Our Badge

It was a pathetic article & a pathetic headline & defending it & calling out fellow fans as being angry when all they saying is it’s pathetic & taking the piss shows your sanctimonious attitude. No one is being manipulated by this article & certainly not be the guardian, that paper is nothing like what it was 20 years ago.

would you give it a fucking rest.

not defending it and never said i agreed with it. I called out that the headline was clickbait and didn't reflect the article.

you're kind of proving that you're angry with this response.

Let me say it clearly for you, you're all getting bothered over nothing, the article didn't campaign against the badge, it was just his opinion on it's history. That's it. Wasn't anti-City. No woke consipiracy to remove or ban it.
would you give it a fucking rest.

not defending it and never said i agreed with it.

you're kind of proving that you're angry with this response.

Let me say it clearly for you, you're all getting bothered over nothing, the article didn't campaign against the badge, it was just his opinion on it's history. That's it. Wasn't anti-City. No woke consipiracy to remove or ban it.
The writer knew fine well what he was doing by saying ‘Abandon Ship’ in the headline.
Egypt's pyramids were also made by slaves. Should we destroy them, then?
Egypt's pyramids were also made by slaves. Should we destroy them, then?
Were they, though?
And, we seem to be trying hard to do so…not that you’ll find anyone being woke about slavery in Egypt. Lest we forget, slavery has been a norm throughout history and it is only recently that it has caught a bad rap!

(None of that should be taken in a way that infers I am a fan of slavery.)

Perhaps we should reset history to now. No, now. No, now. No, now!

Conversely, we could adapt the mentality that humans are, well, human…flaws and all…and that there is much to learn from believed mistakes of the past.

Unfortunately for some, none of that suggests the complete erasure of the historical record, of which the ship is an integral part.

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