P****d off with the so called ''Match day experience''

kippax_blueboy said:
marios stress ball said:
akcity said:
We are one of the cheapest in the top half of the league! FFS if u want cheap football go and watch Bury. How cheap exactly do you want to watch a team that could well win the league - yes, win the league!

They're still expensive. Especially single match day tickets. People rave about the money we put into little perks that we don't want. The money for those cheesy, unwanted fan experience extras comes out of our pockets, who really wanted city square that bad? I don't remember anyone moaning about not having it.

If it wasn't for the family stand, which only certain people are allowed to sit in, we wouldn't have that title of the cheapest in the top half. When I get booted out the north stand next season I will be forced to fork out at least an extra £150 and then I would have to pay an extra £50 for loyalty points(you can buy loyalty now!?) if I want any chance of going to finals. Then I would have to start paying £20-30 more per cup game I go to which could be a an extra £300 per season(at least). All this in the current economic climate will probably be impossible for me as I probably won't even have a job next year.

I'm not putting this all down to the perks, I just went off on one. Though everything on the pitch is going well, I'm still disappointed with my fan experience. It's not all about what's happening on the pitch, that doesn't mean too much to me because I will go whenever I can, win or lose. The club needs to cater for all fans, not just half the north stand. City square should be kept in city square! Not forced down the ears of other fans.

Loyalty points for the loyal.
Perks for the families and corporates.
No shifting the hardcore or more loyal fans.
No cheese festival being beamed into the ground from the square.
No music 5 mins before kick-off.
A bigger singing section of unallocated seats and cheaper tickets.
Away fans moved to SS and CBS corner so all singing section can vibe off the fans and see the fatties.
Faster serving of beers.(English speaking staff would help)
Let the north stand upper remain family orientated(as they fucked up when they made all NS the family stand).
No Showsec.
No Fletcher.

These are all realistic targets that would improve peoples match day experiences, not just families... that's just my view.

Rant over.

All this

Bring back standing
Being able to have a pint whilst watching the match

I was gonna put safe standing too but that just seems so stupidly obvious lol!
Luc said:
Been supporting city for 17 years now and was a season ticket holder at Maine Road. The atmosphere has got worse and to be honest all English support is average compared to a lot of the European teams. Look at Lech Poznan, they are consistently loud throughout the game and it's all because they have single fans strategically placed in parts of the stands, they have a massive megaphone and direct people what to sing. This is what is missing and it will probably never be present at premier league clubs because either no one has the bottle to do it, no one will listen to whoever is leading the singing or the stewards will have a go because its against health and safety. Just have a look at this video: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuwVi8dSQWk[/youtube] This is at an under 12 tournament! Their support sh*ts on ours! & its all because they have guys at the front directing. Would love to see something happen at Eastland's but pretty sure it won't.
Rant over
i agree mate however that is a diffrent culture and diffrent way they organise thier singing which i dout they will ever see at city, to get our hard core fans better we need to get safe standing terrace in our singing section, be able to drink beer while watching the game, get rid of the show sec stewards that treat you like shit and stamp out atmophere, lower the ticket prices, get all lads who want to make the atmophere together, stop all the money being put into the club going to family orintated things like city square which in the end will attract hangers on, keep creating and following groups like the blue alliance.
Yes to NO music five minutes before the game...sounds awful and really killed the lights out before the Liverpool CC match.

Loud music does not create atmosphere, it stifles it.
I don't go much these days because the 'experience' has changed beyond all recognition.
Massive tellys, shouty announcers, fancy fucking dress. up and down like a yo-yo, stupid ko days and times, having to sit down, ticket prices etc etc all conspire to make it a bit of a turn-off for me.
I demand drummers in all corners of the ground, blimps hovering across the pitch, more replay screens over empty seats, more firework displays, more cheerleaders, more giggly microphone holders and less football.
This is the way football and my beloved Manchester City has gone I’m afraid.

The number of ‘fans’ coming to watch because we’re playing some fabulous football and ‘on the way to being successful again’ has increased which was bound to happen. This has definitely diluted the atmosphere some what, but so did the enforcement of all seater stadiums and the move from Maine Road. Times change, football changes along with everything else, I know it’s hard to swallow and TBH I don’t enjoy it half as much as the standing in the Kippax with my Dad days but either we get on with it and support our club as best we can or give up! The latter is not an option for me so let’s stop having a fucking go at each other about not singing etc Aye?
Lets be honst, the worst moment of my match day experience was playing recorded chants over the speakers...

As long as that doesn't happen again im all for anything else, flares, smoke bombs, standing areas, crowd surfing, mosh pitt's, pitch invasions, giant balloons surrounding the goals and massive advertising hoardings blocking the view of the pitch for all of the game apart from half time where they do another competition and pick the least gifted to participate!

Went last night and the atmosphere was pretty good! 6000 blues singing most of the game a lot to be said for everyone in one end

We really do need a talented blue who can wright and get some NEW songs going! and who's not afraid to stand up and be counted all the same my vote still goes to away games!!! much more enjoyable at the mo

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