
chanceathefarpost said:
Aged 11, running across my school playground when out of nowhere both of my legs snapped! Two broken legs! Killed!!!! Took ages to get right too as I couldn't rely on a 'good' leg to get back on my feet. 2 operations.

About 9 months after this I was at the local school youth club playing basketball in my wheelchair when I fell out, smacked my elbow on the floor. Snapped the elbow cap, half stayed and the other half shot into my shoulder. Another 2 operations and 3 pins later I was ok, but that bloody murdered! (still got the ins actually!)

Others along the way include a 'banana leg' fractured of tibia and fibula which still hasn't mended (16 yrs later). Lost count of the number of ops on this one!

My proudest though is the snapped achilles I got at Old Trafford; jumping up when Vassell scored in the 50th Munich anniversary derby. Only one that was worth the pain!

(This is not a wind-up, as you may have guessed I have a bone condition - 35+ fractures and counting.....)

yeah i was gonna say that's not natural.
SteSteez said:
The most physically painful experience of your life?

Been knocked out a few times, broken noses and so on but at that moment in time I didn't feel much, over-rated on the pain scale lol

For me:
Cycling on a main road at high speeds, hit a pothole and went over the handlebars and smashed the back of my head (weakest part of the skull) straight into the tarmac.
Was unconscious for a few seconds, all I saw was stars and rushed for my bike onto the path as a car was approaching me.
I can still feel the pain now when I think about it

5 stitches at the bridge of my nose when i was a toddler after i walked behind my uncle who swung back a miniature axe whilst chopping a small branches!

3 stiches on the back of my head when i had a stone fight with mates on a building site!

broken nose playing football!

my cousin did what you did when we were kids,we went on a bike ride but he hit the kerb and went flying face forwards on to the pavement and smashing 5 teeth out of his mouth,one of the scariest moments of my life seeing his face when i picked him up of the floor!
I have dislocated my knee 5 times and my shoulder twice (most recently 3 weeks ago)

For instant pain the knee is absolute agony, mine pops out then always goes straight back in (instantly on its own as soon as it goes out) this is scream out loud painful for about 1 min then it just swells up to the point you can't get a pair of jeans on, but the pain is gone.

Shoulder is not painful when it comes out, just feels odd/uncomfortable. If you get it back in the pain goes insyantly. HOWEVER once it's been out 5-10 mins the endorphins wear off and the muscles begin to spasm around the dislocated joint (halfway down your arm) then it is absolutely excruciating!

That said, the worst pain I have experienced was when I had an attack of accute pancreatitis, this was just horrendous and even the morphine I was given only touched the sides of the pain, it can also last for days!

For instant pain we all experience a stubbed toe on a solid wooden table is a shitter too!
Breaking my leg on a Sunday Morning playing footie. Absolute nightmare and broke Tib, Fib and dislocated ankle. Went for a ball which was 70/30 in the other blokes favour and crunched straight into the tackle and got foot stuck in the pitch with the inpact. Tried getting up and then realised how bad this was. My team mate lifted my leg and was physically sick after seeing my leg flop. It was a cold December morning and had to wait 45 minutes for ambulance. It got lost and then when it arrived we needed the gate keeper of the park we played on to open the gate to let ambulance through which took another 10 mins. Finally they drove on grass verge and got ambulance stuck, they walked the long trek to get to me and then realised they forgot gas and air. Worse hour of my life
Playing football when I was 16. Broke my ankle in 6 places and fractured it in five places. I also ruptured two tendons and ruptured two ligaments after deciding to try and walk on it and when that didnt work as it was rather sore, I hopped home. Steel rod and 6 pins later and it is working. Still gives me jip 14 years on. Although my kids think I am made of metal as when you put a metal detector to my ankle it goes off ha ha.
My first day at work in a butchers ,I was cutting through some meat and took the top of my finger off, Iam going back to the early eighties before butchers wore protective gloves, my boss took me out the back and told me to keep my arm above my head to stop the blood squirting out and he said "for godsake don't look at it". He went to get his car keys to run me to the A&E and while he was gone I just couldn't resist having a look as any young lad would, next thing I know someone is giving me smelling salts and tapping me round the face to bring me back round due to me feinting !
Cheesy said:
The Iceman Cometh said:
a neighbour of mine burst a testicle a few months ago. I cant even think about that one.

There's a H&S poster that features the results of an incorrectly fitted safety harness. Just google 'burst testicles' and look at the first pic :-O

Sorry Cheesy, I just can't bring myself to google that one :@
The Iceman Cometh said:
Cheesy said:
There's a H&S poster that features the results of an incorrectly fitted safety harness. Just google 'burst testicles' and look at the first pic :-O

Sorry Cheesy, I just can't bring myself to google that one :@

I can understand why :-)

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