Pep Guardiola - 2022/23

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A relative of my wife’s who had a very very senior position with a leading sports brand and by virtue of that had met virtually everyone who was anyone in sport generally but football primarily said Guardiola was the most charming, handsome, eloquent, morally upstanding and decent person they ever shared a dinner table with - not surprised myself but good to hear. Pep is the real deal, flawed we know but 100% real and genuine.
Great point - this is our place and we can all voice our opinions, we can even argue and get a bit pointy and rightly so. But any twat comes in from the outside and we galvanise like a family does - live City and love my City family - we can argue all we like but at the end of the day we smile and “shake hands” because we are City.
Super City,,, from Maine road.
That press conference from Pep has completely undermined all the scheming from the slapped arses and their Premier League puppets over the past four years.

The premier league and their cronies have set themselves up as bastions of justice and all things fairness.

It has never been about that. It's about eliminating the threat of a real competitor. Manchester City FC have not only demonstrated a clear and present threat on the status quo of the division, they've irrevocably broken it up.

These charges (smear campaign) have been leveled at MCFC not to maintain fairness and integrity but to unsettle Pep, the players and the fans in the hope they all bugger off.

All it's done is galvanise everyone associated with MCFC and bolstered Pep's resolved. So much so that he's told them outright "I'm not going anywhere".

That's not the response those mard arse club's and the Premier League wanted to hear.
Nail on head!!
This is a collective call to the whole stadium and particularly the South Stand, who can get it going.
After that press conference, you MUST serenade him with “We've got Guardiola” — loud and proud.
I can't be there but I ask you to do this. Please…
I'll be there, and I'll be doing it.
It's a long time since I've been as wound up as this.
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