PC brigade again

Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Matty said:
Why her skin was lightened is irrelevant, whether or not they had her permission to do so is the only issue. If she allowed her skin to be lightened, for whatever reason, then that's her personal choice. She can do what she likes with her own image.

So if you offer a black person enough money to degrade themselves then it's fine so long as the black person in question is willing to do so?

Good thinking that Matty!

What's your point, TMQ? I'm unsure of the angle.

I'm saying that in my opinion just because Beyonce may be willing to white up in exchange for lots of cash doesnt mean that it is right.

Can't see Chuck D being willing to whiten his skin a touch in an attempt to sell a few more PE albums can you?

If people cant deal with Beyonces skin tone, or if they think a lighter skin tone may appeal to more people then that's their own call but in my own view it's a little crass.

Clearly, Beyonce signed a deal allowing such an effect to come out. She has lawyers and image consultants to guide her decisions, but ultimately the choice is her own.

At the same time, thses advisors must have, at some point, re-informed her what her 'standing' is as a Black and powerful woman' in the eyes of her immediate community. Maybe, she feels she's trancended that point.

She's not stupid and would have seen the image before it went on sale and would've HAD to approve it in order for it to get on that shelf.

Maybe the 'lightening' effect is simply down to powerful lighting, in which case she would see no wrong in the image.

Fair do's Bigga. But I still think the whole scenario is a little dodgy to be honest. I suppose I'd have to see the pics to really judge but either way it's a little tawdry to say the least.

As for her having advisors, those advisors are just chasing the dollar like Miss Jay Z herself so I dont really think their opinion matters.

Some people will jump through hoops for spare change others, like me, wont do shit for money, it's never been attractive to me.
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Matty said:
Why her skin was lightened is irrelevant, whether or not they had her permission to do so is the only issue. If she allowed her skin to be lightened, for whatever reason, then that's her personal choice. She can do what she likes with her own image.

So if you offer a black person enough money to degrade themselves then it's fine so long as the black person in question is willing to do so?

Good thinking that Matty!

What's your point, TMQ? I'm unsure of the angle.

I'm saying that in my opinion just because Beyonce may be willing to white up in exchange for lots of cash doesnt mean that it is right.

Can't see Chuck D being willing to whiten his skin a touch in an attempt to sell a few more PE albums can you?

If people cant deal with Beyonces skin tone, or if they think a lighter skin tone may appeal to more people then that's their own call but in my own view it's a little crass.

Clearly, Beyonce signed a deal allowing such an effect to come out. She has lawyers and image consultants to guide her decisions, but ultimately the choice is her own.

At the same time, thses advisors must have, at some point, re-informed her what her 'standing' is as a Black and powerful woman' in the eyes of her immediate community. Maybe, she feels she's trancended that point.

She's not stupid and would have seen the image before it went on sale and would've HAD to approve it in order for it to get on that shelf.

Maybe the 'lightening' effect is simply down to powerful lighting, in which case she would see no wrong in the image.

Perhaps some would argue that "toning down" your racial heritage in order to make a quick buck that you need like a second arsehole is a sign that she is indeed stupid.
And I,for one,would agree with them wholeheartedly.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Why not get a white girl then or a lighter toned black girl? They want the 'urban' credibility of Beyonce but without the 'baggage' of her black skin and it's incredibly shallow and obvious.

But people like you only understand money so it bitters your view of the world.

Typical student response, thinks, despite not yet having left full time education and having pretty much zero experience of life, that you know everything about everything and everyone.

I understand a lot of things, including but not exclusive to, the influence of money on the World.
Matty said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Why not get a white girl then or a lighter toned black girl? They want the 'urban' credibility of Beyonce but without the 'baggage' of her black skin and it's incredibly shallow and obvious.

But people like you only understand money so it bitters your view of the world.

Typical student response, thinks, despite not yet having left full time education and having pretty much zero experience of life, that you know everything about everything and everyone.

I understand a lot of things, including but not exclusive to, the influence of money on the World.

