Palace (A) Post Match Thread

Both injuries looked longterm. KDB apparently is okay, but I still expect him to miss the next game. Jersus looks like a serious knee injury. We really need Silva back now and have to get Sanchez as well. Disgusted by Palace and that wanker Woy Hodgons.
To be fair, tot Palace were not unsportsmanlike in their overall play. Puncheon should have been red carded as he showed particular diregard. But the injury to Jesus was just bad luck.

I'd say Tothenham we're far more cynical in their play.

Palace played well and probably deserved their point.
Too right, proper classless.

Never liked that outlook from football fans, it’s proper hypocritical n’all because the same people would probably be going mad if a fan of another team said something like that

Or player...

I hope they go down. Maybe Puncheon will as well eh!!
We were due an off day , and not a time to be ripping into players , as far as i can see they all gave 100% today and for once we couldnt produce a little magic to win the game , Walker MofM for me , he had Zaha in his back pocket all the game , we were never in danger until that ridiculous penalty , we just lacked a little Merlin style guile to win the game. Well done Pep and the players we are in for an exciting 2018
People saying Sane was poor, you do realise he had 3 players in front of him the entire game, right?

Because Danilo doesn't overlap and Gundogan didn't move at all, they were able to screen him. He did well considering tbh. At least he tried, whereas Bernardo on the other wing just stood on the wing. Fine, if the midfield took advantage and moved, but they didn't. Fernandinho was in his usual role waiting for Gundogan to come collect the ball like Silva would, but he never bothered. This allowed KDB to be man marked out of the game without any fear. We got screwed because Gundogan sat in space waiting for everyone to do the work for him, when the game was there for him to take advantage of by doing it himself. That's the difference between him and Dave.
Bang on the money, you know your football, unlike some on here !

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