Pep, 2016-17 Ticket Prices etc.

I made a decision some time ago that, as soon as the cost of Sky and BT goes over £100 a month combined, I'll be dumping them and applying the money to my season ticket and watching City. That way, such money as I have will go directly to my club and I won't have to tolerate the disrespectful motherfuckers masquerading as pundits.
Big Boys at the pool have climbed down and froze prices for two years, maybe our owners have beeen watching what has happened and will take note, if not l would carry on with my season ticket but not sign up for any of the cups, that would pull on the purse strings,
I'm all for cheaper tickets but clearly there is a problem with people buying season tickets and then only turning up to the big games - hence loads of empty seats. For these people the price is clearly too low !

And so there needs to be measures put in place to deal with this as any reduction in season ticket prices is likely to make the problem worse.

You're looking at it completely arse about face. Individual match tickets, particularly in league fixtures, are too expensive. The season tickets aren't much better IMO, barring a few select areas, but it's the individual ticket prices which are the real shocker.

That puts people who would've conventionally not been in a position to attend regularly enough to buy a season ticket, be that due to work or family commitments, and once upon a time they'd have just attended individual league games. Now, they're left looking at the individual ticket prices and deciding that they'd be paying the price of a season ticket if they went to several league games on individual tickets anyway.

Most of our league tickets now start at around at least £40. Some reach into the £60 region (and that's not counting the new corporate lite areas which will be even greater still). If you don't buy the 'Citizen' membership for £35 you have to pay a few quid more on each ticket also.

It just doesn't add up. Someone like that will just pip for the season ticket option and attend the games they can, missing the ones they can't. Going on occasional match tickets doesn't make sense given they're so expensive.

The worst affected though are those who legitimately struggle to afford a season ticket and rely on making the odd game. How can someone like that afford circa £50 out of a week's money for a single ticket alone? And that excluding all the other costs of getting to and from football and so on. How can they justify that kind of money on a low income?

The people who can justify that kind of expense are the one off football tourists and plastics who treat coming to the ground as a rare trip to the Disney Land of football. And they're becoming a larger part of our match crowd due to these price increases; the annual loss of long standing proper blues as per the examples given in this thread amplifying this further, and with that goes our atmosphere further down the drain.

We need to stem the bleeding.

Football has consumed itself in greed. And it's about time we tried to halt that regression any further.

Enough damage has been done already, but our match crowd will be forever, and irreversibly, damaged if we don't get to grips with this issue now.
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You're looking at it completely arse about face. Individual match tickets, particularly in league fixtures, are too expensive. The season tickets aren't much better IMO, barring a few select areas, but it's the individual ticket prices which are the real shocker.

That puts people who would've conventionally not been in a position to attend regularly enough to buy a season ticket, be that due to work or family commitments, and once upon a time they'd have just attended individual league games. Now, they're left looking at the individual ticket prices and deciding that they'd be paying the price of a season ticket if they went to several league games on individual tickets anyway.

Most of our league tickets now start at around at least £40. Some reach into the £60 region (and that's not counting the new corporate lite areas which will be even greater still). If you don't buy the 'Citizen' membership for £35 you have to pay a few quid more on each ticket also.

It just doesn't add up. Someone like that will just pip for the season ticket option and attend the games they can, missing the ones they can't. Going on occasional match tickets doesn't make sense given they're so expensive.

The worst affected though are those who legitimately struggle to afford a season ticket and rely on making the odd game. How can someone like that afford circa £50 out of a week's money for a single ticket alone? And that excluding all the other costs of getting to and from football and so on. How can they justify that kind of money on a low income?

The people who can justify that kind of expense are the one off football tourists and plastics who treat coming to the ground as a rare trip to Disney Land. And they're becoming a larger part of our match crowd due to these price increases. And with that, goes our atmosphere further down the drain.

Football has consumed itself in greed. And it's about time we tried to halt that regression any further.

Enough damage has been done already, but our match crowd will be forever, and irreversibly, damaged if we don't get to grips with this issue now.

Maybe the answer is to cut the % of season tickets sold and make the one off tickets cheaper.

Maybe there shouldn't be a saving in buying a season ticket over buying game by game. After all the season ticket holder has a guaranteed seat and maybe that should be inducement enough

There is no easy answer to this. Cheaper tickets = more empty seats at lower profile games imho.

