our european support

BL2blue said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I go to the euro games and enjoyed last night as we played well and the poznan fans were great entertainment.

I must say though in general I hate midweek night matches. Finishing work then spending an hour crawling in traffic, 8.05 kick offs (Who thought of that one - No wonder the family stand was empty) getting home at 11. Overpriced food ( A pie at £3.50 is just a complete rip off ) no beer in the ground etc...

I can see very well why people dont go as well as the cost.

I suspect we wont have that problem on Nov 10th.

I know times are tough but it's always been the same at City for decades. The ones who go missing for midweek league cup and now early Euro games are the ST holders, most (not all) of whom can well afford to go.

I really dont understand it. I love these games against opposition we may never play again and who, like last night, sometimes provide a unique atmosphere.

We wont have that problem on Nov 10th but thats because ST holders have already paid for their tickets. I bet alot of them dont like night matches though
The crowd would have been much higher for a league game and that is with a far lower away attendance.

Yes, some can't make midweek games. Yes, some can't afford cup games on top of the season card. But the long and short of it for me is that many simply cannot be arsed with European games, an attitude I cannot fathom.
I've not read every post but i've got the jist of it. My suggestion would be that it's up to us to stop trying to talk an atmosphere on here and actually put some effort in at the game. in my day on the kippax we had rivalry between Gorton, Langley etc.all trying to outsing each other or make up the best song, and if a steward or copper even thought about trying to dampen our enthusiasm he would be fucked off in sharp order. The poles proved that seats don't kill an atmosphere unless you sit in em and moan about the atmosphere so grow a pair and start a new trend of english supporters emulatimg polish supporters. Instead of writing about the atmosphere make one at the ground, take your megaphones if thats what it takes, poznan proved it works last night and they didnt look stupid.
I think the lack of atmosphere and the empty seats come down to the same thing.
When I was a young lad we were in Europe and it seemed Maine Road was rocking, yes they were knockout two legs but even so the Kippax was crammed and it was nearly all groups of individuals, not families, so the relative costs were a lot lower I suppose.
Look at Poznan's support last night. 90% of them were lads, up for it, all singing, all running around, all energetic in their support.
Look at any section in our ground (prob excluding the two “singing” sections) and I would reckon that these days we would struggle to find 25% lads under 30. We are, again at a guess, 50% blokes who were the lads of the 70's and probably can’t be bothered jumping around and singing these days and the balance are women and kids.
We are never going to create the noise that they did because of this.

The lack of atmosphere doesn’t help attract the younger groups of lads to the games which is a bit of a downward spiral but imo it is mainly because our lack of success in the 80's and 90's where we lost a generation or two of youngsters who would now be our energetic supporters to rival our opponents.
Our family stand kids will in 5-10 years hopefully be our 18-25 supporters who will make it their duty to attend every home game like we used to and not have to stay at home because it is too expensive for everyone to go and they will be allowed to come to games on their own. How many kids come to the games on their own now without parents? I remember the 53 to Maine Road was always full of kids when I used to go to Maine Road aged 12, it just doesn’t happen now.
I am able to go to every home game with my lads whatever the competition (and couldn’t not go to be honest) and I hate it that others don’t feel the same.
So don’t moan at the lack of support for these games and then moan at the Johnny come lately, we wont have full houses every game unless we get the new young fans and their families. I think the club have sussed this and hence the focus on getting the kids in and the attempt to get all the non family groups together away from the north stand to compress the atmosphere in certain sections.

bit long winded, sorry but that's how i see it.
It's due to economics-simples!
People pick and choose games and lets be honest,not many clubs would have 33,000 at a Europa group stage.We are still one of the best regarding attendances.
Contributing factors:

1. Times are hard and we have an economically poor fanbase.

2. The glory-hunters haven't arrived yet because we haven't won anything and although we're winning games it isn't yet with fantasy football to encourage neutrals to attend.

3. People are used to a half-full ground and poor atmosphere for night cup games, so if you're going to miss any game it'll be games like this - live on terrestrial tv, group game against modest opposition, qualification likely regardless of result.

4. Platini insists we fans, and not a benevolent owner, pay full whack for our success. So subsidised gestures like a fiver for adults and a quid for kids to ensure a sellout (which made Hamburg such a special night) can't be repeated regularly, and City are forced into ticket pricing which ensures a half-empty ground. The irony is that this is known as 'financial fair-play.'

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