Our fans today

antculmcfc said:
allan harper said:
antculmcfc said:
Hahahahah made my morning that, that was our minibus, and no i wasnt the fat lad who slipped on his arse.....

Quality! Every single one of you were smashed and it was still 3 or 4 hours to kick off, funny as mate.

still feeling it today tbh, the lad who was spewing managed to get it on my coat, i only realised about an hr later when my brother pointed it out so spent about 30mins in the bogs of some boozer washing and dryin it. the lad fcuked off to a dry cleaners with his haha.

Haha! What was even more funny that old dear who was with you ( I've seen her a few times) she came into Yates and started mine sweeping pints! Lol.
Bilboblue said:
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
Squadmissile said:
I haven't seen a thread on it but if it exists, mods please merge but our fans were absolutely fantastic today.

After the collective feeling of "well the seasons over" after Barrys cock up everyone got off their arses and sang "we never win at home" continuously for probably 20 minutes straight. It was absolutely ace and I can't remember any of the last 30 minutes of the game due to singing my throat sore for ages. Albeit it probably wasn't much to watch but that's besides the point, if we had scored another though i reckon the fans would have gone ballistic.

Once again, fucking fantastic blues, a well welcome return to the defeatism mixed with pride from yesteryear, completely out singing the Southampton fans.

Certain players getting booed from what I was told by someone there. That's not fantastic at all. Unless it's Nasri they're booeing, in which case it is.

Bullshit, we didn't boo anybody.

just fk off with your hearsay defeatism.

From where i was stood, a certain French player (not Clichy) was getting a few boos. He fully deserved it, too.

Since he won his bet with Morgan at the end of last season, he seems to not give a toss about the club, his team mates and the fans.

Don't get me started on Yaya and Javi Garcia not acknowledging the fans. Bang out of order.
Squadmissile said:
I haven't seen a thread on it but if it exists, mods please merge but our fans were absolutely fantastic today.

After the collective feeling of "well the seasons over" after Barrys cock up everyone got off their arses and sang "we never win at home" continuously for probably 20 minutes straight. It was absolutely ace and I can't remember any of the last 30 minutes of the game due to singing my throat sore for ages. Albeit it probably wasn't much to watch but that's besides the point, if we had scored another though i reckon the fans would have gone ballistic.

Once again, fucking fantastic blues, a well welcome return to the defeatism mixed with pride from yesteryear, completely out singing the Southampton fans.

Season's far from over. Plenty of work to do yet.
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

Head. Wobble. Moron.
my 8 year old boy said it was his favorite ever away day.

he sang this non stop for 20 minutes

"we never win at home, and we never win away
we lost last week and lost today
we dotn give a stuff cos we've drank too much
mcfc, ok"

he told his mum it must have been like the 80s

magic day!
Slicker than Sommeil said:
Blue Mooner said:
Yeh great 'support' from our fans singing we never win at home and we never win away.....

Truly awe inspiring stuff to our players to hear that......!!

Oh and to round it off we don't give a f*ck (presumerably about the result)cos we're all pissed up.....wow the players must get really pumped up knowing that none of our fans give a sh@t about the result.

Tbh I would rather hear silence than this sh*te song.

Don't give me it's ironic, it's city fans gallows humour blah blah it's shite, negative and everything that is wrong with our fans.

On the one hand we supposedly don't give a f*ck but when you come on here after a loss it's like the world has ended, ycnmiu.

Will never join in with this song, it's an embarrassment and harks back to the bad old days. The team and manager and club have moved on, it's about time the fans did too.

Head. Wobble. Moron.
deary me, guess we should stop singing super city from maine road and in 1963... two dicks behind me at soton were telling me to stop singing this, though they werent exactly starting any chants of their own, just stood there looking miserable.

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