Paul Ince Wants Rooney Rule


Well-Known Member
10 Jan 2012

If clubs are so intrinsically racist in their appointing of new managers, why on earth would including a token black manager on the interview list mean they'll get a job?

They'll still surely still be disregarded due to racism right?

Unless they will need to have a justifiable reason for not hiring a black man (to the FA), and it's based on managers qualifications and not personality?
What a pile of shite !! You could say going off the Premier league English managers are discriminated against, Maybe if they were black and Scottish they might stand a better chance. The fact of the matter is there are not many black managers setting the world alight.
Not heard of this before. When I saw the thread title I thought it was something about allowing capped england Internationals 4 yellows before a sending off, or doubling their salary every January. Glad it's just about black managers.
It's not that the clubs are "intrinsincally racist", it's that the process for appointing managers in not at all open. It's jobs for the boys and the usual candidates get picked with very little thought going into candidates from outside the predetermined circle. All the Rooney rule does is get the minority managers a foot in the door and a chance to express why they are the right man for the job, which obviously people feel they aren't getting at the moment. I have no idea why anyone is against the idea, unless the idea of having to talk to someone who isnt white is massively offensive to them? You have no obligation whatsoever to hire them, or even genuinely listen to what they have to say, you just have to interview one more person.

The clubs will actually benefit from it tbh, as so many clubs aren't taking nearly enough care or consideration in how they appoint their managers, so forcing them to actually interview mulitple people and listen to some differing perspectives can only be a positive, even if they don't hire them? All the arguaments being put forward as to why this shouldn't be done, were all raised when they brought the rule in the US and have all been proven to be complete bollocks.
Wonder how many actually take their coaching badges and are happy to start at the bottom, and in fairness Ince did, he was just shit.
We will never get it but be interesting to see applications for manager jobs for clubs
When I read the title I thought it was about allowing England's current captain some leeway with regards to discipline in order to 'protect' him - thus called the Rooney rule.

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