I actually considered applying for a £299 season ticket as for me it would be worth it for the 5 or 6 games I might get to.

People are making out this is simple - cut prices and we all live happily evermore but it really isn't that simple.

All seater stadia are a pain in the arse.
Think it's a bargain and can't wait for next season. Don't even read the moaning threads now. If you don't like it - don't go.
always amazes me that people accept that the price has to go up, despite going up every year. At what point does the person earning 20k a year decide i am fed up of giving more to someone who already earns in a year what i wont see in 5 lifetimes. The new tv deals are astronomical, what exactly do we need to pay more for. Has Ya Ya really justified his 8-10 million pound salary this season, does he and his ilk really need anymore, where does it end. 10 quid to park your car, burger and chips that will be 8 quid, bottle of pop in a wobbly cup 3 quid, like the new shirt, thats 60 quid plus. Want to prove your loyalty, thats 50 quid extra, but forget about actually getting any perks because we sell the tickets on elsewhere anyhow, join the cup scheme guarentees you tickets for wembley, but sorry you cannot have one for your kid, despite it being impossible for him to do school nights football, all this done under the banner of #together, you couldnt make it up

Bang on. Gave up my ST this season and haven't been to a game so far. I miss the match day buzz but the atmosphere has gotten steadily worse year on year since we got taken over. As many have said I also have a limit to what I think is value for money regarding tickets and I refuse to pay what City charge.
Maybe the answer is to cut the % of season tickets sold and make the one off tickets cheaper.

Maybe there shouldn't be a saving in buying a season ticket over buying game by game. After all the season ticket holder has a guaranteed seat and maybe that should be inducement enough

There is no easy answer to this. Cheaper tickets = more empty seats at lower profile games imho.

I actually considered applying for a £299 season ticket as for me it would be worth it for the 5 or 6 games I might get to.

People are making out this is simple - cut prices and we all live happily evermore but it really isn't that simple.

All seater stadia are a pain in the arse.

Precisely the point I'm making mate. It doesn't make sense for you to fork out for several £50 tickets when you could get a season ticket at the same price.

The club has to reduce match day ticket prices for league fixtures. Has to.

And, possibly, like you said, place a cap on the number season tickets. But I'd only support that if there was a reduction in individual league ticket prices.

I don't agree that a reduction would see more empty seats though, at all. I think we'd see less. More people buying reasonably priced individual league tickets means less people feeling it necessary to fork out for a season ticket they can't commit to, and less no shows.

This is a problem a lot of clubs have by the way, it's not something exclusive to us. But I think we could manage it much better.

A reduction in season ticket prices would also be of great benefit to the match crowd, as long as it was coupled with a reduction in individual ticket prices. The very least the club could do is scrap the platinum scheme.

We really have to put pressure on the club to get the pricing right now, because like PB said earlier, the club suits are prioritising decimal points on the balance sheets rather than what's best for the support and the long term relationship between the club and supporter. This is only going to get worse if we don't get more vocal.

The dippers showed that fan opposition can work.

The one thing I really fear is a few more years of long standing blues dropping off, disillusioned with the continued increases and the attitude of the club to the long standing support, and those who simply get priced out. This is going on now, and has been for a few years, if it continues unabated our match crowd will literally be unrecognisable from the one which we recognised as City even as recently as 2010.

We are in a real struggle here for the future of the club as we know it, and it's about time people realised it. There's nothing wrong with being passionate about this issue, if people like Soriano or Tom Glick don't appreciate, or care, about the value or the importance of City's core support to the identity of the club, then it's up to us to drill it into them - lest we just sit idly by and watch as everything we used to identify with is washed away in the pursuit of a few more decimal points on the balance sheets. #together #bepartofit

High stakes this, about time people realised it. Any further inaction now will be clearly observable in the consequences it will have for our match crowd in 4 or 5 years time.
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There is a difference between liking and affording,another half baked comment that pulls us all in the right direction

He's the archetypal 'I'm alright Jack' mate, corporate jolly in the new centre block of the South Stand. Complete inability to empathise with other blues, doesn't care about the wider implications the price increases are having for our match crowd, best off ignoring.
Some idiots on here saying another £50 increase next year is acceptable . Do they not realise fans like me in 140 have had a £50 increase every season for the past 5 years. United have had one increase in the last 6 years!! To think we used to take the piss out of them?

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