24 mate and probably experienced more in a week than you have in your whole life.
Matty said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
24 mate and probably experienced more in a week than you have in your whole life.
Proving my point with yet another arrogant statement.

Not at all, I've just lived a shitty but eventful life!

I've had money, lost it. Means nothing to me. Didnt make me happy. I've done the whole mortgage, live in girlfriend thing too so I know how important money can be in more ways than one.

You're not much older than me are you?
TheMightyQuinn said:
uwerosler28 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Matty said:
Why her skin was lightened is irrelevant, whether or not they had her permission to do so is the only issue. If she allowed her skin to be lightened, for whatever reason, then that's her personal choice. She can do what she likes with her own image.

So if you offer a black person enough money to degrade themselves then it's fine so long as the black person in question is willing to do so?

Good thinking that Matty!

What's your point, TMQ? I'm unsure of the angle.

I'm saying that in my opinion just because Beyonce may be willing to white up in exchange for lots of cash doesnt mean that it is right.

Can't see Chuck D being willing to whiten his skin a touch in an attempt to sell a few more PE albums can you?

If people cant deal with Beyonces skin tone, or if they think a lighter skin tone may appeal to more people then that's their own call but in my own view it's a little crass.

The point is that people like you trying to turn this into a race issue but would you be so offended if they darkened a white person's skin, infact you would probably this this is racist against blacks aswell trying to make out we were taking the piss out of them or something

Depends how you mean mate. If you mean get a white person with a tan then fine by me. Personally i wouldnt change my skin colour for anyone elses pleasure no matter how much cash was involved.

Also it's totally different to compare white to black in this instance, our skin colour has never really hindered us at all has it?

Well lets take this advert as a example it was for hair colouring and maybe toning her skin down enphasied the hair colouring making the advert more effective but was not being done just to make the black girl more main stream she understood and accepted this but other people now take issue on her behalf, surely these people are the rascists as they are the one's making a issue out of skin colour?
uwerosler28 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
uwerosler28 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Matty said:
Why her skin was lightened is irrelevant, whether or not they had her permission to do so is the only issue. If she allowed her skin to be lightened, for whatever reason, then that's her personal choice. She can do what she likes with her own image.

So if you offer a black person enough money to degrade themselves then it's fine so long as the black person in question is willing to do so?

Good thinking that Matty!

What's your point, TMQ? I'm unsure of the angle.

I'm saying that in my opinion just because Beyonce may be willing to white up in exchange for lots of cash doesnt mean that it is right.

Can't see Chuck D being willing to whiten his skin a touch in an attempt to sell a few more PE albums can you?

If people cant deal with Beyonces skin tone, or if they think a lighter skin tone may appeal to more people then that's their own call but in my own view it's a little crass.

The point is that people like you trying to turn this into a race issue but would you be so offended if they darkened a white person's skin, infact you would probably this this is racist against blacks aswell trying to make out we were taking the piss out of them or something

Depends how you mean mate. If you mean get a white person with a tan then fine by me. Personally i wouldnt change my skin colour for anyone elses pleasure no matter how much cash was involved.

Also it's totally different to compare white to black in this instance, our skin colour has never really hindered us at all has it?

Well lets take this advert as a example it was for hair colouring and maybe toning her skin down enphasied the hair colouring making the advert more effective but was not being done just to make the black girl more main stream she understood and accepted this but other people now take issue on her behalf, surely these people are the rascists as they are the one's making a issue out of skin colour?

If that's the case though why not choose a white girl to model it, it's not like there arent enough around who'd do it for half the price. I just dont see the sense in employing a black women and then whiteing her up. That's all. I dont think theres any overt racism at play just subtle hints.
Matty said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Why not get a white girl then or a lighter toned black girl? They want the 'urban' credibility of Beyonce but without the 'baggage' of her black skin and it's incredibly shallow and obvious.

But people like you only understand money so it bitters your view of the world.

Typical student response, thinks, despite not yet having left full time education and having pretty much zero experience of life, that you know everything about everything and everyone.

I understand a lot of things, including but not exclusive to, the influence of money on the World.

Not a student response... what you're describing is "southern" mentality

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