Oslo Bombing.

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
M18CTID said:
another generation said:
It's been a revelation, trawling through the last ten or so pages of this thread, and reading such angry exchanges. On Monday evening, about a million people in Norway joined public gatherings to show their strength in numbers, their support for the democratic process, and their refusal to be cowed into submission by one man and his mission. At midday, the whole nation had stopped for a minute's silence. There was a brief flurry of anger when Behring Breivik's car arrived at the court, but apart from that, people seem to be standing shoulder to shoulder in quiet solidarity, without any words of condemnation.

This is a nation in shock and grief. It is a nation more concerned about identifying and burying its dead than showing anger that such atrocities could happen. There is a strong will to stick together, to put aside differences and to make this free society even better. The hope is that more people may see and do likewise, that more people will show a little more tolerance to their fellow men.

I know what you mean mate, and while I've not been entirely innocent in the abuse-fest, I firmly blame fetlocks for sending this thread nuclear in the first place with his blatant hypocrisy and hurling abuse at anyone that dared have a different opinion to his. Funny how when that abuse got returned, the clown suddenly stopped and tried taking the moral high ground. The thing with bullshitters is that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to sniff 'em out.

Why don't you just,for one nanosecond,cut out the pathetic and infantile carping and actually contribute something useful to the thread?
If,as Cookie Monster suggested,I am 'spewing out bullshit',then why not try and prove that the way most folk do - by using facts,figures,force of argument and debating skills?
You and he have a different view of things to myself.
I can live with that.
But you don't seem to want to discuss anything.
I have offered to debate any issue with you whatsoever in a reasonable manner.
That seems a reasonable enough way to resolve our differences.
Or,like Cookie Monster,you can moan about how the thread is controlled by some left-wing Illuminati whilst making no contribution,which is akin to a petulant child taking his ball home.
I would rather iron out our differences using logic and ideas.
Its up to you whether or not this solution appeals to you.

If you spent 5 minutes searching my posts then you'd see I'm happy to debate all kinds of things with all kinds of people - in fact, if you pull your head out of your arse then you might even see I've offered viewpoints on this thread too. The issue I have with you is that on this thread you've resorted to the exact kind of things you've accused me and others of which is hypocritical in the extreme.

You say you can live with people having a different opinion to you but as soon as someone says they're in favour of the death penalty, you call them a clown - how is that attitude living with someone who has a different opinion to you? For someone who claims to have offered counselling on a professional basis, I find your attitude seriously disturbing and indicative of someone who is unhinged.

I don't deny that I resort to abuse at times but I tend to only do it when someone has been abusive to me - treat others as they treat me. You on the other hand have displayed time and again on this thread an antagonistic attitude to those that have offered a different opinion to yours despite the fact that those offering a different opinion haven't been antagonistic towards you. And therein lies the difference.
M18CTID said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
M18CTID said:
I know what you mean mate, and while I've not been entirely innocent in the abuse-fest, I firmly blame fetlocks for sending this thread nuclear in the first place with his blatant hypocrisy and hurling abuse at anyone that dared have a different opinion to his. Funny how when that abuse got returned, the clown suddenly stopped and tried taking the moral high ground. The thing with bullshitters is that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to sniff 'em out.

Why don't you just,for one nanosecond,cut out the pathetic and infantile carping and actually contribute something useful to the thread?
If,as Cookie Monster suggested,I am 'spewing out bullshit',then why not try and prove that the way most folk do - by using facts,figures,force of argument and debating skills?
You and he have a different view of things to myself.
I can live with that.
But you don't seem to want to discuss anything.
I have offered to debate any issue with you whatsoever in a reasonable manner.
That seems a reasonable enough way to resolve our differences.
Or,like Cookie Monster,you can moan about how the thread is controlled by some left-wing Illuminati whilst making no contribution,which is akin to a petulant child taking his ball home.
I would rather iron out our differences using logic and ideas.
Its up to you whether or not this solution appeals to you.

If you spent 5 minutes searching my posts then you'd see I'm happy to debate all kinds of things with all kinds of people - in fact, if you pull your head out of your arse then you might even see I've offered viewpoints on this thread too. The issue I have with you is that on this thread you've resorted to the exact kind of things you've accused me and others of which is hypocritical in the extreme.

You say you can live with people having a different opinion to you but as soon as someone says they're in favour of the death penalty, you call them a clown - how is that attitude living with someone who has a different opinion to you? For someone who claims to have offered counselling on a professional basis, I find your attitude seriously disturbing and indicative of someone who is unhinged.

