Oslo Bombing.

Johnsonontheleft said:
Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.
In the same piece of video he then goes on to rant about Muslim extremists and how they're the most dangerous threat in the world. There would be your window if you wanted to make that point about Muslims as well. So, no, it's not moot. The guy is a hypocritical Catholic scumbag.
Johnsonontheleft said:
You may not agree with their biased opinions but can you seriously blame them?
Yes, because their views are quite clearly demented. Only complete fucking idiots discriminate against a whole section of society just because one of their members once did something wrong.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Skashion said:
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.

Are you really surprised? Their country is overwhelmingly Christian, they are probably Christian, and in 2001 it suffered the worst terrorist massacre of innocents the world has ever seen, by muslim extremists.

You may not agree with their biased opinions but can you seriously blame them? I love it when a City player makes a biased claim in the public arena - like when Kolarov suggested in a press conference that everyone in Manchester supported City. Yes it's biased and false but you can understand the vested interest which causes it to happen.

Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.

Hmmmmm....hardly the best comparison to make is it?
Johnsonontheleft said:
Skashion said:
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.

Are you really surprised? Their country is overwhelmingly Christian, they are probably Christian, and in 2001 it suffered the worst terrorist massacre of innocents the world has ever seen, by muslim extremists.

You may not agree with their biased opinions but can you seriously blame them? I love it when a City player makes a biased claim in the public arena - like when Kolarov suggested in a press conference that everyone in Manchester supported City. Yes it's biased and false but you can understand the vested interest which causes it to happen.

Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.

Sums up the hypocrisy and inability to think about anything other than 'me me, me' that drives all sides of this shite.

The depressing irony about this issue is that the above attitude is replicated, to varying degrees, by the exact people on 'the other side' that they claim to despise so much.

The whole "we hate Muslims"/"we hate Christians" shite is a piss poor parody where those who claim to hate the 'other side' so much cannot see the glaringly obvious that they are two sides of the same coin. They have much more in common with the type of people that they claim to hate so much than they do with everyone else on 'their side'.

Meanwhile, the vast majority of people who aren't consumed by hate (and I'll admit that it varies in degrees amongst them, the pub bore/brainwashed idiot on the streets of Kandahar is obviously not in the same league as the Oslo Bomber/Al Qaeda) get on with their lives until they are interrupted/affected by the actions of pathetic specimens on both 'sides
Skashion said:
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.

Bill O' Reilly,a true Christian...

Skashion said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.
In the same piece of video he then goes on to rant about Muslim extremists and how they're the most dangerous threat in the world. There would be your window if you wanted to make that point about Muslims as well. So, no, it's not moot. The guy is a hypocritical Catholic scumbag.

As an atheist I find it hard to have much time for any religious person.

Interestingly, Bill O'Reilly opposes the death penalty.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Skashion said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.
In the same piece of video he then goes on to rant about Muslim extremists and how they're the most dangerous threat in the world. There would be your window if you wanted to make that point about Muslims as well. So, no, it's not moot. The guy is a hypocritical Catholic scumbag.

As an atheist I find it hard to have much time for any religious person.

Interestingly, Bill O'Reilly opposes the death penalty.

As an atheist myself who is also opposed to the death penalty,I find it deeply disturbing that I have common ground with you two.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Skashion said:
In the same piece of video he then goes on to rant about Muslim extremists and how they're the most dangerous threat in the world. There would be your window if you wanted to make that point about Muslims as well. So, no, it's not moot. The guy is a hypocritical Catholic scumbag.

As an atheist I find it hard to have much time for any religious person.

Interestingly, Bill O'Reilly opposes the death penalty.

As an atheist myself who is also opposed to the death penalty,I find it deeply disturbing that I have common ground with you two.
Yep - I am off to wash myself now.
Johnsonontheleft said:
As an atheist I find it hard to have much time for any religious person.

Interestingly, Bill O'Reilly opposes the death penalty.
He is not even slightly opposed to the death penalty. Maybe the death penalty for convicted US citizens, although I doubt that too despite his statements. He does not oppose state assassinations whatsoever having voiced support for Israel's conduct of state assassinations on several occasions and also the assassination of Osama Bin Laden by the US and has stated about Guantanamo detainees:

I don't give them any protection. I don't feel sorry for them. In fact, I probably would have ordered their execution if I had the power.
The video available here: <a class="postlink" href="http://crooksandliars.com/2005/08/03/4158" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://crooksandliars.com/2005/08/03/4158</a>

Personally, I think his claim that he opposed to the death penalty is just credibility capital to disassociate himself from claims that he's a conservative on Fox which runs with the tag line 'fair and balanced'.

-- Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:37 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
As an atheist myself who is also opposed to the death penalty,I find it deeply disturbing that I have common ground with you two.
Which two?

-- Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:38 pm --

SWP's back said:
Yep - I am off to wash myself now.
Don't bother, it's a claim lacking credibility.

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