Perfume Clones and Dupes

We're now knee deep into the cost of living crisis, with rampant inflation into the double figures, and everyone who's anyone is trying to reign in on their spending habits. Food, gas, electricity, hospitality, pubic houses, childrens football tickets .. but you all get the idea as we dig in for the upcoming mellie of 2023.

It's time to buy some new perfumery for the wife and I, so was hoping to be able to grab a deal in the January sales, but the nice gear appears to be holding it's own, with Flowerbomb 125 ml at the £114 and Daisy fresh 100ml @ the £104. One of my own favourites called Stronger With You is reasonably priced @£64 for 150ml at one high street outlet, but the big boys are punting it at £86 but do remember those Boots points ..Oh yes!

I guess all the average man/lady in the street wants is for is a pleasing fragrence that holds well to the nostril and carry's a certain amount of longivity. We're in that camp but we no longer want to pay a £1 a millilitre to hobnob with the best.

So we are trying out a few perfume clones to see if we can achieve value and quality at a sensible price. There are quite a few companies out there that offer this service and a few shops that are offering copy smells, the trick is to weed out the wheat from the chaff. I can tell you now that Madam Glamour which is a Channel knock from LIidl is fair to middling at a fiver but holds the consistancy of pish having to be reapplied copious amounts thoughout the day. A lot of online reviews say that Avon do a good clone of Daisy called Eve, so we ordered a tester form them for £3 to be on the safe side.

We've also ordered 10 x 3 ml testers from an online company called Blossoms that with discount codes applied cost £16.

I will let you know how they all pan out. I'm well aware that all that glitters aint gold but they do say that God loves a trier.
Has anyone off here used any clones/dupes that they can recommend?

Fragrance oils, Radcliffe.
Milton Lloyd are good. I use them for work and you can still smell them on your clothes the next day.

The smells like list is here:

But your best buying them on Amazon for about £4 a 50ml tin. There used to be a deal on Amazon where if you bought the pack of 4 on subscribe and save you for them for £12 (cancel when you want)
Excellent after care and delivery service from Blossoms perfumery with a three day turnaround. Their bottles were well packaged with a few discount vouchers enclosed.


After smelling our way through copious bottles we were under no illusion that a dupes just a dupe, and can never exactly replicate an original, otherwise we would be entering the myriadal world of copyright infringement. A little in the way that consumers choose to shop at Aldi's and Lidll with copycats that on occation can hit all the right notes, whereas some can be dreadful. Anyway I'm rambling so I wont except to say a good number of the copycat perfumes remain par exemplary, and by aquiring samples we were in a position to make a better educated purchase. One mans poison and all that.

Mens samples
Opium Pour Homme.

My absolute favourite and very close to the original. Oriental conntations and most certainly the precurser and father of the amazing La Nuit Pour Lhomme. La nuit pour lhomme has been my go to for many years, and so no suprise that this made me sit up and take note. Absolutely loved it with decent longivity. Well done blossoms for a well priced and well rounded dupe.
Score 10/10

Black Orchid.
Mais Oui et bonne le douche! I enjoyed this sweet fragrence immensly. Longivity beng excellent and still carrying the pungent heart notes of lotus, orchid, gardenia and Jasmine several hours later. This clone really has staying power and the aroma as mentioned is heavy, but accomplished with a melodic dark composition.
Score 9/10

Stronger with you:
I have a small amount of the original remaining so was able to do a like for like in a home envirenment. The scents very close to the original, if not as intense and after a few hours the copy had faded, whereas the originals middle notes of Pineapple, Cinnamon, Melon, Sage and Lavender were clearly evident. As I can buy this retail for £66 per 150ml I think it would be more cost effective to not buy the copy owing to staying power. Score 7/10

Alien Man:
I never got the chance to compare it this morning with an original so have nothing to work on save for my own nose appeal. A pretty rounded generic smell and not offensive in any way, seemed to lose intensity after a few hours but at the price point nay mither. If it's all I had left in the top drawer I'd be very happy to use it.
No score as I could not compare

Eau de Nuit:

A nice average affair but not one of my favourite smells. I also did not match this to the copy so cannot comment on its smell alike capabilities
No score as I could not compare

Lady samples

Very nice indeed and if you like the original you'll probably be OK with this. Fairly close copy with the distint aroma thats ummistakingly Angel.
Score 7.95/10

Black Opium
Very nice copy of YSL's feminine scent. Reasonable longivity. We could not match this at the high street but the wife has used it before and says its a fairly close copy.
Score 8.9/10

Flower Bomb. Wife said this smells very close to the brand and so happy to buy. Tested this morning alongside the brand. From a male perspective J'adore love the smell of Flowerbomb on a woman and at this price it's a no brainer.
Score 9/10

Wife has used this many times and you can tell it's .. unmistakingly Daisy
Score 8.75/10

Couldn't test this one so no idea if the clone is up to the mark. Smells pleasant enough
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You're opening paragraph is pretty good but then you go on about perfume. Hardly struggling financially if you spend lots of money on that shit.
Well you've never smelt me have you, so your hardly able to comment with any degree of ambiguity.

When the average person in the street evaluates a product or service, they have to weigh value against the shops asking price. Shop owners and businesses generally focus much of their time and energy on managing the price side of the equation, since raising prices can immediately boost their profits, however it can also drive shoppers away.

Such is the case with perfumery giants demading £1 to £1.50 the ml just for a posh designer name. Theres some outandingly good perfumery creaters out there offering viable alternatives, such as the aformentioed Laurent Le Guernec who worked alongside Marc Jacobs and now knocking out cheaper alternatives.

The idea I guess is to buy the right product at the right price at the right time. You would have to be a complete and utter sausage to pay whatever the conglomerates ask, and that's applicable to whatever your market is, be it shopping for food, consumer goods, cars, holidays, perfumery etc etc etc.

Just because consumers seek out value in a cost of living crisis, doesn't necessarily follow that the aforementioned are on their arse, only that they demand the utmost of value akin to those outrageously demanding Aldi/Liddl shoppers.

We bought a 60 watt LED bulb for a £1 on a BOGOF deal at Tesco's today .. but that's not important right now.
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@Two Gun Bob try out perfume parlour. Ive recently got into dupes and clones just try something a bit different. So far some really good beast mode fragrances with their edp and extrait versions. Pretty much everything under the sun. Recent purchases of dupes of Parfum De Marlys Layton and Carlise (both edp).
Also check out
Does really good reviews of dupes and clones among his designer and niche ones. Good hunting :)
@Two Gun Bob try out perfume parlour. Ive recently got into dupes and clones just try something a bit different. So far some really good beast mode fragrances with their edp and extrait versions. Pretty much everything under the sun. Recent purchases of dupes of Parfum De Marlys Layton and Carlise (both edp).
Also check out
Does really good reviews of dupes and clones among his designer and niche ones. Good hunting :)
Nice one re MagsFrags and be nice to appraise other peoples opinions helping to cut out the wheat from the chaff.
Loads of videos on his site to wade through and appears to know his stuff.

This one looks interesting.
Essence vault v Perfume Parlour .. clone fragrance battle.

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Nice one re MagsFrags and be nice to appraise other peoples opinions helping to cut out the wheat from the chaff.
Loads of videos on his site to wade through and appears to know his stuff.

This one looks interesting.
Essence vault v Perfume Parlour .. clone fragrance battle.
I also like to hop over to here to search up the originals to see what others say and then that give me a good idea whether to lump on the dupe or not. Just a but of fun/hobby and couldn't give a fuck what anybody else thinks.

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