Pep Guardiola - 2020/21 Performances

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I think it was mainly the penalty call. He brought it up unprompted which means it was really bothering him.

Although then again he gets a bit awkward when he isn't impressed with the team's performance, or at least some aspect of it. Our 1st half performance might have contributed to a more negative mood. I think we tried to force the game too much early on, when really we shouldn't have been afraid of playing it backwards and working on creating openings at times that suit us rather than trying to evade the Southampton press at all costs. That is credit to Southampton and it probably caught us by surprise, but the players should have had more composure about them.
Early on we hardly touched the ball. Its more likely that was bothering him. That and the fact for the first ten minutes there was zero press and we looked as if we had been drugged.
I don't think Fernandinho did much wrong, but I do think yesterday's game didn't suit him. You may disagree with my assessment below.

The problem we had was Southampton pressed us extremely well. And as a team we didn't manage it effectively. When we're pressed really hard, the key (specifically in our team) is to be extremely patient, have faith in our passing ability and not be rushed into playing the ball forwards too soon. We didn't do that yesterday. Now the whole team is accountable for that, but Rodri specifically is very good at controlling tempo and helping keep a lid on things. Not always, but normally in the few games he plays where we're overwhelmed initially, he's the one to help turn things around.

Fernandinho didn't do that for us. Now that's not what he's ever done really; historically David Silva has been that guy. But since Silva's left that responsibility has fallen to Rodri, and by proxy when there's no Rodri it's Fernandinho. So since Fernandinho didn't help control play enough, the game became stretched and the team suffered. He only played 58 passes yesterday, which is a particularly low number for a City DM (Rodri normally hits 80 as a minimum for example).

Fernandinho can control tempo on occasion against strong pressing sides, but he needs more support, as Bernardo has notably given him in key games against Liverpool previously.

I'm not blaming Fernandinho for much of this anyhow, I don't think Pep anticipated the way Southampton would play and Fernandinho ended up having to do something he doesn't do. It's like me blaming Aguero for not playing like Jesus when it was needed or vice versa. Rodri may have struggled yesterday too for all I know, but it wouldn't have been for the same reasons. He has his own strengths and weaknesses.

He still did the things he normally does well well. His positioning was solid, he tracked back as efficiently as he ever did, he made a key interception which led to a goal, he was feisty as always, he injected much needed pace into our buildups (although sometimes it was not needed).

He did get tired towards the end. He made a couple risky touches and tackles that are uncharacteristic of him. It was a very end to end game though so I won't be quick to label him as too old off the basis of it.
Thats how I saw it as well. The main reason why we didn't have similar control to normal (that and the fact that Saints were actually very good).
I think he was spiky for two reasons:
1. referee corruption
2. our team performance and lack of control

We don't have much evidence that he is unhappy with players re contracts or anything else really. He makes these type of comments to ensure players know what he is thinking. If he does that to the media, you can bet your Granny he is saying more to their faces. Maybe he is pissed at Laporte, maybe he is sick to the back teeth of Raz missing tap ins, maybe he is concerned that he gets nothing from one or two players when he does give them camios. We don't know.

He was berating the 4th official for quite a while so I am sure that the blatant cheating from the match officials was more than enough to make most managers blow their top. It really cant go on. They have to start being held accountable and explain their decisions. It would help as you cannot defend the indefensible.
I think what is annoying him are the blatant 'inconsistencies' .
On Sunday Martial fouled = pen. Given on field.
Sterling stopped in the area and no pen given.

Tonight, Laporte touches Vesteegard = pen, given on field.
Foden fouled = no pen on field and not overturned.

So basically he knows this still isn't a level playing field.

I'd be furious too. This is his job AND he knows when he's been stitched up!!!!!!
Speaking to Sky Sports News HQ from the Premier League launch in Islington, north London, he said: "Without being disrespectful to any club, we have a strategic plan at the Premier League and the strategic plan says putting a new name on the trophy in every six-year period.

"That doesn't mean we don't want any team to win it. It just means we would rather see some sort of rotation, for all neutrals in the game (what Leicester achieved) was a big moment."

We’re seeing the strategic plan in action right now. Much like it was in action for the last 2 seasons until Livarpool won it. The plan is; hobble City by giving every 50/50 against and ignore blatant penalties and do the exact opposite for United but in their favour (and the penalties can be dives). I wish I was kidding but you’d have to be blind, death and dumb not to see it.
2 reasons, IMO: the penalty decision was a disgrace and comes on the back of what he believes to be a bias against us; we lacked control for large periods of the game, giving the ball away and allowing the Southampton players to waltz through past our press.
For me, I think it is clear that our first eleven now includes Stones, Rodri, Cancelo and Gabby.
FFS not Jesus. Oops! Forgive me father Swales for I have sinned: {

Infamy blasphemy, I think they've got it in for me : /
He looked very tetchy.

Our performances have dropped slightly in the last few matches at a vital period of the season, maybe a worry.

Players on the in squad not performing to the highest standards when given their chance.

He won't accept mediocrity, that's what sets him apart from other managers and what's makes him the best.
If there is corruption within football I refuse to believe we wouldn’t know about it. Too many people would have to be involved and it would have leaked. Either in public or to our execs.

It was a shocking decision for the foden penalty so don’t blame him for being angry.
Then our levels have dipped recently so again for Pep the perfectionist this will annoy him given what a crucial time of year it is.
alert :calling all body language experts here;)
Pep crossing his arms throughout the interview whilst wearing an "open arms" hoodie.
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