Oslo Bombing.

Shands said:
M18CTID said:
Shands said:
I think you've missed the point of the post you've quoted completely. Another Generation is advocating tolerance and respect for others where as your post immediately apportions blame and uses words like 'hypocrisy' 'clown' and 'bullshitters'. What you've written constitutes the exact opposite of what he's asking for. It doesn't matter who started it, each new post is an opportunity to take the debate forward in a civilised fashion.

Shands mate, I actually got his point totally. I too happily advocate tolerance and respect for others but if someone talks to me like a piece of shit then they'll get the same treatment in return.

I can understand that, there's a natural tendency to go on the offensive and retaliate in kind when you feel someone is being disrespectful or condescending – but after that initial bite back it’s to your greater credit if you can then move on and rise above it. At the moment it’s simply coming across as petty point scoring on both your parts, with nothing of worth being added to the original debate. There’s no need to try and have the last word when you can use plenty more to enhance the discussion. Let it go lads, you’re too bright to get bogged down in this.

Point taken and acknowledged mate.
M18CTID said:
Shands said:
M18CTID said:
Shands mate, I actually got his point totally. I too happily advocate tolerance and respect for others but if someone talks to me like a piece of shit then they'll get the same treatment in return.

I can understand that, there's a natural tendency to go on the offensive and retaliate in kind when you feel someone is being disrespectful or condescending – but after that initial bite back it’s to your greater credit if you can then move on and rise above it. At the moment it’s simply coming across as petty point scoring on both your parts, with nothing of worth being added to the original debate. There’s no need to try and have the last word when you can use plenty more to enhance the discussion. Let it go lads, you’re too bright to get bogged down in this.

Point taken and acknowledged mate.

Nice one, that's my bit as a good will ambassador done for the day. Now I can revert to type and get back to making threads about bands nobody has heard of and giving wildly wrong opinions on the cricket.
Shands said:
M18CTID said:
Shands said:
I can understand that, there's a natural tendency to go on the offensive and retaliate in kind when you feel someone is being disrespectful or condescending – but after that initial bite back it’s to your greater credit if you can then move on and rise above it. At the moment it’s simply coming across as petty point scoring on both your parts, with nothing of worth being added to the original debate. There’s no need to try and have the last word when you can use plenty more to enhance the discussion. Let it go lads, you’re too bright to get bogged down in this.

Point taken and acknowledged mate.

Nice one, that's my bit as a good will ambassador done for the day. Now I can revert to type and get back to making threads about bands nobody has heard of and giving wildly wrong opinions on the cricket.

Likewise - good work,Shands.
Now stop making like Kofi Annan and bugger off,you bloody do-gooder...:)
Shands said:
M18CTID said:
Shands said:
I can understand that, there's a natural tendency to go on the offensive and retaliate in kind when you feel someone is being disrespectful or condescending – but after that initial bite back it’s to your greater credit if you can then move on and rise above it. At the moment it’s simply coming across as petty point scoring on both your parts, with nothing of worth being added to the original debate. There’s no need to try and have the last word when you can use plenty more to enhance the discussion. Let it go lads, you’re too bright to get bogged down in this.

Point taken and acknowledged mate.

Nice one, that's my bit as a good will ambassador done for the day. Now I can revert to type and get back to making threads about bands nobody has heard of and giving wildly wrong opinions on the cricket.

Well I hope the next time I see you on the Lancashire CCC thread is to praise a decent batting performance in the first innings against Notts rather than us all bemoaning a meagre score of 150 or so ;)<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:55 am --<br /><br />
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Looks like his claims about multiple cells were fantasy.

Norwegian domestic intelligence chief Janne Kristiansen has told the BBC no evidence has so far been found linking Anders Behring Breivik with far-right extremists in Norway or elsewhere.

I'm actually quite surprised by that,if 'links' means contacting others sympathetic to his aims via the internet.
I presume that the Norwegian security people have been all over his hard drive like a rash,and you would have thought that he may have exchanged views with those of a like mind,whether in his own country or abroad.

It's doubtful he didn't have any contact with far-right groups somewhere along the line. I'm wondering if what they mean is that they don't think he was part of a larger group containing others who had the intention of carrying out the kind of attack that he did.
M18CTID said:
Shands said:
M18CTID said:
Point taken and acknowledged mate.

Nice one, that's my bit as a good will ambassador done for the day. Now I can revert to type and get back to making threads about bands nobody has heard of and giving wildly wrong opinions on the cricket.

Well I hope the next time I see you on the Lancashire CCC thread is to praise a decent batting performance in the first innings against Notts rather than us all bemoaning a meagre score of 150 or so ;)

-- Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:55 am --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Looks like his claims about multiple cells were fantasy.

I'm actually quite surprised by that,if 'links' means contacting others sympathetic to his aims via the internet.
I presume that the Norwegian security people have been all over his hard drive like a rash,and you would have thought that he may have exchanged views with those of a like mind,whether in his own country or abroad.

It's doubtful he didn't have any contact with far-right groups somewhere along the line. I'm wondering if what they mean is that they don't think he was part of a larger group containing others who had the intention of carrying out the kind of attack that he did.

In his manifesto he talks about contact with EDL and other similar groups around Europe. He used Facebook to farm email addresses of people likely to be receptive to his manifesto. He sent it to 5700 email addresses.
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.
I haven't really followed this story as it's upsetting but is the guy who shot the teens(r.i.p) the same guy who set off the car bombs?
Skashion said:
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.
I remember the first time I stumbled across Bill O'Reilly by accident as I was flicking through the channels about 8 years ago and I actually thought it was a comedy sketch show taking the piss. I'm just amazed no one has assassinated the jumped-up prick yet.

He regularly refers to Islam as a religion of hatred, so for him to say this about Christianity is hypocritical in the extreme. But I don't know why I'm surprised.
Skashion said:
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.

Are you really surprised? Their country is overwhelmingly Christian, they are probably Christian, and in 2001 it suffered the worst terrorist massacre of innocents the world has ever seen, by muslim extremists.

You may not agree with their biased opinions but can you seriously blame them? I love it when a City player makes a biased claim in the public arena - like when Kolarov suggested in a press conference that everyone in Manchester supported City. Yes it's biased and false but you can understand the vested interest which causes it to happen.

Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Skashion said:
Just come across the reaction from sections of the US right-wing media which I tend to examine on YouTube every couple of weeks or so. Glenn Beck compared the camp to a Hitler Youth camp and Bill O'Reilly made a claim that no true Christian could do such a thing. Now, I normally have no problem with such a claim because most religions forbid murder and so alleged followers of a religion which don't follow fundamental tenants cannot be described as followers. That's fine in my book, except I've never in all his time castigating Muslim/Islamic extremists have I heard him say no true Muslim. There you go, the view of two scumbags that are dangerously popular on the other side of the Atlantic.

Are you really surprised? Their country is overwhelmingly Christian, they are probably Christian, and in 2001 it suffered the worst terrorist massacre of innocents the world has ever seen, by muslim extremists.

You may not agree with their biased opinions but can you seriously blame them? I love it when a City player makes a biased claim in the public arena - like when Kolarov suggested in a press conference that everyone in Manchester supported City. Yes it's biased and false but you can understand the vested interest which causes it to happen.

Also, the point you make is most likely moot - just because you've never heard him say 'no true Muslim' doesn't mean he hasn't. You're calling him a scumbag based on insufficient evidence.

Fucking hell, you are off your head. Comparing sporting mind games to the incitement of racial hatred, a new low.

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