Our PR department and the media

Slowly slowly catchee monkey as the saying goes

aint no monkey, it's a pile of stinking shit that erupts with a giant roar "I fucking stink"all the time.

We're getting further and further away from a position to resolve this. I mean you would have thought Leicester would be a catalyst, but nope, now the Rags are back doing worse than they ever did and it's just being let go, even when everyone is now publicly talking about it.

it's like football is competing with Trump, that it's somehow offended that it can be outdone by somebody for blatant bollocks and shite.
How about taking a leaf out of Trump's books and banning the media that we don't want anywhere near our ground/players/management.
Trump is a dickhead but at least he is stirring the media pot.
People are free to form their own opinions, but please don't try and portray them as fact, as we all know that there are few facts in football but lots of opinions!!

Look at Arse, they have a split in the fans between the wenger to stay and wenger out brigade, and there are lots of articles saying its time to go/stay etc.

Which group do you think supports the clubs stance and lack of response to the media, my guess is the group who are seeing the most articles and TV interviews that support their own agenda.

There is a plan at City, you may not agree with the plan, so does that make the plan wrong? in your eyes you may think it does but in the clubs eyes it is their plan so its correct.

Who is right?
Wouldn't it be ironic if the PR team were all over this thread to defend their inflated salaries and their approach ;)

Basically... the approach is not working, the strategy is flawed, the tactics need to be change, the people involved need to be changed. Relationships with the press need to improve and I don't mean give them a plusher welcome, heated seat, a hot meal and a brew!

So to say... we have accepted the narrative is naivety at best.

If we have adopted a toothless stance of a phone call, letter or email to say; we don't approve an article in the press, this is somewhat comical. Bet the press pack think this is rather cute / funny and then swap funny tales of VK and her phone calls telling them what a naughty boy they've been.

Been saying this for years. We need a different approach.

Been saying this for years. We need a different approach.
We basically just bend over and take it. How many more years can we take of the old Sky 4 mafia running the agenda, even when commentating on our games? In ten years time will it be Martial, Rashford, Lingard spouting the same shite, or will we have stood up to them by then?
What I find puzzling is that the rags have demonstrated for 30 years that taking a hard line with the media, DOES work.

And it went hand in hand with their success on the pitch imo.
What I find puzzling is that the rags have demonstrated for 30 years that taking a hard line with the media, DOES work.

And it went hand in hand with their success on the pitch imo.

But for quite a number of those Sky owned a chunk of them, and were trying to buy the club - giving them the Sun and News of the World on a platter.
By the end of the 90s, they were the dominant team, and could bully the media as Ferguson wanted.
Then the internet and Far East became important, and prior exploitation led to the need for 'clicks' becoming a self-sustaining circle.

We've never had that clout.
But for quite a number of those Sky owned a chunk of them, and were trying to buy the club - giving them the Sun and News of the World on a platter.
By the end of the 90s, they were the dominant team, and could bully the media as Ferguson wanted.
Then the internet and Far East became important, and prior exploitation led to the need for 'clicks' becoming a self-sustaining circle.

We've never had that clout.
Assuming that's the reason for their constantly positive representation - the point remains that our approach clearly isn't working and it's hard to imagine our treatment being much worse. Different approach needed.
But for quite a number of those Sky owned a chunk of them, and were trying to buy the club - giving them the Sun and News of the World on a platter.
By the end of the 90s, they were the dominant team, and could bully the media as Ferguson wanted.
Then the internet and Far East became important, and prior exploitation led to the need for 'clicks' becoming a self-sustaining circle.

We've never had that clout.

Doubtless what you say is true, and I would not advocate us simply "doing what the rags did", we have to cut our coat according to our cloth. But the cloth is not some 2nd rate club that can be kicked and spat at relentlessly without come back. When you look at the positive things happening at our club, with the best academy, the regeneration of the east of Manchester, the young talent we have coming through... then any *balanced* reporting would be full of positives. Not forgetting we're perhaps the most successful English club of the past 6 years too.

I really think we need to wipe the slate clean with our media relations. Draw a line under what's gone before, get them all in and explain the new reality that we expect fair criticism where it is due and praise would be nice when appropriate too. But that any ongoing unjustified and baseless smearing of our club, owners, manager etc will no longer be tolerated.

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