Pep's Press Conferences - Watford (A) Post Match (Page 129)

Tbf (no idea why) he and all the other cockroaches have been wildly complimentary about City recently. Of course that will change instantly if we fuck up, but if we keep playing like this I think they are ready to hold their hands up & just go with it.
It's going to be funny watching them squirm when we're playing well and then getting over excited when we fuck up and making utter tits of themselves.
It's going to be funny watching them squirm when we're playing well and then getting over excited when we fuck up and making utter tits of themselves.

Paul Merson will disappear up his own arse.

What does my head in, is how some of these cunts (usually ex pros) can be so fucking inept at their jobs, then just shamelessly change their minds as if it doesn't matter. Robbie Savage a prime example. Quinn now telling everyone how fantastic we are. Wanker.

But it's about time that fucking **** Neville was outed as the clueless rag sucking wanker he actually is as well. He's sucked the dicks of the last 3 Utd managers, pretty much singing their praises from the rooftops & predicting how they are 'back'.

He's full of fucking shit & he keeps getting away with it.
Pellers got off to a great start with us, we smashed our goalscoring record for a season beating the medias favorites(dippers) on that mark too... he improved the team when he came in, getting us playing good attacking football and he was able to have that influence IMO because he was a new manager. At some point they stopped doing it IMO, he lost their respect and lost the dressing room it seems to me, once that happened he should have dropped players for attitude alone if need be, isolate them.

The only time I remember him dropping any big name was Joe Hart when he had a shaky spell, maybe that's when all the problems started but for whatever reason it's obvious to me now the fitness and effort dropped from the players... that's been one of the biggest changes and the difference it's made on it's own could have made a huge difference for Pellers IMO, these are paid professional adults who have to share a large portion of the blame for the drop in standards I'm not having it was all Pellers fault. As good a player as both Yaya and Nasri can be those two away from the team has been very good for the rest of the players, there's no more ponderous arrogant strolling around the pitch like they are that good all they have to do is show up, I wonder if Pellegrini would have had the same backing of those above to make decisions like that on such well paid high profile players as Pep does now.
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Absolutely bang on the button.a few of the Pellegrini haters on this site would do well to put themselves in his difficult position at the time and Imagained how they would have's good to know that some blues understood our previous managers predicament .

You're seriously using the fact that we signed KDB for Pep as an excuse for his woeful performance in the league last season? Boo fuckng hoo. He knew the score with Pep from the word go. The way he downed tools in the league was inexcusable. The loyalty he showed to underperforming players was like a Sunday league manager who picks his mates from the pub. There are plenty of managers who have faced a similar situation and showed a degree of professionalism. He was a crap manager, pound for pound one of the worst we've ever had. It's yesterday's news I know.
It's what journalists do isn't it. Word the question so that whatever way the answer is given there is plenty of scope to shape the headline to suit the writers agenda........unless of course, the answer is "what the fuck"!!
You're seriously using the fact that we signed KDB for Pep as an excuse for his woeful performance in the league last season? Boo fuckng hoo. He knew the score with Pep from the word go. The way he downed tools in the league was inexcusable. The loyalty he showed to underperforming players was like a Sunday league manager who picks his mates from the pub. There are plenty of managers who have faced a similar situation and showed a degree of professionalism. He was a crap manager, pound for pound one of the worst we've ever had. It's yesterday's news I know.
Were you saying he was crap when we scored 120 goals in a season smashed utd spurs arsenal
to bits and he won the league and league cup double in his first season in English football..??.no,I dont think you were..".crap managers" don't do that pal,and you know it.

All of a sudden we get the best manager in the world and some City fans think that means every previous manager was crap by time I see Joe mercers widow I tell her joe was crap compared to Pep,based on his first 8 games at our club.Mancini was also crap. He down tooled also,compared to

Show a bit of respect for Manuel,he showed plenty of dignity respect and professionalism while he was here,not the petulant bitter drivel articulated by other managers and some of our fans who walked out and left the
Etihad stadium empty at the end of last season,spoilt brats who had gorged on a few years of success,to the point where they couldn't be arsed to give the manager who had overseen some of the most exciting football seen at City for 4 decades a bit of a send off. Spoilt bitter counts who should know better.
Were you saying he was crap when we scored 120 goals in a season smashed utd spurs arsenal
to bits and he won the league and league cup double in his first season in English football..??.no,I dont think you were..".crap managers" don't do that pal,and you know it.

All of a sudden we get the best manager in the world and some City fans think that means every previous manager was crap by time I see Joe mercers widow I tell her joe was crap compared to Pep,based on his first 8 games at our club.Mancini was also crap. He down tooled also,compared to

Show a bit of respect for Manuel,he showed plenty of dignity respect and professionalism while he was here,not the petulant bitter drivel articulated by other managers and some of our fans who walked out and left the
Etihad stadium empty at the end of last season,spoilt brats who had gorged on a few years of success,to the point where they couldn't be arsed to give the manager who had overseen some of the most exciting football seen at City for 4 decades a bit of a send off. Spoilt bitter counts who should know better.

I never rated Pellegrini. We'll just have to agree to disagree and leave it there.
Were you saying he was crap when we scored 120 goals in a season smashed utd spurs arsenal
to bits and he won the league and league cup double in his first season in English football..??.no,I dont think you were..".crap managers" don't do that pal,and you know it.

All of a sudden we get the best manager in the world and some City fans think that means every previous manager was crap by time I see Joe mercers widow I tell her joe was crap compared to Pep,based on his first 8 games at our club.Mancini was also crap. He down tooled also,compared to

Show a bit of respect for Manuel,he showed plenty of dignity respect and professionalism while he was here,not the petulant bitter drivel articulated by other managers and some of our fans who walked out and left the
Etihad stadium empty at the end of last season,spoilt brats who had gorged on a few years of success,to the point where they couldn't be arsed to give the manager who had overseen some of the most exciting football seen at City for 4 decades a bit of a send off. Spoilt bitter counts who should know better.
Well said sir
Pellers got off to a great start with us, we smashed our goalscoring record for a season beating the medias favorites(dippers) on that mark too... he improved the team when he came in, getting us playing good attacking football and he was able to have that influence IMO because he was a new manager. At some point they stopped doing it IMO, he lost their respect and lost the dressing room it seems to me, once that happened he should have dropped players for attitude alone if need be, isolate them.

The only time I remember him dropping any big name was Joe Hart when he had a shaky spell, maybe that's when all the problems started but for whatever reason it's obvious to me now the fitness and effort dropped from the players... that's been one of the biggest changes and the difference it's made on it's own could have made a huge difference for Pellers IMO, these are paid professional adults who have to share a large portion of the blame for the drop in standards I'm not having it was all Pellers fault. As good a player as both Yaya and Nasri can be those two away from the team has been very good for the rest of the players, there's no more ponderous arrogant strolling around the pitch like they are that good all they have to do is show up, I wonder if Pellegrini would have had the same backing of those above to make decisions like that on such well paid high profile players as Pep does now.

To be fair, we lost our first two away games under Pellegrini, both from winning positions. There was always a sense of complacency, which wasn't a problem, just as long as we were scoring goals at the other end.

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