Paul Ince Wants Rooney Rule

gordondaviesmoustache said:
stony said:
Ince is an egotistical cockwomble and a shit manager.
Is there any lower form of life than an egotistical cockwomble?

Journalists, solicitors. estate agents, 70s dj's, bailiffs, doctors receptionists, those lying cunts that answer the phone in taxi offices, traffic wardens, born again Christians and mime artists.
So they want to make it compulsory to have 25% of candidates for a vacancy to be a black manager. So if this rule was enforced, it'd just create a more 'racist' uproar when they didn't get the job.
So they want to make it compulsory to have 25% of candidates for a vacancy to be a black manager. So if this rule was enforced, it'd just create a more 'racist' uproar when they didn't get the job.
stony said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
stony said:
Ince is an egotistical cockwomble and a shit manager.
Is there any lower form of life than an egotistical cockwomble?

Journalists, solicitors. estate agents, 70s dj's, bailiffs, doctors receptionists, those lying c**ts that answer the phone in taxi offices, traffic wardens, born again Christians and mime artists.
You missed the person who invented the power dialer and those cunts that use them; other than that bang on.
If I were a minority race I would find this insulting rather than a good thing. I actually agree with Jose on this one that if you are good enough then you are the best candidate. I find it funny Ince is mouthing off about lack of opportunities when he has been given the manager job at 6 clubs. But of course it's not him being a shit manager that is preventing him finding another job it's the colour of his skin.
RandomJ said:
If I were a minority race I would find this insulting rather than a good thing. I actually agree with Jose on this one that if you are good enough then you are the best candidate. I find it funny Ince is mouthing off about lack of opportunities when he has been given the manager job at 6 clubs. But of course it's not him being a shit manager that is preventing him finding another job it's the colour of his skin.
Well Jose is talking shit, as he is would never of been given a first managers job in England, regardless of how good a manager he was (which no one would of found out, as no one would of given him a job, which is entirely the point). In Portugal it is not the same, the managerial hiring process is a lot more open, so it's not just former footballers who are mates with the chairman that get interviews, so quite how he wants to speak about the hiring process in England works is beyond me.

The thing is, the problem isn't actually about race, that's just a bi-product of the problem. The problem is that an awful lot of chairman only look to hire people from a very select group of individuals, namely former players who have plenty of mates in the media, so anyone who doesn't fall into that category finds it very hard to get a look in, and currently there are not many black people who fall into that category, so there aren't many black mangers. The Rooney rule would widen that net a bit, by forcing chairman to at least look a lit bit outside their comfort zone, but still a massive amount of potentially talented managers wouldn't stand a chance of getting even a look in. Something needs to be done to force chairman to seriously consider candiates of all backgrounds and pick someone on merit, otherwise we will continue to have unimaginative and generally shit managers in this country, while potentially better managers don't ever get given a chance to prove what they can do.

Paul Ince is not the person to be talking about this at all, as he was in that group of individuals who got offered jobs and got multiple chances to prove himself, but was found out to be fucking hopeless. If he thinks his race is the reason he doesn't have a job, he is deluding himself.
Biggest load of bollocks ever. I'm sure if you're good enough then you'll make it. I'm sure the percentages of blacks going for a job in the league is far far lower than a white man, that's not being racist it's just statistics.

It's going to end up like Eastenders or working for the BBC, where you have whites, blacks, browns, homosexuals, lesbians, OAP's etc working for you, then you tell the world how tolerant you are of others!
Last I checked, clubs wanted to make money and be successful. If a black, blue, yellow, purple or polka dotted manager could make that happen, they would hire him. As many, many white managers have found out, being white is no guarantee of getting a job...or keeping a job!

Paul Ince might have been a good player, and he might be a decent coach or man-manager, but SO FAR, in the numerous positions he has held, he has yet to PROVE HIMSELF A SUCCESS.

His enemy is not the established owners of football teams, but his own record and the mirror he looks in every morning.
ChicagoBlue said:
Last I checked, clubs wanted to make money and be successful. If a black, blue, yellow, purple or polka dotted manager could make that happen, they would hire him. As many, many white managers have found out, being white is no guarantee of getting a job...or keeping a job!

Paul Ince might have been a good player, and he might be a decent coach or man-manager, but SO FAR, in the numerous positions he has held, he has yet to PROVE HIMSELF A SUCCESS.

His enemy is not the established owners of football teams, but his own record and the mirror he looks in every morning.

Spot on. Results drive everything in football which probably makes managerial hiring/firing (brutally) fair. I'm sure there are examples of nepotism within football, but I don't see any evidence that race is an issue. Sad that Ince, a man that made it to the top on talent and hard work as a player is now choosing to play the 'race card' because he's not cutting it in management.

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