P****d off with the so called ''Match day experience''

Gingers Dad said:
danburge82 said:
Gingers Dad said:
There is no correlation between "Match Day Experience" and atmosphere. In fact atmosphere has nothing to do with the stadium, singing sections, Hugh Ferris, standing, giant hot dogs, family stands, Natalie Pike, ticket prices, City Square, half time fun games, big screen highlights or Fanzone Danny. It's about the fans.
I sit in the North Stand and you lot in 110, 111 and the South Stand are so much quieter than the away fans it's embarrassing. I always laugh when I read comments on here about moving away fans to the third tier to create a singing section. There is already a singing section and you don't make much noise. The solution to the lack of atmosphere lies with yourselves
The thing is with that (and I agree about how the singing sections are out-noised most of the time, it's the absolute truth!) is that the Singing Section Level 1 holds about 1300 and the South Stand Level 1 holds about 1800. It's not fucking enough. Stockport have more seats aside for vocal fans than that.

For me - and I think about our atmosphere and the set-up of the stadium to obsessive levels and I'm always emailing the club about stuff - I have very recently (last few days) come to the decision that wish City would fuck those posh seats off at the back of 105 and announce that the singing section goes all the way across East Stand Level 1. That would make a huge difference. Instead of that effort of two or three blocks at [109]110/111, we have the whole fucking lot from 101-111.

How many do people think are in ESL1? 5000? That would then put us on a par with vocal sections at Blackburn, Fulham, West Brom etc. It's better, it's a start, but still not anything compared to SheffU, SheffW, Everton, Liverpool, Villa, Newcastle, the Rags... they range from 9000-18000. But at least it would be a bloody start!
It's about fans wanting to sing and for some reason the majority of City fans don't want to sing. Went to WBA and Sunderland over Christmas and New Year and our support was terrible.

loyalty points are the main problem

the same people go to most of the away games and it is same old same old

put a big away game up as a lottery draw ( for tickets) and the winners would bring an excitement to the game with them
whp.blue said:
loyalty points are the main problem

the same people go to most of the away games and it is same old same old

put a big away game up as a lottery draw ( for tickets) and the winners would bring an excitement to the game with them

So those Blues that have spent thousands travelling all over the country in some of the clubs darkest times should just have to put up with a raffle to see if they can get to the games that others pick and chose?

I would don the tin hat and full body armour if i were you.
What severly gets my goat is the early leavers. What's more, halfway up the stairs if something happens on the pitch they'll stop and watch the game. Sit down and watch it!!! In your own seat!

There will be genuine reasons for some early leavers but it's like a rush of lemmings. I'm constantly asking them 'Where are you going? It's not finished yet?'. Surely you want to watch the rest of the match, it's what came for for god's sake. Support your team! A half empty stadium on the TV cameras is just plain embarrassing.

Maybe the stewards should scan the 'no reason, early leavers' season cards and send them a letter out mentioning their lack of support is being noted. I think leaving 10 minutes early has become an addiction with some so called fans. Cut it out blues and get a grip, full stadiums to the end is what we need.

Rant over, deep breath.
Gazbrad said:
What severly gets my goat is the early leavers. What's more, halfway up the stairs if something happens on the pitch they'll stop and watch the game. Sit down and watch it!!! In your own seat!

There will be genuine reasons for some early leavers but it's like a rush of lemmings. I'm constantly asking them 'Where are you going? It's not finished yet?'. Surely you want to watch the rest of the match, it's what came for for god's sake. Support your team! A half empty stadium on the TV cameras is just plain embarrassing.

Maybe the stewards should scan the 'no reason, early leavers' season cards and send them a letter out mentioning their lack of support is being noted. I think leaving 10 minutes early has become an addiction with some so called fans. Cut it out blues and get a grip, full stadiums to the end is what we need.

Rant over, deep breath.

I agree there mate! Can't remember the last time I left early but there one MAJOR factor! the POLICE insist on locking all the fucking traffic lights on RED around the ground keeping every fucker trying to get away from the ground waiting about until the away fans are escorted away, as what happend on Wed night! away fans don't give a fuck about CITY so look after the HOME fans! let CITY fans get away from the stadium and keep away in the pen until the roads are clear! FFS
law74 said:
whp.blue said:
loyalty points are the main problem

the same people go to most of the away games and it is same old same old

put a big away game up as a lottery draw ( for tickets) and the winners would bring an excitement to the game with them

So those Blues that have spent thousands travelling all over the country in some of the clubs darkest times should just have to put up with a raffle to see if they can get to the games that others pick and chose?

