I should imagine it to be a dreadfully desolate place devoid of amusement, wine, women or song. If you are a Moon lady poster then please feel free to rearrange the auntie to wine, stud-muffing and song. There is only so many flowers a man can sniff in a day although I hasten to add I do find the process to be ever so pleasing. Also I find myself to have mentally changed since the advent of the internet. Back in the day it was eyes right, eyes to the front, fix baaaayonets and do your tunic up lad, officer on parade.
Now rebellions ones hiding behind keyboards most foul, make me question thrice over, every blessed occurrence. Damn you Boris and I do not comply as I act as a freeman under said referenced Article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 which states and if I may be so bold as to quote that I have a right to enter into lawful dissent if I feel I am being governed unjustly. Contrary to common belief, our sovereign and her government are only there to govern us and not rule us. This must be done within the constraint of our common law and the freedoms asserted to us by such law. Nothing can become law in this country if it falls outside of this simple constraint. I am not under any obligation, nor will I, answer any questions or give you any details. I am a living Moon-Person (c) and statutory regulations only apply with my consent.
So as that gaff will be proper empty I am going down to Nicks place. Everybody has a pop at the poor lad but lets examine what he has allegedly done shall we. Yes he scoffed an apple that wasn't his, so instead of handing out a suspended sentence or fine we make him the devil incarnate. I mean WTF!. At least he didn't drown a fooking planet now did he or send out plagues of locust to fook up our barley beer crops or or get proper get naughty in the temple and start kicking everything in sight because he was on one.
All lucifer did was pinch a fooking apple and he didn't even get a fair trial .... Just an omnipresent being flexing his pecs and lats and laying down the fooking law ..Not happy so discuss sensibly.