pete boil offered out on red issue

That C***ona song? You mean the direct theft of the 'Lily The Pink'/Colin The King song City had been singing for a quarter of a century beforehand?
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Here's a song for him:
"Fat Gary Glitter.
"You're just a fat Gary Glitter.
"Fat Gary Gliiiiitttteerrrr...."

No surprise, Windmill, that he only started going to the games around 1992.
Football didn't exist before then for many of these glory-hunting, bandwagon-jumping gimps
LongsightM13 said:
An obese, City-obsessed rag shitbag from Burnage who puts doggerel lyrics to nursery rhymes, and then sells CDs of the resulting musical travesty to Home Counties simpletons
Pretty sure he's done pub tours over here as well. I'd rather listen to Morrissey ''singing'' than Boil/Boyle (and that is saying something for me!).
I used to work at the Royal Mail Newton st in the mid to late 80's with Boyle and know that when he was younger used to support Arsenal.
LongsightM13 said:
An obese, City-obsessed rag shitbag from Burnage who puts doggerel lyrics to nursery rhymes, and then sells CDs of the resulting musical travesty to Home Counties simpletons

This is bang on. Exactly what he is.

As for being from Stockport.......well I am glad we don't have any lads come from Stockport
bitterbilly said:
I used to work at the Royal Mail Newton st in the mid to late 80's with Boyle and know that when he was younger used to support Arsenal.
If that is true, it is beyond funny.
Rag fans. Clowns led by buffoons.
BigBarry said:
LongsightM13 said:
An obese, City-obsessed rag shitbag from Burnage who puts doggerel lyrics to nursery rhymes, and then sells CDs of the resulting musical travesty to Home Counties simpletons

This is bang on. Exactly what he is.

As for being from Stockport.......well I am glad we don't have any lads come from Stockport
Of course we do, Barry. We don't see any problem at all with that.
For some reason, though, they do.
So a certain irony is at play.
LongsightM13 said:
BigBarry said:
This is bang on. Exactly what he is.

As for being from Stockport.......well I am glad we don't have any lads come from Stockport
Of course we do, Barry. We don't see any problem at all with that.
For some reason, though, they do.
So a certain irony is at play.

Agreed. But its wank when we call them for it too. Like it or not (and I like it) we are getting worldwide support too at the moment.

Was in New York over Christmas and saw about half a dozen people in City gear...Yanks too. The revolution is happening!
His songs are a bit shit but ive heard hes a bit of a well known hardcase around sth manchester, not sure if thats true or not but its what ive heard.

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