I don't deny that I resort to abuse at times but I tend to only do it when someone has been abusive to me - treat others as they treat me. You on the other hand have displayed time and again on this thread an antagonistic attitude to those that have offered a different opinion to yours despite the fact that those offering a different opinion haven't been antagonistic towards you. And therein lies the difference.

Still carping,still moaning,still hurling the insults,still refusing to bury the hatchet and actually debate something in a reasonable manner.
You just can't move on,can you?
Well,at least I tried.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
M18CTID said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Why don't you just,for one nanosecond,cut out the pathetic and infantile carping and actually contribute something useful to the thread?
If,as Cookie Monster suggested,I am 'spewing out bullshit',then why not try and prove that the way most folk do - by using facts,figures,force of argument and debating skills?
You and he have a different view of things to myself.
I can live with that.
But you don't seem to want to discuss anything.
I have offered to debate any issue with you whatsoever in a reasonable manner.
That seems a reasonable enough way to resolve our differences.
Or,like Cookie Monster,you can moan about how the thread is controlled by some left-wing Illuminati whilst making no contribution,which is akin to a petulant child taking his ball home.
I would rather iron out our differences using logic and ideas.
Its up to you whether or not this solution appeals to you.

If you spent 5 minutes searching my posts then you'd see I'm happy to debate all kinds of things with all kinds of people - in fact, if you pull your head out of your arse then you might even see I've offered viewpoints on this thread too. The issue I have with you is that on this thread you've resorted to the exact kind of things you've accused me and others of which is hypocritical in the extreme.

You say you can live with people having a different opinion to you but as soon as someone says they're in favour of the death penalty, you call them a clown - how is that attitude living with someone who has a different opinion to you? For someone who claims to have offered counselling on a professional basis, I find your attitude seriously disturbing and indicative of someone who is unhinged.

I don't deny that I resort to abuse at times but I tend to only do it when someone has been abusive to me - treat others as they treat me. You on the other hand have displayed time and again on this thread an antagonistic attitude to those that have offered a different opinion to yours despite the fact that those offering a different opinion haven't been antagonistic towards you. And therein lies the difference.

Still carping,still moaning,still hurling the insults,still refusing to bury the hatchet and actually debate something in a reasonable manner.
You just can't move on,can you?
Well,at least I tried.

Still ignoring pretty much everything I posted as well.

Oh well, at least I tried.
M18CTID said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
M18CTID said:
If you spent 5 minutes searching my posts then you'd see I'm happy to debate all kinds of things with all kinds of people - in fact, if you pull your head out of your arse then you might even see I've offered viewpoints on this thread too. The issue I have with you is that on this thread you've resorted to the exact kind of things you've accused me and others of which is hypocritical in the extreme.

You say you can live with people having a different opinion to you but as soon as someone says they're in favour of the death penalty, you call them a clown - how is that attitude living with someone who has a different opinion to you? For someone who claims to have offered counselling on a professional basis, I find your attitude seriously disturbing and indicative of someone who is unhinged.

I don't deny that I resort to abuse at times but I tend to only do it when someone has been abusive to me - treat others as they treat me. You on the other hand have displayed time and again on this thread an antagonistic attitude to those that have offered a different opinion to yours despite the fact that those offering a different opinion haven't been antagonistic towards you. And therein lies the difference.

Still carping,still moaning,still hurling the insults,still refusing to bury the hatchet and actually debate something in a reasonable manner.
You just can't move on,can you?
Well,at least I tried.

Still ignoring pretty much everything I posted as well.

Oh well, at least I tried.

Did you bother to read Shands post?
I thought it was very good.
I shall try one last time as I,and i'm sure most other posters,are getting bored with this.
Do you want to move on and stick to debating the topic in future,or do you want to continue to moan and insult?
Just pick one or the other and let me know.
Shands said:
M18CTID said:
another generation said:
It's been a revelation, trawling through the last ten or so pages of this thread, and reading such angry exchanges. On Monday evening, about a million people in Norway joined public gatherings to show their strength in numbers, their support for the democratic process, and their refusal to be cowed into submission by one man and his mission. At midday, the whole nation had stopped for a minute's silence. There was a brief flurry of anger when Behring Breivik's car arrived at the court, but apart from that, people seem to be standing shoulder to shoulder in quiet solidarity, without any words of condemnation.

