Pay to listen to Corbyn speak

I merely provide the lessons. Comprehension of them is your problem.

Haha. I genuinely intrigued regarding your meaning of 'Scandanavian hints' bit. Is there something you don't like about Scandanavia? and if so for what reason?

Most people in the west view the Scandanavian countries as the most forward thinking & advanced countries with regard to social issues & society. For instance Finland, Denmark, Norway are usually always listed within the world top 10 of most educated countries etc.

Just wondered why you would have a downer about that?
Well one, I’ve not suggested you’re an arse, quite the opposite.

You know this isn't really a story, no one else is running with it because it's nothing more than Daily Mail right wing agitprop, a wolf whistle to the white working class, that Corbyn, the effete Islington wanker, is selling them out to the darkies.
You know this isn't really a story, no one else is running with it because it's nothing more than Daily Mail right wing agitprop, a wolf whistle to the white working class, that Corbyn, the effete Islington wanker, is selling them out to the darkies.

It's so little of a story that three members of my CLP resigned based upon it.
You know this isn't really a story, no one else is running with it because it's nothing more than Daily Mail right wing agitprop, a wolf whistle to the white working class, that Corbyn, the effete Islington wanker, is selling them out to the darkies.
You might wish to withdraw that before the ban hammer descends!

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