sir baconface
Well-Known Member
It is this kind of argument that over time has made me think anyone who wants to try and dodge the system is ok with me.
And I mean anyone, so called benefit cheats, tax dodgers, in fact anyone who can get away with a pound.
But then you also realise that someone somewhere ends up paying as they don't buck the system and when they question it they are said to be simply jealous.
Vicious circle.
Fair point but the fact is we are - in general - a pragmatic species. We accept the need for taxation. However, given the choice, we would rather spend our incomes on ourselves and loved ones than hand it to some politician to dispense. Hence proper laws and controls are necessary.
If somebody is caught breaking those rules they are (quite rightly) liable to prosecution.
Using legal shelters may not be morally right but isn’t it just a more sophisticated version of what plenty of others do lower down the ladder? Isn’t much of the hot air really about opportunity?