This is a nation in shock and grief. It is a nation more concerned about identifying and burying its dead than showing anger that such atrocities could happen. There is a strong will to stick together, to put aside differences and to make this free society even better. The hope is that more people may see and do likewise, that more people will show a little more tolerance to their fellow men.

I know what you mean mate, and while I've not been entirely innocent in the abuse-fest, I firmly blame fetlocks for sending this thread nuclear in the first place with his blatant hypocrisy and hurling abuse at anyone that dared have a different opinion to his. Funny how when that abuse got returned, the clown suddenly stopped and tried taking the moral high ground. The thing with bullshitters is that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to sniff 'em out.

I think you've missed the point of the post you've quoted completely. Another Generation is advocating tolerance and respect for others where as your post immediately apportions blame and uses words like 'hypocrisy' 'clown' and 'bullshitters'. What you've written constitutes the exact opposite of what he's asking for. It doesn't matter who started it, each new post is an opportunity to take the debate forward in a civilised fashion.

Shands mate, I actually got his point totally. I too happily advocate tolerance and respect for others but if someone talks to me like a piece of shit then they'll get the same treatment in return.<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:25 am --<br /><br />
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
M18CTID said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Still carping,still moaning,still hurling the insults,still refusing to bury the hatchet and actually debate something in a reasonable manner.
You just can't move on,can you?
Well,at least I tried.

Still ignoring pretty much everything I posted as well.

Oh well, at least I tried.

Did you bother to read Shands post?
I thought it was very good.
I shall try one last time as I,and i'm sure most other posters,are getting bored with this.
Do you want to move on and stick to debating the topic in future,or do you want to continue to moan and insult?
Just pick one or the other and let me know.

Yes I read it, and I've responded.

You're right - this is getting boring now and it's time the thread got back on track. Let's see where it goes from here.
M18CTID said:
Shands said:
M18CTID said:
I know what you mean mate, and while I've not been entirely innocent in the abuse-fest, I firmly blame fetlocks for sending this thread nuclear in the first place with his blatant hypocrisy and hurling abuse at anyone that dared have a different opinion to his. Funny how when that abuse got returned, the clown suddenly stopped and tried taking the moral high ground. The thing with bullshitters is that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to sniff 'em out.

I think you've missed the point of the post you've quoted completely. Another Generation is advocating tolerance and respect for others where as your post immediately apportions blame and uses words like 'hypocrisy' 'clown' and 'bullshitters'. What you've written constitutes the exact opposite of what he's asking for. It doesn't matter who started it, each new post is an opportunity to take the debate forward in a civilised fashion.

Shands mate, I actually got his point totally. I too happily advocate tolerance and respect for others but if someone talks to me like a piece of shit then they'll get the same treatment in return.

I can understand that, there's a natural tendency to go on the offensive and retaliate in kind when you feel someone is being disrespectful or condescending – but after that initial bite back it’s to your greater credit if you can then move on and rise above it. At the moment it’s simply coming across as petty point scoring on both your parts, with nothing of worth being added to the original debate. There’s no need to try and have the last word when you can use plenty more to enhance the discussion. Let it go lads, you’re too bright to get bogged down in this.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Looks like his claims about multiple cells were fantasy.

Norwegian domestic intelligence chief Janne Kristiansen has told the BBC no evidence has so far been found linking Anders Behring Breivik with far-right extremists in Norway or elsewhere.

Hope this is the case. Seems increasingly likely he was a lone nutter - similar to the nail-bomber in London.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Looks like his claims about multiple cells were fantasy.

Norwegian domestic intelligence chief Janne Kristiansen has told the BBC no evidence has so far been found linking Anders Behring Breivik with far-right extremists in Norway or elsewhere.

I'm actually quite surprised by that,if 'links' means contacting others sympathetic to his aims via the internet.
I presume that the Norwegian security people have been all over his hard drive like a rash,and you would have thought that he may have exchanged views with those of a like mind,whether in his own country or abroad.
M18CTID said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Looks like his claims about multiple cells were fantasy.

Norwegian domestic intelligence chief Janne Kristiansen has told the BBC no evidence has so far been found linking Anders Behring Breivik with far-right extremists in Norway or elsewhere.

Hope this is the case. Seems increasingly likely he was a lone nutter - similar to the nail-bomber in London.

Problem we've got is the insanity plea. If he can convince the authorities that he is some kind of fantasist living in an unreal world it may become a mitigating factor. However, he was living a perfectly normal life on the surface, running a business etc. so hopefully he will be tried as sane.

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