickets for loyal and deserving branch members who don't have seasoncards then so be it. Anyone that doesn't like it can always complain to the club
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
law74 said:
If the Blue that made the initial meeting in freetown had not been a member of a supporters club branch, but had merely went into his local pub and said what he had done, do you really believe that Blues from Phuket - portadown would have given him money, organised a bucket collection or got a hero like paul Lake to undertake that journey?
Knowing the person I am talking about, he probably would have, but it would have taken him an aweful lot longer than it took an "organised organisation".

& some good PR for OUR club when we needed it.

Again, what has that got to do with the distribution of cup final tickets.

I'm trying my best to avoid this thread becoming personalised here. I only mentioned that story/justification that was posted on here as it was ridiculous, recent and fresh in my mind.

You seem to be doing your best to turn this thread into a referendum on the character of an individual.

I'm not really interested in determining the character of anyone and this thread is about the distribution of tickets to those who don't qualify by organisations that, as they are linked to the club, should be whiter than white rather than taking dubious and systematic advantage of how tickets are allocated to give them to who they want.

I reckon you should drop the references to charity as it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue and only personalises the thread and makes it about one person.

I know that the SL project is more than about ONE person, but when you attack the Supporters Clubs (either old OSC, CSA or the amalgamated club), you re attacking a lot that have spent a LOT of hours work for, and have had the pleasure of "gentlemans mornings" at one club, or curry evenings at another club.
People all have different priorities and financial situations, Blues have came from all over the UK (and further afield) for quite a few years, I met a couple of Blues from germany that had read about Bert and then joined TC to find out more. They now try and get over to manchester at least once or twice a season, but know they are not getting into Wembley.
Instead of attacking the supporters of Manchester City, why not look at other places where tickets are going.

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