Pep, 2016-17 Ticket Prices etc.

always amazes me that people accept that the price has to go up, despite going up every year. At what point does the person earning 20k a year decide i am fed up of giving more to someone who already earns in a year what i wont see in 5 lifetimes. The new tv deals are astronomical, what exactly do we need to pay more for. Has Ya Ya really justified his 8-10 million pound salary this season, does he and his ilk really need anymore, where does it end. 10 quid to park your car, burger and chips that will be 8 quid, bottle of pop in a wobbly cup 3 quid, like the new shirt, thats 60 quid plus. Want to prove your loyalty, thats 50 quid extra, but forget about actually getting any perks because we sell the tickets on elsewhere anyhow, join the cup scheme guarentees you tickets for wembley, but sorry you cannot have one for your kid, despite it being impossible for him to do school nights football, all this done under the banner of #together, you couldnt make it up

Spot on, all of the above. The £50.00 extra per season to somehow prove your loyalty particularly disgusts me me so I don't partake, but personally the cup scheme but you can't have one for your kid bit might be the thing that finishes me off.

I am a long standing season card holder. I was a season ticket holder at Maine Road from the mid 1980s (once going over a year without missing a match, Southend away for a midweek cup match, etc) to mid the 1990s, couldn't afford to go regularly for a few years then got a season ticket again and have had one every season since the 1998/99 season when we went into the old 3rd Division. I queued outside Maine Road for 11+ hours for a play off final ticket that season. I mention all this to illustrate that I am not averse to doing what I have to do to attend a City match. My son has been a season card hold since he was old enough to need one, and for a couple of seasons prior to that he attended matches by sitting on my knee. He is now 9 years old.

Yesterday I tried to purchase Capital One Cup final tickets for my son and I, to be informed that although I currently qualify, my son doesn't because he is not on the cup scheme. My son has previously been to the 2013 FA Cup semi final and final, and the 2014 Capital One Cup final and was vicariously eligible because I was in the appropriate cup schemes and he was a season card holder.

When I applied to be on the cup schemes at the start of season it was not specified that vicarious eligibility for such tickets would not be available for my son. Had I known this I would not have hesitated to put him into the cup schemes. My son has never previously needed to be in a cup scheme to be eligible for cup semi final or final tickets, nor was the need for him to be in the cup schemes specifically advertised by MCFC at the start of this season. I have tried to make this point to supporter services but all I got in return was the club's current policy. I asked if in the circumstances it would be possible for an exemption to be made but was advised that this was not possible, even though my son has been to every home match in the Capital One Cup this season. I also asked if in the circumstances my son could be put onto the FA Cup scheme for this season on the basis I didn't know that MCFC had changed their criteria for vicarious eligibility, and have been advised that this is not possible either, even though we haven't played a home match this season.

So we may miss out on the Capital One Cup final and will probably miss out on the FA Cup final should we make it, through no fault of our own. It stinks, so unless the club change their mind about this I will see this season through and leave.
People are evidently getting pissed off with the pricing of tickets... And I feel the same.
I still only keep my ST due to the direct debit scheme.
I'm currently paying £600 and it's increased year on year.

Next season if my ST cost increases (even by a penny) it's being cancelled.
All cup schemes will also be cancelled.

I'll become a armchair fan and this is not out of preference... it's just no longer affordable.

I'll quickly be replaced by some tourist who's enjoying the Mandarin stadium tour.

I went to the stadium today, as I help out with the 1894 group, and there was a meeting with city staff regarding atmosphere/displays and so on.
The stadium was packed outside, hardly anywhere to park... you'd think there was a match on.
Large groups of people on the stadium tours.
Not a fellow Manc in sight.
We used to take the piss out of the rags for this kind of shit but the business side of this "club" is no different.

I used to feel #partofit and #together but now it's one big marketing illusion to keep us spending.

I'm out and I'm sure the club will say "good riddance"
Easily replacing me with Sun Jihai's long lost cousins nephew.

Complete joke... someone so passionate about the club, spent years forming a supporters club, investing my own time in helping fans and involving my time in trying to improve the atmosphere... to be priced out.

Cheerio as I'll be fucking off if there's more increases
He's the archetypal 'I'm alright Jack' mate, corporate jolly in the new centre block of the South Stand. Complete inability to empathise with other blues, doesn't care about the wider implications the price increases are having for our match crowd, best off ignoring.

Nonsense - I pay for a better seat and facilities and service. If you're u are skint buy one for 299 pounds. That's 6 pounds per week to watch us. End of story as far as I am concerned.
Some good posts on this subject. I invested in the 299 season ticket this time. Living a 100 miles away, it was something I never thought I would be able to do what with the extra costs of travel etc. In my younger days I played football myself on a Saturday so only managed to make a couple of games a season. The last few seasons I have paid the ridiculous match day prices of 45-55 quid that are charged,( even more now). I have loved having my seat every week and will renew next year providing that there is not too much of an increase. But there is an obvious change in the make up of the supporters, a lot more middle aged, like myself, and tourist fans. This is great but must not be at the expense of the local younger fan. The club must address this urgently, and reduce some of the ticket prices otherwise the traditional match day atmosphere will be gone.
Bloody hell...looks like even more empty seats next year. It'll be great winning the league in front of the loyal 28000 again - just like the old days. Pep's going to love it.
They have to at least freeze if not reduce,surely? the press are all over this at the minute,would be a PR disaster if they increased.
Might be difficult to justify putting prices up and in the long term as well.

Say the £299 tickets at the back of the South Stand. If these went up to say £350, surely they'd then have to charge that price for the same seats when they do the North Stand, otherwise everyone would just swap ends.

Don't see how they could put up the premium seats either as they already cost a bomb.

The pricing structure they set up last year seemed to be one they were happy with with more thought put into it. I'd be extremely disappointed if there were widespread increases.
Interestingly the BBC has a poll on PL ticket prices, I remember when we topped the league as the cheapest....nowhere near that now
Further widespread increases will just reduce the attendances for all cup competitions as people will have
to justify the increase by sacrificing going to extra matches.
They've already proved they have no concept of how far earning £150 - £350 a week can take you,
no matter how cheap they make these matches.

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