I would don the tin hat and full body armour if i were you.

yes and it just makes the point just because someone has the time and money to go to most games are not always the best fans and certainly not the loudest

because of the loyalty points our away fans have become increasingly a group of scarfers and anal intelectuals akin to the real beer drinkers

ie just ticking gounds and matches off a list and seem to get most satisfaction on forums by telling us they haven't missed a game for x amount of seasons

our fans have lost real passion and as the prices increase and the pc get their way it will only get worse

a few years ago the idea of The Blue Allience would be laughable now it is a desperate attempt to improve atmosphere

when did these so called top fans who go to all the games stand up and sing for 90 mins even if the team are playing crap or getting beat

scrap the points scheme and fans who go would be genuinly excited about being at an away game
whp.blue said:
law74 said:
whp.blue said:
loyalty points are the main problem

the same people go to most of the away games and it is same old same old

put a big away game up as a lottery draw ( for tickets) and the winners would bring an excitement to the game with them

So those Blues that have spent thousands travelling all over the country in some of the clubs darkest times should just have to put up with a raffle to see if they can get to the games that others pick and chose?

I would don the tin hat and full body armour if i were you.

yes and it just makes the point just because someone has the time and money to go to most games are not always the best fans and certainly not the loudest

because of the loyalty points our away fans have become increasingly a group of scarfers and anal intelectuals akin to the real beer drinkers

ie just ticking gounds and matches off a list and seem to get most satisfaction on forums by telling us they haven't missed a game for x amount of seasons

our fans have lost real passion and as the prices increase and the pc get their way it will only get worse

a few years ago the idea of The Blue Allience would be laughable now it is a desperate attempt to improve atmosphere

when did these so called top fans who go to all the games stand up and sing for 90 mins even if the team are playing crap or getting beat

scrap the points scheme and fans who go would be genuinly excited about being at an away game

what a load of old crap, where are these uber fanatics who are going to turn the away games into a festival of passion, wigan only sold out on friday, last season most away games made open sale, birmingham away had 2000 empty seats.

What a unique bunch these partizan fanatics are going to be, they are going to create the best atmosphere known to man, but only when they can be arsed in going.
The club can move the away fans to where southstanders are now so we can have one continual singing stand but the size of it is not that important if we don't have enough up for singing to create much needed atmosphere.

At the end of the day, too many would rather berate players and howl derisory comments than actually get behind those players and the team. The rest just sit there in silence like cardboard cut outs!

Too many fans have become apathetic and are happy to politely clap goals instead of leaping about like deranged frogs like we used to in the Kippax. . We need supporters who actually support the team by vocally encouraging the team to play better in chants and song.

That is all the 'match day experience' i for one ask for.
this problem will never be resolved unless standing is brought back, you just cant sing while sitting down thats why the away fans will be the loudest because they are allowed to stand by the stewards.
marios stress ball said:
akcity said:
We are one of the cheapest in the top half of the league! FFS if u want cheap football go and watch Bury. How cheap exactly do you want to watch a team that could well win the league - yes, win the league!

They're still expensive. Especially single match day tickets. People rave about the money we put into little perks that we don't want. The money for those cheesy, unwanted fan experience extras comes out of our pockets, who really wanted city square that bad? I don't remember anyone moaning about not having it.

If it wasn't for the family stand, which only certain people are allowed to sit in, we wouldn't have that title of the cheapest in the top half. When I get booted out the north stand next season I will be forced to fork out at least an extra £150 and then I would have to pay an extra £50 for loyalty points(you can buy loyalty now!?) if I want any chance of going to finals. Then I would have to start paying £20-30 more per cup game I go to which could be a an extra £300 per season(at least). All this in the current economic climate will probably be impossible for me as I probably won't even have a job next year.

I'm not putting this all down to the perks, I just went off on one. Though everything on the pitch is going well, I'm still disappointed with my fan experience. It's not all about what's happening on the pitch, that doesn't mean too much to me because I will go whenever I can, win or lose. The club needs to cater for all fans, not just half the north stand. City square should be kept in city square! Not forced down the ears of other fans.

Loyalty points for the loyal.
Perks for the families and corporates.
No shifting the hardcore or more loyal fans.
No cheese festival being beamed into the ground from the square.
No music 5 mins before kick-off.
A bigger singing section of unallocated seats and cheaper tickets.
Away fans moved to SS and CBS corner so all singing section can vibe off the fans and see the fatties.
Faster serving of beers.(English speaking staff would help)
Let the north stand upper remain family orientated(as they fucked up when they made all NS the family stand).
No Showsec.
No Fletcher.

These are all realistic targets that would improve peoples match day experiences, not just families... that's just my view.

Rant over.

All this

Bring back standing
Being able to have a pint whilst watching the match

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