Parking ticket

I could spend time explaining why you're spectacularly wrong on every count. However, you're clearly not one for accepting sound advice when it's offered in good faith.
This isn't about me mate, I replied to the OP with my 'advice', it is up to him if he wants to listen to it.
Explain to me simply, worst case scenario. What is going to happen to me?
It's only a high risk strategy if you give a fuck about CCJ's or even bailiffs. Bailiffs have got little power unless you're gullible and I am lucky enough to not need credit.
If you’re a homeowner and ignore CCJs and bailiffs, the creditor can apply to have a charge put on your deeds, and you can ultimately be forced to sell your house if you don’t pay the debt.
If you’re a homeowner and ignore CCJs and bailiffs, the creditor can apply to have a charge put on your deeds, and you can ultimately be forced to sell your house if you don’t pay the debt.
Charging Orders are generally considered a last resort. More likely is enforcement of the CCJ by way of an Attachment of Earnings Order whereby a sum determined by the County Court judge is deducted direct from a debtor's salary on a regular basis until such time the debt plus any costs accrued has been paid.
This VV

I got the only Ticket i have ever had, a few years ago, for going to get change for a Car Parking Machine at Argos in Stockport.

I come back and he was already stood there writing it out.

I was like : "Are you taking the piss ? "

He was like " you are not allowed to leave the Vehicle to go and get change"

It was 3 minutes exactly from the point of me leaving the Vehicle to returning with change.

I was enraged, not going to lie. His shit attitude didn't help, i thought about flooring him. Thankfully i just abused him.

He must have been hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce.

When i got home i wrote off an Email to some random company, registered in either Gibraltar or Isle of Man. Of course these fuckers would also avoid paying taxes on the legalised theft they were doing in the UK .Appropriate.

They said you pay in full or we will come after you

Bastards sent a debt recovery agency to my House. Threated to black list me.

I should have just paid the £35.

It was one of those principles, where you just can not find it in yourself to pay they extortion.

Like a well Oiled Machine from the point of issuing the Ticket to Rob you, to debt recovery threatening to rob you even more, with pricey warning letters added to the extortion Bill.

Going to hurt, but just pay it unless you have the funds to hire Mr Loophole.
Sorry but unless you’re taken to court, found guilty and then fail to pay the fine NOBODY gets blacklisted .
The only ticket I’d pay is one issued by the police or the council. The rest, bin, ignore and when they send it to a variety of debt collectors, continue to ignore. You’d win in court. They very, very rarely want to go down that path. They’ll harass you with various letters all spewing legal bollocks and telling you about CCJs etc. Pure bollocks. BIN IT
While its raw now, and you would like the answers you want to hear, you have been done and the fuckers will have you over if you don't pay it, so just pay it and take it on the chins.

As an aside, the expression is 'fair dues' and not 'fair do's'
Utter bollocks.
This VV

I got the only Ticket i have ever had, a few years ago, for going to get change for a Car Parking Machine at Argos in Stockport.

I come back and he was already stood there writing it out.

I was like : "Are you taking the piss ? "

He was like " you are not allowed to leave the Vehicle to go and get change"

It was 3 minutes exactly from the point of me leaving the Vehicle to returning with change.

I was enraged, not going to lie. His shit attitude didn't help, i thought about flooring him. Thankfully i just abused him.

He must have been hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce.

When i got home i wrote off an Email to some random company, registered in either Gibraltar or Isle of Man. Of course these fuckers would also avoid paying taxes on the legalised theft they were doing in the UK .Appropriate.

They said you pay in full or we will come after you

Bastards sent a debt recovery agency to my House. Threated to black list me.

I should have just paid the £35.

It was one of those principles, where you just can not find it in yourself to pay they extortion.

Like a well Oiled Machine from the point of issuing the Ticket to Rob you, to debt recovery threatening to rob you even more, with pricey warning letters added to the extortion Bill.

Going to hurt, but just pay it unless you have the funds to hire Mr Loophole.
I feel your pain mate. I found myself in exactly the same scenario some years ago. I was also threatened with enforcement to the point that the case was passed across to a firm of solicitors who warned me of impending legal action in court. Incidentally, some quick research on the internet revealed that the 'firm' concerned comprised a solitary individual who was employed by Brent council in an entirely different role! After seven threatening letters and two telephone calls to my home (when I refused to disclose my identity and told the caller to go fuck himself), the bastards eventually threw in the towel. However, here's the rub. Things have changed since. As a consequence of fresh legal precedent and rule changes by this shower of shite in government, the PPC's hand has been strengthened such that it is now far more difficult to simply ignore a penalty in the hope it goes away. In spite of advice offered in good faith by myself and a number of other posters, some halfwits on this thread have chosen not to listen. I'm confident you're not one of those Sid. Given the circumstances, I would suggest this is a battle worth fighting.
Generally, the best source of information can be found via this link to Martin Lewis's site. No surprise he's a blue! Good luck pal.
I got one and ignored letters for months. Ended up with court summons and a CCJ on my credit file
I got one and ignored letters for months. Ended up with court summons and a CCJ on my credit file
This is a useful real-life example Antoine. Having worked closely with the County Court in a previous role, I know only too well the impact a CCJ can have albeit from the other side of the enforcement fence. I hope you're free of it soon pal. We can only hope that some of the arrogant pillocks on this thread take note.
I feel your pain mate. I found myself in exactly the same scenario some years ago. I was also threatened with enforcement to the point that the case was passed across to a firm of solicitors who warned me of impending legal action in court. Incidentally, some quick research on the internet revealed that the 'firm' concerned comprised a solitary individual who was employed by Brent council in an entirely different role! After seven threatening letters and two telephone calls to my home (when I refused to disclose my identity and told the caller to go fuck himself), the bastards eventually threw in the towel. However, here's the rub. Things have changed since. As a consequence of fresh legal precedent and rule changes by this shower of shite in government, the PPC's hand has been strengthened such that it is now far more difficult to simply ignore a penalty in the hope it goes away. In spite of advice offered in good faith by myself and a number of other posters, some halfwits on this thread have chosen not to listen. I'm confident you're not one of those Sid. Given the circumstances, I would suggest this is a battle worth fighting.
Generally, the best source of information can be found via this link to Martin Lewis's site. No surprise he's a blue! Good luck pal.
Spot on. Had a few of these 10 to 15 years ago and ignored them. Eventually they went away although each time the letters would get more and more serious looking. Threats of court, bailiffs etc. but eventually they gave up. One took about 3 years before they gave up and they even got my mobile number somehow and phoned me a couple of times. However, as you say, following the precedent set by the Parkingeye vs Beavis court case in 2015 a lot of the parking companies will actually take court action because they know they can win. They don't care that it will cost them money because those costs will be recoverable from the defendant.

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