you are right.“I beg your pardon” surely for a proper FOC ?
Who farted?you are right.
and if you are being even more polite,
"i do beg your pardon".
erm, well,Historically, the great unwashed stole words like 'pardon' from the French language to try and sound like they had a higher social standing. In aristocratic circles the word 'what?' is normally used instead.
you are correct but depending on the day i feel anywhere from 21 to 104, when you get into your 40s your mind still thinks you can do shit and then your body laughs at you.being 48 I am slighlty insulted he refered to us in our late 40s as. FOCs. we're MACs
just a c mate. As is anyone who retires early and yes i am just jealous.This raises an existential problem I have at present, I'm 58 but retired early, so am I a FOC, a MAC or some other sort of previously unknown or unspecified "C"?
I'm losing sleep worrying about this I can tell you