Pep's Press Conferences - Watford (A) Post Match (Page 129)

I think they are as in awe of him as we are. They probably seek his approval. They've seen him exclaim "what the fuck?" when asked a shit question, so now they almost want to impress him with their questions. Pep is dominating them. It's hilarious. They were all scared to ask follow up questions about the Yaya situation until there was only one English question left.
I think they think we'll be banned if we stepped out of line lol
I'm happy the coughing has subsided a bit. I was getting a little worried about that for a few weeks
Still got a horrible feeling Im going to wake up planning a trip to adams park or bootham crescent at the weekend.......just how lucky are we to have the best coach in the world ?!
Doesn't sound good to me, an irritating cough for a few weeks ? He looks shattered after his day off. The Sheik should offer him his food taster (tester) you never know !!
He coughed a lot less today. So hopefully he is getting over whatever it was that was ailing him.

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