our european support

Here is the problem. We have all been given access to 'gods purse' and have become rather complacent. We can buy anyone (nearly), tevez is a blue (remember Jon Macken was the height of sophistication!) and we are now regularly beating Chelski and the kebab munching turks of Arsenal.

So - Poznan (never heard of them until they came up against us) - in a group stage - when it is on TV, sodding cold, no alcohol in the Summerbee Bar - after announcing the biggest money grabbing, money pit plugging, plundering financial grab of nearly 5 generations - and everyone is moaning about fans not turning up??!!

Our songs are shite, (even at Blackpool, the lads could only come up with 'The City is Ours - feck off back to London - the city is ours' - at blackpool for god sake!!!), I have not heard a decent new song for 2 years, were at a rented ground, sterile stadium, with the general atmosphere that an undertaker would ask for their money back, overpriced, boring shite food at the concessions in the stands, programmes with litarary levels that collymore would expect after 17 vodka shots and a crab vindaloo, adverts for Jaguar, and for more sweatshirts made in the sweat shops of India.....................moan, moan, moan, moan, moan, moan.....................................

I FUCKING LUV IT!! I have travelled to every single CITY GAME, HOME AND AWAY since the ARABS arrived (and was a season ticket holder for 18 years before that) - AND I TRAVEL FROM THE KENT COAST!!!!! (Born in Ramsbottom, before you ask).

My point? None really, but stop whinging, stop complaining - whatever your opinion is. Get behind the lads and turn up rain, snow, shine (& Manu!)
250 to Romania and 800 to Austria is pretty fucking good I'd say considering both game you had about two weeks to prepare for.

And then Poznan - hardly a glamour tie away to some naughty Poles.

Juventus - a lot of people might be put off by not being able to get a ticket.

I didn't go to Romania, but would have if I didn't have work commitments.

I went to Salzburg, and am going to the other two euro aways.

Just my opinion but I wasn't really proud to be a blue last night. The Poles were amazing, not just the numbers but the way they sang their hearts out as one, the noise and colour a sight to behold. There team are not the greatest to be fair. We are treated to European football something we could only dream of years ago. We have been given fantastic players to admire and we are winning on a regular basis. The club do everything they can with the three games for £50 offer.

Let's face it the Poles were everywhere, 2500 in the South, 6000 in East third tier, 250 in Colin Bell 2nd tier and dotted about the North Lower and Colin Bell lower, we were easily outsung. This would not happen at a big club.

The lads in the south and the east corner deserve credit, they sang they took the piss, they joined in with the Polish jumping around etc Well done lads.

The ground should of been full of Blues doing this and if season ticket holders and local blues got off their arses it could of been ! and the Poles would of been restricted to 3000 in the south.

Looking round the North stand and the Colin Bell 3rd tier was pitiful, bollox to excuses you will all be there on Sunday.

Like a few of already said on here, the stay aways don't know what they are missing, I doubt we will experience an away following quite like Poznan for a long while.

The boys on the pitch are trying to win us this trophy, why not turn up and help them ?

See you Sunday, the missing 22,000 :)
BlueBoy85 said:
ste.sully said:
There is a thing in life called money you know
I'm sorry ste but £50 for 3 euro games is a a bargain?? No excuse for turning your nose up at that?

For euro games there should defo be a different system in placee to reward those people who go to the euro games to get priority for a potential final ticket. No shows have shown no 'loyalty' and shouldn't be able to get one?

I did actually take the offer up, but paying £50 in one go leaves people worse off for that month than paying £35 for each game, so monthly it's actually better not to take up that offer (not everyone has savings, and certainly many people can't afford £50 in one go!).

But I do agree with your Cup Loyalty and League Loyalty Points should be seperate.

But then don't underestimate that amount of twats who pay for their cup games because they can afford to but don't even bother going cos they can't be arsed, they just collect their points for future big games - there's a lot like this you know! So I suppose there's no point splitting up cup and league LP's!
I wish the cost stopped at the match ticket! I live in Blackpool, every game costs me £30 in petrol, £5 to park, and £20 to eat and have a drink. In addittion, for night games I have to leave Blackpool at 5pm, get home around midnight, and can't bring my lad as he is only 8 and has to go to school the following day.
I am a north stand season ticket holder, attend every league home game but being married with a young family, money only goes so far! I'm sorry but I don't consider myself less of a fan just because I can't afford to attend the Europa league games too.
I go to the euro games and enjoyed last night as we played well and the poznan fans were great entertainment.

I must say though in general I hate midweek night matches. Finishing work then spending an hour crawling in traffic, 8.05 kick offs (Who thought of that one - No wonder the family stand was empty) getting home at 11. Overpriced food ( A pie at £3.50 is just a complete rip off ) no beer in the ground etc...

I can see very well why people dont go as well as the cost.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I go to the euro games and enjoyed last night as we played well and the poznan fans were great entertainment.

I must say though in general I hate midweek night matches. Finishing work then spending an hour crawling in traffic, 8.05 kick offs (Who thought of that one - No wonder the family stand was empty) getting home at 11. Overpriced food ( A pie at £3.50 is just a complete rip off ) no beer in the ground etc...

I can see very well why people dont go as well as the cost.

I suspect we wont have that problem on Nov 10th.

I know times are tough but it's always been the same at City for decades. The ones who go missing for midweek league cup and now early Euro games are the ST holders, most (not all) of whom can well afford to go.

I really dont understand it. I love these games against opposition we may never play again and who, like last night, sometimes provide a unique atmosphere.
I don't understand the low attendances in cup games, it's still City, why does a premier league game against say,wolves get a higher attendance then a Europa League game against Juventus!

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