Palace (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

Great win in difficult windy conditions. Akanji introduction at ht was a momentum changer and Palace will be very happy to escape with just a 2 goal beating ... great to relax now and just await next big one on Tuesday night.

Special shout-out for the fans. They were absolutely fantastic today and loved the Yaya rendition.... great to acknowledge our legends - well done all
What’s this media thing about murmurings with regards to Kev?
the only thing ive heard is that he could go to one of the Saudi teams in the summer but I put that down to lazy jounralism straight away
The Boys in Blue didn't give in. They fought to the end. Thank you City, thank you lads and very much thank you fans you were in splendid voice. You showed 'em, you showed 'em all. Especially the Southern Cloggers who went out of their way to injure our Jackie Boy. Bad lads, bad lads. Play football not clog ball.
Especially the know nowt biased stupid nut crackers of a media who need to go back to media school and learn about balanced reporting. The two co-commentators on TNT were so bad I had to watch the game with the sound down!!
Especially the Specsavers needing officials who really, really, really need to learn the rules. You are allowed to give BOTH TEAMS a yellow card when they foul! If you have to learn how to read the rules there are plenty of adult learning classes for non-readers. You bunch of influenced, jobbernowl, stookie, clodplate fools need to remember who you are refereeing!! MANCHESTER CITY, THE BEST TEAM IN THE LAND AND ALL THE WORLD. You nincompoops.

Well done John Boy, not bad for your first game back, shame about their first goal but even you can't be perfect every time and you more than made up for it with the save in the second half. :-)
De Bruyne, Grealish, Rico and Akanji (one mistake aside) all had very good games. Bobb was impressive too.

We need to win our remaining 7 games to realistically stand a chance of making it 4 in a row. Unfortunately I don’t see this happening as we concede too many clear cut chances (usually from breakaways that expose our high line and sluggish CBs - excluding Ake and Akanji) and something seems amiss with our system to me.

But this team has proven me wrong time and time again, so can only hope that continues.
that spurs game is a real issue - win that and anything is possible as I dont think Pep has scored a goal there yet!
A vital win and at this stage of the season that's all that counts. Weird performance, we just can't seem to eradicate this sloppiness out of our play this season. Conceeding almost every game and missing decent chances. Whatever happens this season we need some real quality added in the close season and some moved on. I'd even shift Nunez and Kovacic on if we can upgrade on them, they're not up to our quality.

Rodney Marsh summed it up. The problem is we can't seem to play it tight which could be a worry

Well done lads never easy to back up with a shortened time between games and we showed we are definitely in for the fight.

KDB always has what is required when push comes to shove.

Great achievement today and despite his injuries anybody wanting rid needs to reflect on what he can do on the pitch even when below his best often when carrying an injury which clearly he has done on numerous occasions.

I like our run in , we can still win 4 on the spin to elevate us to legendary status as it won't be done again in many a decade if at all given how the league is set up now.

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