20/21 was one of our most successful seasons ever, partly because of the brilliance of our manager. And it ends with a huge wave of negativism toward this same manager.
Negative reactions within certain limits may be healthy and helpful. When they are OTT though, they become self-destructive for the club. A lot of people happen to think now they know better than one of the best managers in history how to play successfully in a CL final. Distrust and mockery of the manager won't bring anything good though.
At the start of the season I was pretty confident Pep would sign a new contract and we were going to win the PL, even after we were 12th in November. Now I think next season is likely to be worse than 20/21, Kane or no Kane, and Pep might leave after its end.
Fans won't make Pep a better manager by severely criticising his tactics in the CL and agreeing with negative cliches about him spouted by the media and rival fans. He won't say, OK folks, you were right, I was totally wrong, from now on I will play the team you think is the best! Pep is Pep because he is a little bit crazy and tries, and will continue to try, things, which may seem unreasonable to a lot of people. The clash with reality for the armchair geniuses who haven't managed even a school team but think they know better than him what to do in a CL final will be painful.