Paternity test faked - advice

So you're now saying that the bloke who contacted you and said the DNA test was fraudulent has been split from the mother for five years!
Who's been paying the child maintenance then?
Yes that's correct. He has had no access to the child in question since then so I don't believe any maintenance has been paid.
Yes that's correct. He has had no access to the child in question since then so I don't believe any maintenance has been paid.
You need a legally binding test mate, you don't have the facts to even consider a decision until you have that. It's an A/B debate where A is the kid isn't yours and it stops there, B means your kid and you've some serious thinking to do.
the other bloke if hes telling the truth will get the DNA tests done, otherwise he will be paying for a child that isn't his, I had 20 years of CSA and it aint much fun.
Hoping for some advice from someone who has had a similar situation. This might be quite unique so failing that maybe there is someone with some legal background.

A few years ago my missus at the time got pregnant. Shortly after we split up (nutcase) then within weeks she was seeing someone else. She was asking me to walk away and let them bring up the baby but I wasn't having any of it. She then dropped the bombshell that I was unlikely to be the Dad as she was seeing this other guy behind my back.

Once the baby was born I insisted on a DNA test which we did and it came back that I was not the father.

I've been contacted recently by the now ex fella claiming that she faked the DNA test (she would not let me witness it) and that it couldn't have been his kid as she was already pregnant when he started to see her which is news to me. So it appears I have a child I only met twice within days of birth before the test was done. He could also be making all this up, not sure why but I clearly need to know either way.

What do I do next? Clearly I need to get a legally binding test done then assuming that comes back go through the process of agreeing what happens next.

Should I speak to a Solicitor first or make contact with her and see how that goes? I would expect her to refuse then be difficult throughout all of this.

Is there a legal angle to this? Ie her ex has said he is happy to speak to the Police even though this will probably land him in trouble too. I don’t know if I would go down this route anyway but would be good to know where I stand.

Any advice appreciated.

Sounds like a classic Jeremy Kyle show this this one to me and you could get all this sorted for nothing. You just need to find a mate who has it in for your ex bird so he can give it out for you on the show.
So five years down the line, why has he contacted you?
He has said he was told after they split that the child was now in contact with his father but now his kid is getting older he is starting to ask questions and has confirmed there is no dad on the scene for his brother.

He has stated he has tried to contact me before but didn't know how to find me. We've never met.

I've sought legal advice anyway it seems there is a long road ahead if she isn't going to play ball which is a certainty. A lot of posts on here seem to be around CSA payments and not making contact will save me money. I don't want to give that poisonous witch my money but if I have a son I can't ignore it and pretend it's not happened.
He has said he was told after they split that the child was now in contact with his father but now his kid is getting older he is starting to ask questions and has confirmed there is no dad on the scene for his brother.

He has stated he has tried to contact me before but didn't know how to find me. We've never met.

I've sought legal advice anyway it seems there is a long road ahead if she isn't going to play ball which is a certainty. A lot of posts on here seem to be around CSA payments and not making contact will save me money. I don't want to give that poisonous witch my money but if I have a son I can't ignore it and pretend it's not happened.
And what is the solicitor's advice?
Whatever you do mate, just make sure you do it with the full backing of your current partner and don't put her under too much stress if she is currently expecting

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