Pep's contract situation

Blackburn doesn’t seem like a bandwagon type of journo so obviously something in it. He and Jack are the most well-trusted sources we’ve had over the past few years.

What a dampener.

As others have said, though, Pep is impulsive and relies on the ‘feel’ of things. If the players are showing fight and will to continue the cycle etc. The noise around Christmas/New Year will be a bigger sign of what’s to happen as opposed to 1 day after the season has finished.

In my humble, glass-half-full opinion anyway.
I hope so
It definitely will happen like that. Pep and whoever comes in will be talking. We’ll be bringing in players that they both agree on and want to work with. The same as when we signed Kev. Pellers brought him in but it was pep who wanted him. It’s common knowledge pep told the Bayern hierarchy he didn’t want de bruyne at Bayern knowing he wanted him at city. Same thing will happen again
The way our club is run I can pretty much guarantee his successor is chosen and it’s all sorted

Not so sure, I think Pep’s utter genius has made some of the club hierarchy complacent in some ways. The squad management last summer saw us lose our club captain and our free scoring right winger and we ended up with a wolves misfit and a talented but raw left wing. We have brought with mixed results recently with Philips and Gomez but regardless Pep has made it work. I honestly believe he got the absolute maximum possible out of the squad this season.

We’re facing into a bit of a rebuild but if Pep is only here for a season then it may be difficult to attract players.
He need to decide if he hasn’t already as blowing a small fortune on players the next manager may not fancy is folly, will we play a different style when he goes, maybe faster wingers, or counter attacking. I know the club wanted Peps style and everything was done to bring this about, but not many mangers can pull this off, so they either have someone in mind to play the same way or someone completely different style wise which would need different players. Next season could be a strange one knowing he is going if he does and it will certainly be different for us all. I can’t think who would come in.
Too many people panicking over nothing. We knew Pep would leave some day, so the longer the preparation the better. I'm not bothered who it is as long as the possession based game stays. The idea of our players chasing the ball and not dominating games would be a horrible flashback I could do without. The real work now starts on players futures. I had felt certain Bernardo would go this summer and maybe KDB & Walker, but replacing them a year before a new manager comes would be crazy.

The reality is, whoever eventually arrives may not fancy quite a few of our players, and the only way I can see us avoiding a potential 2 to 3 year drop-off, is if Pep's replacement is brought in this summer to work as Pep's No2 next year, which I'm not sure is feasible unless it is a very junior coach that is happy to play 2nd fiddle for a year.
Too many people panicking over nothing. We knew Pep would leave some day, so the longer the preparation the better. I'm not bothered who it is as long as the possession based game stays. The idea of our players chasing the ball and not dominating games would be a horrible flashback I could do without. The real work now starts on players futures. I had felt certain Bernardo would go this summer and maybe KDB & Walker, but replacing them a year before a new manager comes would be crazy.

The reality is, whoever eventually arrives may not fancy quite a few of our players, and the only way I can see us avoiding a potential 2 to 3 year drop-off, is if Pep's replacement is brought in this summer to work as Pep's No2 next year, which I'm not sure is feasible unless it is a very junior coach that is happy to play 2nd fiddle for a year.
There is reason for concern. Pep is a generational coaching talent if not the greatest manager of all time. Those guys are really difficult to replace.
He need to decide if he hasn’t already as blowing a small fortune on players the next manager may not fancy is folly, will we play a different style when he goes, maybe faster wingers, or counter attacking. I know the club wanted Peps style and everything was done to bring this about, but not many mangers can pull this off, so they either have someone in mind to play the same way or someone completely different style wise which would need different players. Next season could be a strange one knowing he is going if he does and it will certainly be different for us all. I can’t think who would come in.
Thats why we have a DOF, same players for whoever is manager give or take the odd one, and a manager to fit those players will be targeted. I think he may well leave next summer, do I think any journalists know, course they don’t. Just a guess to make them seem in the know.

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